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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Ryback seems to have went a bit mad.



I think Ryback is getting sacked soon. He nearly murdered Dolph Ziggler with a clothesline on Superstars and didnt take it home after he knocked him silly.


Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Surely it's the referees/people in the backs decision whether or not to take it home.


And while it's bad that Ryback knocked him out, Swagger damn near kicked Ziggler's brain out of the back of his head last year and he's doing alright. I'd be surprised if they sacked him.


EDIT: Although yes judging by his Twitter he has indeed gone mental.

Edited by LaGoosh
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He's concussed a few people now. He's got a reputation as being quite dangerous. He seems to have slipped into the "not giving a fuck" stage which makes me think his days are numbered.


How many concussions has Ziggler had recently? Its putting them in an interesting position, because they dont want people with multiple concussions on the roster. So do they send him home for a bit? Its such an odd position, this concussion business. I remember when Bret Hart got booted in the head, he suffered loads after it because you are more vulnerable when your brain is already scrambled. Ziggler could do with some time off. Doing jobs to Ryback isn't the position he wants to be in.

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Some time away would probably do his career a world of good actually. I still think he has main eventer potential but at this point they've ruined him. Too many stop-start pushes.

Edited by LaGoosh
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He's concussed a few people now. He's got a reputation as being quite dangerous. He seems to have slipped into the "not giving a fuck" stage which makes me think his days are numbered.


How many concussions has Ziggler had recently? Its putting them in an interesting position, because they dont want people with multiple concussions on the roster. So do they send him home for a bit? Its such an odd position, this concussion business. I remember when Bret Hart got booted in the head, he suffered loads after it because you are more vulnerable when your brain is already scrambled. Ziggler could do with some time off. Doing jobs to Ryback isn't the position he wants to be in.


Ziggler wants to do his own thing anyway. He's boring, not actually that good at anything other than bumping, and his hair looks like curry flavour Super Noodles. P45 him.

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Ziggler could indeed do with some time away. He's nothing more than the King of Superstars as of late, and as evidenced here, he doesn't even always win on the internet-only D-show.


I very much doubt he'd be involved in anything significant for Wrestlemania, and if WWE do still have plans for him, the stink of "got left off Wrestlemania whilst active on the roster" can be hard to get rid of if you then want to push someone big in the summer/autumn.

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I would definitely release Ziggler, in fact I would jump for joy if that happened. I just don't think he offers anything and I think he has aspirations to do stuff outside of wrestling anyway, like stand-up comedy (good luck with that). If he's had a few concussions it's a decision that would be in the best interests for all parties.

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Wasn't that rule used in a video game at some point? I'm pretty sure i remember being DQ'd for something like that.


Are you maybe thinking of the five-count for the illegal man in tag matches? That's been in a few times and it always annoys me when I get a premature DQ ending.

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He would be sorted on the indies. He'd be able to charge the big money for appearances and indy dates. Especially if he finds himself in a position where they aren't giving him the PPV bonuses. MVP, Morrison and Carlito do really well, by all accounts. And if Jarrett gets up and running, Ziggler would be one of the first people he'd be looking at.


And Dolph Ziggler is probably one of the few people who actually would be better off having them keep his name.

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