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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Has anyone managed to make Del Rio interesting or upped his stock though? He's worked with people like Cena and Punk and he's always been a total bore. Swagger has had less opportunities at the top, but he's also always been as dull as shit on his own too.

He was brilliant booting Ziggler in the head over and over again while ostensibly still a babyface, and then coming out and cutting that coy tweener promo immediately after. I proper loved all that, and I don't usually like either of them.


Either side of that match he's be a fucking drain in every feud he's had for years.

For sure. That match was absolutely brilliant. Loved it.

One of my favourite matches of last year, and the way that the Chicago crowd reacted to Ziggler losing was hilarious.

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97-2003 seems like it was about 10x longer than 2005-2014 to me, must just be a kid thing getting caught up in everything. I dip out of the product post Summerslam most years now and don't come back till around Survivor Series. I try and catch most PPV's though.


Even missing Heat would be unthinkable back in the day. I loved the seeing random people pop up on the likes of Metal and Jakked too.


I remember my first wrestling magazine was the PWI 500 RVD came first in (2002?) and it blew my mind to realize that there was an indy scene out there and that all the old WCW and ECW guys were still slugging away somewhere unseen.

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Kofi Kingston's been in WWE for about twice as long as Yokozuna ever was.

Kofi has been in WWE longer than Kurt Angle or Chris Benoit or Eddie Guerrero ever was. That to me is fucking mind blowing.


I like that Vickie Guerrero has been a regular on screen character 8 years, compared to Eddie's 5. If their daughter had ever made it, there'd be a piss funny argument to be had to call her a second generation performer as the ex-GM's kid, rather than the ex-alive WWE Champion's kid.

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It's just weird isn't it. Raw has felt the same for about 10 years, but in 1996 when you had the New Generation in WWF and the nWo in WCW, "Hulkamania" felt like it was an entire generation ago, when in reality it'd only really been about 3 years since he threw salt in Yokos eyes..

Edited by Benno
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I probably put too much stock in how much any of it makes a difference business-wise, but as a fan, the aesthetics make up an enormous part of my enjoyment, from the sets to the logos to the gear. Still some of the biggest moments of anticipation for Mania for me come from looking forward to seeing how long the ramp is and all the lads wearing their new clothes. I still hate that the HD era brought identical sets to all the TV shows, especially as it predominantly aped the Raw set, which has tweaked itself so subtly year by year from 1997 that it honestly feels like it's never changed since the Titantron was first launched.


It's not just me that gets a semi for all this shite though. I recall a TNA show ages ago teasing a layout with a long bending aisle akin to old WWF ones. It didn't materialise IIRC, but it generated some pretty exciting discussion just with the prospect of it.

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You're definitely not the only one NEWMson. I'm exactly the same on all that. The imagery wrestling can create is one of the things I enjoy about it most. Whenever something like Old School Raw or MSG Raw comes around its exciting just because things will look different and feel like a different setting. There's been some tours WWE have done over the last decade that have looked fascinating just because the country provided a different backdrop.


I'm with you on the time thing too. I often think about that and it always blows my mind to think about the same timespan just at different points in WWE. The 90s in particular. 92-97 are night and day, worlds apart yet 2008 - 2013 doesn't seem nearly as different. Even 97-2000 or for that matter 98/99 - 2002/2003. So much shit happened in those years and things moved so fast it's just fucking insane to think about and comprehend it now. That shit fascinates me really. Kofi may well have excelled being around at that time, who knows? If Mr. Perfect was around now he could just as easily be WWE World title material as he could be lost in the shuffle and wrestling nothing matches each week. Everyone says how nobody these days is as good as the guys of the past. That isn't always true. Del Rio is fucking good, he's a fantastic wrestler and he was really hot for a bit, Ryback was super hot for a bit. They could have caught on, Del Rio could have been a real top heel. Booking and timing are everything in making it big in WWE. But yeah, Cenas Rumble return was 6 fucking years ago now!? WrestleMania XX was 10 years ago. How is that possible!!? When you think of the time Cena has been on top it's incredible really. I think a lot of things changed about ten years ago when the likes of Cena and Orton made the main event at such a young age. They've been around forever. They have nowhere to go but to end up against each other and feuding over the belt again eventually because of WWEs booking style today and endless amount of product to produce. I remember reading that Bret Hart only won his first WWF title when he was 35. Before Rock and Brock I think almost all WWF champions were well into their 30s. Today, that would be considered a reason to not push an unestablished act into a main event angle. But, yeah...Cena at the Rumble in 2008 was 6 years ago. That feels like 2 months ago. Six more years and Royal Rumble 2000 is 20 years old. Absolutely fucking terrifying.

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What a look Don Callis had. Always looked rather shifty. A brilliant talker as well. He's one of those guys from the boom period where if he came around today he'd be 50 times more over than he was at the time. Someone like him would be perfect for WWE or TNA right now.



Is the Cornette interview with him worth a listen?


Yeah I'd recommend it. I've got a bit tired of Cornette's podcast but Callis seems like a really cool guy. Well worth a listen for some good stories.

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I probably put too much stock in how much any of it makes a difference business-wise, but as a fan, the aesthetics make up an enormous part of my enjoyment, from the sets to the logos to the gear. Still some of the biggest moments of anticipation for Mania for me come from looking forward to seeing how long the ramp is and all the lads wearing their new clothes. I still hate that the HD era brought identical sets to all the TV shows, especially as it predominantly aped the Raw set, which has tweaked itself so subtly year by year from 1997 that it honestly feels like it's never changed since the Titantron was first launched.


It's not just me that gets a semi for all this shite though. I recall a TNA show ages ago teasing a layout with a long bending aisle akin to old WWF ones. It didn't materialise IIRC, but it generated some pretty exciting discussion just with the prospect of it.


Think I posted something similar a few months or about a year back. I miss the different sets for different shows massively. It sounds silly but it was my favourite part of the SmackDown! games when I used to buy them to see how the different arenas looked.

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More wrestlers need to wear white boots, If Curtis Axel wore boots like his dad he would've been slightly more over, even the HHH and Roode have bust out sexy white shoes for big events


I agree, though they didn't suit Hunter at all. Magnus looks cool with them on but I do think white boots should be reserved for the good guys!

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More wrestlers need to wear white boots, If Curtis Axel wore boots like his dad he would've been slightly more over, even the HHH and Roode have bust out sexy white shoes for big events


I agree, though they didn't suit Hunter at all. Magnus looks cool with them on but I do think white boots should be reserved for the good guys!

Aren't the white boots HHH's "I'm losing" signal?

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