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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I miss Holly Rocamora posting here. Why doesn't she come back? Why don't pseudo famous people post here for very long?


There was the awesome Pinky Simmons run, I suppose. Pinky Simmons should come back as well. UKFF can be forum of the stars.

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Short Order Cook needs to get his missus an account, STAT!


I forgot Joel Ross posted here, although that was seemingly just to have a bit of a cry in all fairness because everyone thinks Wrestletalk is shit.



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I count Earthquake, Holly Dee, Pinky Simmons, Joel Ross and Chris Hamrick as the big names we've had on here, unless I'm missing someone.


Quick fact, I've wanked over three of them.


You missed out that bird who had a bit of The Ass Man then shamed him on the youtube.

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I'd say only Sheamus and Rey Mysterio. Both at a stretch.


The problem now isn't just that wrestlers don't have such an instantly identifiable look, but also that outside of actual wrestling fans, surely no fucker knows who Sheamus is or what a Rey Misterio does?


Back in the day you could go as Undy or Hogan and pretty much everyone would know who you were.


If you went to a school fancy dress party, yeah. If a thirty year old bloke turned up to a party in 1994 dressed as the Undertaker, nobody would've had a clue who they were meant to be unless they were a paedophile crashing a children's party. Twenty years from now, people will be able to dress up as Cena, Rey and Sheamus and get the "LOL dude, legend, retro, childhood lol" sort of recognition that people would get now dressing up as Bret Hart or Hulk Hogan.


Nah, in twenty years time the only people who will recognise a Cena or Sheamus fancy-dress costume are people who watched it "back in the day" (ie. now). Sheamus, Cena and Rey are not even slightly mainstream over here these days as wrestling isn't nearly as popular. Back in 93/94 Undertaker was getting lampooned on Newman & Baddiel In Pieces and the Hulkster was getting interviewed by Terry Wogan on prime-time telly and had proper films at the cinema (shit as they were).


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I'd disagree only on the Rey Mysterio front. I'd imagine he is pretty recognisable to the average person. He's no Rock, granted, but I'd imagine he's miles ahead of the likes of Sheamus, Punk and Orton when it comes to people knowing him I'd say. Even if its just by "he's that small wrestler with the mask" and not necessarily by name. For a few years, Rey was at the top of a lot of kids Christmas lists as well. I remember working in a toy shop a few years back when WWE first got the Mattel deal. You couldn't keep those Rey Mysterio figures on the fucking shelf.


Undertaker was one of the last surviving name from the big boom period over here, so he'd have probably been bigger than your average worker in 94. He's one of those memorable characters even back then. He seemed to be a legend even in 1993, strangely enough. He's always been protected and treated like something special.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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