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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Want to drive yourself fucking insane? Here's a two hour retrospective of the first 9 months of WCW in the year 2000 made for the Japanese market (I think).


Fucking hell. Just fucking hell. My head is so in bits right now after sitting through that. It's driven me barmy. I know it's an edited thing, but trust me, I don't remember it making much more sense at the time.



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I think the pinnacle of this madness was the run-up to the Great American Bash where you had the Sting/Vampiro fued, Scott Steiner fighting everyone in a giant steel thimble, Goldberg and his monster truck doing run-ins every week as well as that mad Kevin Nash vs. New Blood Gauntlet match. If you look at the DDt Digest recaps of those weeks, you might actually go insane. Arn Anderson wrestled, Miss Elizabeth was in a HIAC match, Daffney won the Cruiserweight belt, Norman Smiley was selling bootleg merchandise and cutting lawns for money and that's just the tip of the iceberg. It really is a bizarre month, but I absolutely love it.

Edited by Forrest
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Want to drive yourself fucking insane? Here's a two hour retrospective of the first 9 months of WCW in the year 2000 made for the Japanese market (I think).


Fucking hell. Just fucking hell. My head is so in bits right now after sitting through that. It's driven me barmy. I know it's an edited thing, but trust me, I don't remember it making much more sense at the time.




Cheers, Ive bookmarked that to watch later. No doubt my head will hurt as well after watching it but strangely I loved WCW in that era. Will be good to watch it all again.

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Hooked this up to the TV, this is the best Sunday afternoon I've spent in months. I just lost it at "he suckerpunched his own father with the Statue of Liberty!"


Jeff Jarrett has just become WCW Champion for about the 40th time this month. So many Hell in a Cell rip-off matches. The "red bath" - definitely not blood, nor intended to represent blood, despite being used by the New Blood. It's also the deadliest foreign object in the company. You can kick out of chairshots, guitar shots, belt shots aplenty, but get "red" (definitely not blood or representative of blood) dropped on you and, well, there's no coming back from that.

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I'm watching it atm, about an hour and a half through.


How much bollocks was there on TV at that time? Was this the time that WWF started overtaking WCW in the ratings, or did this shit still keep them on top?


Half the stuff makes no sense, and other half is fucking mental.

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It's a shame it ends a couple of months before Russo fucks off. From December of that year when Bischoff and Johnny Ace were booking it really started to sort it's act out but it was far too late.

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Got about 15 minutes in, and had to stop. That made no sense - was that even in order?


I've never seen the bit before where Goldbery smashes the (presumably real) limo windows out with his fist, and clearly fucks himself up doing so. What an idiot! I mean, stop after the first one, Bill.

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Like Butch I always maintain WCW was starting to turn the corner just when Vince bought it, once they got a bit of order going bumped Jarrett down a bit and that it made for really good t.v in 2001. Would have been interesting to see Bischoff bring back all the big stars he had planned but I suppose he might not have been able to resist turning it into another nWo angle.

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Got about 15 minutes in, and had to stop. That made no sense - was that even in order?


I've never seen the bit before where Goldbery smashes the (presumably real) limo windows out with his fist, and clearly fucks himself up doing so. What an idiot! I mean, stop after the first one, Bill.

In his autobiography Goldberg says he was asked to smash them with a bat but he wanted to punch them as he didn't think his character would use a bat, in the book he mentions they where going to use a gimmicked window but forgot to change it. Goldberg also claims it shortened his career as he tore tendons and ligaments in his arm

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Got about 15 minutes in, and had to stop. That made no sense - was that even in order?


I've never seen the bit before where Goldbery smashes the (presumably real) limo windows out with his fist, and clearly fucks himself up doing so. What an idiot! I mean, stop after the first one, Bill.

In his autobiography Goldberg says he was asked to smash them with a bat but he wanted to punch them as he didn't think his character would use a bat, in the book he mentions they where going to use a gimmicked window but forgot to change it. Goldberg also claims it shortened his career as he tore tendons and ligaments in his arm


The version you always hear is that he had something in his hand -- brass knuckles or a metal bar or whatnot -- that the camera wouldn't see, that he'd smash the windows with to protect his hands, but on the first hit, it flew out of his hand and inside the limo, so (because it was WCW and they did it live rather than a pre-tape) he had to keep going with bare fists and sliced himself up.

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