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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I know John Cena has alot of fans on here and there is no denying he delivers in the big matches but I'm watching his segment with Ryback from Raw and I have to say that to me I don't think there has ever been a wrestler as unfunny and annoying on the microphone. He's such a unlikeable twat.


Unsurprisingly, I agree completely.


It's weird, because he undoubtedly can bring the good stuff when he needs to and he's excellent in many of his big matches, but on a weekly, regular basis he's just the most moronic and annoying turd on the shows. I honestly don't get why any normal, adult men actually like his act. I can understand kids thinking he's a hero, woman fancying him and "Patriotic Americans" cheering for him, but just not regular blokes.


He's like the annoying bloke at work who isn't funny and can't do comedy impressions - yet he's constantly making shit jokes and doing bad impressions. That and he dresses like a toddler, obviously.

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Cena's probably the best big match wrestler active today and probably the best big match promo, but I have to agree that he's the absolute shits when it comes to comedy. I'd prefer him to just leave it well alone, but I can see why that side of his character probably makes up a big part of his appeal to the children.

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I don't even see kids laughing at that "My favorite movie is Fried Green Tomatoes because it has food in it" line. Steve Austin and Kurt Angle need to have a word with Cena and teach him how to do proper wrestling comedy. He just comes across so fake and phoney all the time.

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Cenas just totally hit or miss with that stuff. He has actually made me laugh a few times, he has the odd out of the blue good moment or line. I chuckled at his Mike Tyson impression in his promo with The Rock and he had a couple of moments on the post-Mania Raw too.

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WWE have a horrible habit of trying to make its top babyfaces funny these past few years and it pretty much makes them all incredibly unlikeable. Whenever Shaemus tries to be funny he comes across as a right cunt. He's a tough Irishman who likes a good fight, why does he have to tell comedic folk stories? Alberto Del Rio is the Mexican man of the people, why does he have to dress up as Jack Swagger and talk about tacos? It's incredibly infuriating. Leave comedy to Daniel Bryan, Santino Marrella, Damien Sandow, Prime Time Players...guys who clearly have a knack for pulling it off without looking like dickheads.

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I like Randy Orton for being a no-bullshit babyface and before the turn, Ryback was the same. Despite not having had a significant storyline in more than two years, Orton is still super-over too. You don't need to crack shit jokes to get the people on your side.

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I can understand kids thinking he's a hero, woman fancying him and "Patriotic Americans" cheering for him, but just not regular blokes.


Because he's massive, he does what's right, and he overcomes the odds and he also just seems like a really fucking good bloke. Essentially he's the star of an 80s action flick. I can't imagine anything a "regular bloke" would normally like more. Maybe it's just got to the point these days where it's not so much "Wow, look at him. I want to be him. YAY!" and got to be "Look at him, I can never be him. BOOO! Oh, look at that little weakling. I can be him! YAY!".

Edited by PowerButchi
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Does it really get much worse than the Heart Punch?

In todays wrestling, it looks a bit awful. In the seventies however, the punch had a cracking back-story to it with Ox Baker indirectly killing somebody with it.


In 1971, Ox Baker's opponent Alberto Torres died after taking Baker's finishing maneuver the Heart Punch. It was later divulged Torres had a pre-existing condition.
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I can't imagine anything a "regular bloke" would normally like more. Maybe it's just got to the point these days where it's not so much "Wow, look at him. I want to be him. YAY!" and got to be "Look at him, I can never be him. BOOO! Oh, look at that little weakling. I can be him! YAY!".


But why would a regular bloke want to be him? He's a goofy unfunny poorly dressed twat. Regular guys want to be Stone Cold, an unstoppable tough badass who does whatever they want or The Rock, the coolest man around. Regular guys don't care about a character who "does right"...this is fucking wrestling. The whole thing should be mental nonsense with normal morals thrown out the window.


I understand why women and kids love Cena but I don't see what appeal he has to "regular blokes". Regular blokes are more likely to get behind Ryback/Mark Henry type characters.

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Yeah, it's easy to pigeonhole people who dislike Cena and say they want to cheer for CM Punk because he's a scrawny geek like them, but a lot of them also cheer for Brock Lesnar who is a big beefy hunk of a man who we should all want to slather with baby oil or whatever the standard is.


I agree that that Cena is an incredible big match wrestler and a fantastic promo on his day and I'm generally a big fan of his, but I don't see why you have to pretend to enjoy his often atrocious comedy as well or risk being labelled a jealous scrawny smark. I find it irritating when he does it because from week to week he can be my favourite thing on the show or make me want to gouge my eyes out. Like everyone else I can understand why he does it but it doesn't stop me hating it when he's doing awful schtick in the middle of what should be a heated feud.

Edited by JLM
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Maybe just don't like nice guys these days then? Battered wife syndrome? CM Punks a cunt and Lesnar's a cunt, but you go back to them and let them black your eye because you love him? The annoying comedy doesn't bother me as essentially all comedy in WWE which isn't Damien Sandow on a webshow or Daniel Bryan is annoying comedy. I fail to see how someone can't be immune to it by now. It's certainly not as annoying as, say, Zack Ryder, and there's still people who want him on TV more. Even on here!



I don't see why you have to pretend to enjoy his often atrocious comedy as well or risk being labelled a jealous scrawny smark.


Don't think anyone said anything like that. Stop jerking your knee or being one of those strawmen deals everyone goes on about or some such.

Edited by PowerButchi
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I don't even see kids laughing at that "My favorite movie is Fried Green Tomatoes because it has food in it" line. Steve Austin and Kurt Angle need to have a word with Cena and teach him how to do proper wrestling comedy. He just comes across so fake and phoney all the time.



He's absolutely not funny but the last think you could ever accuse Cena of is being fake and phoney. I believe in his character completely. I believe he is Superman, always does the right thing, is a super nice guy and overcomes the odds. This just isn't mutually exclusive to him being a total dork who I wouldn't want to spend any time with at all.


Who likes anyone that nice? Boring people, that's who.


Because he's massive, he does what's right, and he overcomes the odds and he also just seems like a really fucking good bloke. Essentially he's the star of an 80s action flick


I disagree with this assessment because he has no edge to him. And 80s action stars knew how to deliver a one liner, and as we've established Cena can't do that.





Edit -


I don't see why you have to pretend to enjoy his often atrocious comedy as well or risk being labelled a jealous scrawny smark.


Don't think anyone said anything like that.



Umm. you did..?

Oh, look at that little weakling. I can be him! YAY!
Edited by Chest Rockwell
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I was referring to his awful comedy and having to pretend to enjoy it.


And also, many smarks are very, very fat. Not just scrawny.


But seriously, surely 99% of the reasons you'd like a wrestler is because they've got a quality to which you aspire? It goes back to the "Men want to be, women want to fuck" thing. Cena's got a load of qualities which many people would aspire to. No, he's not funny when he's making references to chick flicks from the turn of the 1990s, but he's strong, saves the day, gets the girl.


Although Mulvey would probably look into it far more and say all people who like Cena are gay.

Edited by PowerButchi
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