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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Seeing Larry Hennig mentioned, i saw him managing Ryb-axel on a pre-show (Elimination Chamber?), was that a one shot deal?


Yeah. Show was in Minnesota so they sent him out and a combination of he's here anyway/might get a home state reaction.

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Just watched Jennifer Hudson on Jonathon Ross and they talked briefly about David Otunga and showed a couple of photos of him in the ring. The conversation of her son came up and they mentioned his future being the child of an oscar winning actress and singer and a "wrestler, body builder and Harvard educated lawyer".


Is there any reason he's not on TV right now? I know he's not the best hand they've got but he's got a hell of an interesting and real story about him away from the ring for them to use him as occasional fodder.

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Quackenbush shagged one of his female students, his financial backer of a wife caught him and then filed for divorce thus having to shut down Chikara as he tried to find a way to keep it alive. All this "shut down Chikara as an artistic statement" is wrestling spin doctoring.


what's the spin exactly that he's tried to tell? was it like "i'd rather shut down the company than give you a title shot" sort of spin. can't think of how else it could be spun


The talent who "owned" Chikara were portrayed as a company who were part of an evil conglomerate. In the main event of their last PPV, the security for the conglomerate came out and told everyone to stop filming & shut the show down. They cancelled all of the upcoming shows and shut down indefinitely. To make it seem real, Quackenbush set up fake websites for these companies. Then Chikara wrestlers started appearing on these Wresting Is shows, after a bunch of altercations between the Chikara talent & underwhelming flashmob events. They announced a return show for May.


Quackenbush seems a likeable guy but a high-end knob when it comes to criticism on his product. He think his storylines & product are an art. Colourful & outlandish maybe, but they aren't nothing high-brow. Its blokes dressed as ants & in ice cream masks and that bin bag style material to hide their shit physiques.

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Just watched Jennifer Hudson on Jonathon Ross and they talked briefly about David Otunga and showed a couple of photos of him in the ring. The conversation of her son came up and they mentioned his future being the child of an oscar winning actress and singer and a "wrestler, body builder and Harvard educated lawyer".


Is there any reason he's not on TV right now? I know he's not the best hand they've got but he's got a hell of an interesting and real story about him away from the ring for them to use him as occasional fodder.


I was wondering that the other day. He was great fun as Johnny Ace's legal counsel.


Anyway, Bad News Barrett is the real WWE World Heavyweight Champion

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Quackenbush seems a likeable guy but a high-end knob when it comes to criticism on his product.


From everything I've heard Quackenbush sounds like a right cunt. Loads of wrestlers hate him.

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Quackenbush seems a likeable guy but a high-end knob when it comes to criticism on his product.


From everything I've heard Quackenbush sounds like a right cunt. Loads of wrestlers hate him.


well I've finished the Quackenbush AOW podcast now and he definitely sounds passionate about his product. But I'd hate to actually chat to him about wrestling. I did shout out "stop being such a ponce" a few times during the podcast. He really did grind my gears at times. It seems that he needed to close for a year (financially or for personal reasons, who knows) and so decided to try and make a story out of it. Noble effort but it seems it fell a bit flat maybe. Worth a try though I guess.

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It's such a shame that Quackenbush is a po-faced self-important wanker, because everything else about Chikara is, to me, infinitely likeable. And sometimes it transcends that tongue-in-cheek style to be something really special and engaging. But to listen to Quack talk you'd think he'd written fucking Watchmen or something.


Anyway, the reason I came in here. Just spotted the mother of all [citation needed]s on the 1PW Wiki page:




Nameing rights and name rights?! What a bargain. I hope they make Mojo Rawley the new Dragon Aisu.

Edited by Up Chuck
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Also I don't like Mike Quackenbush because back in the day when he had a livejournal he wrote about visiting the UK and complained about loads of ridiculous things. Like that WH Smiths didn't have the New York Times Best Sellers chart, or that he couldn't find any American newspapers in newsagents or that a waitress in Machester couldn't understand his accent. Nuerotic cunt. I've seen many an indy wrestler shoot where they talk about what a fucking petty arrogant weirdo he is. He's infamous for sending group emails to all the wrestlers after a show where he critiques them and complains about there performance so all the other wrestlers can see. He goes out of his way to stop Chikara guys getting other bookings and will bully them to pull out of shows he doesn't want them appearing on. He always comes across as a proper twat.

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Yeah, it was alright. He wasn't especially keen to elaborate very much. He said there's only one more match he's interested in having, and it's against the Undertaker 'on a big stage.' He was coy about going to WWE but said he wants it to happen.


He also said Ric Flair likes women with hairy forearms and he claimed never to have heard of the Dangerous Alliance, even after the MC tried to remind him who they were.

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Sting sounds like the worst Q&A of all time. He's not especially egotistical about his career and just does what he's told most of the time, so the details are always going to be lost. He seems so far removed from the business when he takes his face paint off, I imagine it would make for a pretty dull session. He seems like a great bloke, but I imagine it would be like listening to Owen Hargreaves speak.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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