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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Just had a look at the latest NJPW on AXS release & wish I hadn't bothered. Matches from Dominion last year, which included Saku vs. Shibata. One of the MOTYs from 2015. It only went 12 min's & the dumb bastards showed about 5 of 'em. On top of that, Shitcunt Ross on commentary. What a prick. Couldn't sound more out of place. Didn't stick with it, on the offchance that he gave it a 'My god he must be broken in half" or 'these 2 men'll never be the same again'...4 minutes into a match. Fuck, I detest that fat cunt.

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Probably in the minority but i dont get the love for nakamura. Watched his debut at takeover and on nxt tv and while he has a good presence and lots of charisma, once the bell rings i think he often looks knackered and his "king of strongstyle" moves dont really do much for me. Hope he grows on me because i want him to do well but do far, not impressed.

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Probably in the minority but i dont get the love for nakamura. Watched his debut at takeover and on nxt tv and while he has a good presence and lots of charisma, once the bell rings i think he often looks knackered and his "king of strongstyle" moves dont really do much for me. Hope he grows on me because i want him to do well but do far, not impressed.


Agree with that. He really needs to hit the gym also.

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Thirded. Takeover was my first time seeing him and the impression I took away was cool entrance and very charismatic but a bit awkward looking in the ring and very "soft" in terms of physique. The crowd definitely helped. I watched his match from NXT TV and was very underwhelmed. His finisher looks a bit shit too.

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Been quite surprised at just how many people on the board have said "this was my first time seeing Nakamura" this last 2 weeks.


I don't say that to be snarky, just speaks to the unbelievable market position WWE has, that it's been so absolutely shite for 90% of the last 10 years and we're all on here moaning about it most of the week - yet so many people on this hardcore Internet board have never watched him in New Japan or caught him on a Ring Of Honor show or something.

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Been quite surprised at just how many people on the board have said "this was my first time seeing Nakamura" this last 2 weeks.


I don't say that to be snarky, just speaks to the unbelievable market position WWE has, that it's been so absolutely shite for 90% of the last 10 years and we're all on here moaning about it most of the week - yet so many people on this hardcore Internet board have never watched him in New Japan or caught him on a Ring Of Honor show or something.

I haven't watched much wrestling at all in the last 10 years, and I used to watch tonnes of different stuff. I only started getting Wrestlemania again since WM30 - so it's just an annual thing now for me & a few friends. And this time we watched the NXT show beforehand, where we used to watch the HOF.


I keep up with news through here & the Observer - that's it. Heard so much about Nakamura from the G1 tournaments & his matches with Styles. I really enjoyed the Zayn match, but the guy has no chance on the WWE main roster - his movements & facials are too camp for WWE to not have him be gay or something. They won't be able to resist making him some sort of weirdo character or a stereotype of something. He'd actually be better off staying in NXT. 


And I come here mainly for UFC & MMA discussion - it's the best place around for that, since people are actually smart & normal.

Edited by herbie747
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So Nakamura hits the gym (on 'your' advice), adds 25 lb of muscle. Exactly how does that help? More aesthetically pleasing for you clearly, anything else? No surprise some people don't 'get him'. Half of you don't get 'owt unless its fucking spoonfed.

Who are you replying to? It can't be to me, since I said nothing you're referring to. So use the quote feature.

Edited by herbie747
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I wouldn't say he's lame per se, he's just had to really rein his act in from what it was on the indies. Stuff that is finishing matches on NXT were a near fall (what a) manoeuvr on the indies. He looks the part, but still needs a lot of work on his promos and to decide on a better finish.

I do think he has been brought up far too soon, another 12 months in NXT would have been good for him

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