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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Yeah, it's not as controlled as theatre, or film. Or, at least it wasn't (and to some extent today, if you're lucky enough to be one of the, maybe, 4 guys that have genuine leverage over WWE it still isn't).


And, wrestlers of a certain era are particularly inclined to having set-in-stone notions of their own character, how it should be positioned and aren't afraid to use 'creative flourishes' to get that done. That move, intentionally or otherwise, said 'stay out of it lady, the men are talking.'


It stood out at the time, to me anyway. I didn't think it'd fly.


You can't really say 'its acting' if he went off script. There's no instance I can think of where an actor could go off script, into business for themselves, cause offence and not get some shit for it.

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If a theatre actor or professional singing went into business for themself that probably wouldn't be looked upon well either.

Well it's a good job it was a wrestling promo and not theatre acting or professional singing then. :D


Did Dusty actually "go into business for himself"? The promo served it's purpose just fine if I recall. I'd actually be amazed if every single word spoken by Triple H and Steph in all their promos are word-perfect to the script. It just seems like a big over-reaction.


Fair enough, if Dusty had started throwing bionic elbows and talking about re-opening Turnbuckle Championship Wrestling while calling Triple H a pussy, then by all means drill him for going "off script" but a bit of ad-libbing that gets the point across should be fine.

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Does it feel like to anyone else that Cody Rhodes and Goldust have already lost the massive momentum they had built?


Does WWE know how to maintain momentum for anyone anymore?


I wouldn't be surprised if there was truth to that Stephanie story. Has there been a single moment since she returned as a onscreen regular where she has looked weak? She's the fucking touch of death I swear. I could write essays about how much I hate her.

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I think there's a hypocrisy there that certainly says she's got a lot of front for being offended, or causing a fuss about it. If only because she's made her fortune, for all intents and purposes, from sexism.


Doesn't get anymore sexist than WWE, really.


But the move was pretty sexist in that Triple H/Stephanie are presented as the power couple, together they are the Authority, and they both were bating Dusty in that segment and he chose to focus his ire on Triple H and exclude her from the argument.


Ian's right, had a legend done it to a lesser diva they'd probably be told to belt up. But if I knew nothing of WWE and just had to judge that segment, I'd say she was right to be pissed if that wasn't planned.

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The way I see it is this - every second that Steph is on TV she's in character, just like dusty is in character. Steph is currently playing the part of a bullying, bitch boss who manipulates people and screws people over.


Dusty's actions in that exchange were rather disrespectful at times, but her character totally deserves to be disrespected - she's a total bitch! Everything that happened in that segment was in-character. The idea of getting upset because someone was "rude" to you while performing a staged conversation between fictional characters is mental.


Had Dusty buggered up the whole segment with his actions then that would be a completely different matter.

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He wasn't exactly going to go nose-to-nose with Steph though, he's obviously going to square up to HHH. Reeks of Steph looking for context where there is none and being pissy. I remember that promo and all that stood out as awkward was Steph acting awkward to it, not the action itself.

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