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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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So with the brand split rumoured to be coming back, what's everyone's thoughts? I'd be happy to see it back personally. As long as the still only the one Heavyweight champ though.

thoughts are that everyone moaned that it needed to end, so they ended it. Now they're moaning that needs to come back, which looks like it might, and then they'll say it needs to be knocked on the head again and we'll keep going round in circles
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There's already a perfectly good brand split.  WWE and NXT.  Unless they're actually going to do it properly and have the two brands be different and separate, then what's the point?  NXT and WWE are totally different, and most of the time, separate, works great.

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So with the brand split rumoured to be coming back, what's everyone's thoughts? I'd be happy to see it back personally. As long as the still only the one Heavyweight champ though.

I don't think the roster is there for it. Raw would certainly have to go back to two hours. They're also probably not going to split the big belt again and to be honest I'm of the opinion that a true brand split it just that - an absolute split - like things were for the first few years. 


SmackDown will never, ever be a show of consequence again without a brand split. Even if big matches and big promos are announced ahead of time for it you know it's going to be stock material that recaps the previous Raw and bridges to the next one. Anything of true consequence will be kept for the eyeballs watching on Monday nights. With a brand split however SmackDown becomes required viewing for the non jaded fan, because it has it's own canon and sequence of events separate to Raw.


Rose tint personal preference alert but I adored the brand split particularly in the latter half of 2003. Raw was a big, angry Attitude Era hangover full of meatheads and ex WCW talent whilst SmackDown was it's more urban, slick, athletic counterpart. Both featured some monumentally weird angles. I looked forward to them both each and every week in a way I didn't even appreciate fully at the time for entirely different reasons. Given how bad Raw's been up to this point for the past few months the idea of having two separate WWE outputs each week with entirely different angles that I both looked forward to is fucking galactic.


I even liked the single brand PPV format. It birthed some of the worst cards ever like Judgement Day 04 but they were also entirely capable of promoting excellent cards like Vengeance 2003, No Mercy 2003, Vengeance 2005, Unforgiven 2006. Leaving long ass, old school periods of build for whatever show was on a leap month. The split was maintained so well that when Benoit, Lesnar and Goldberg started messing around on the other shows in the build to WrestleMania XX it was a huge deal. 


Taz and Michael Cole were also the best commentary team in the game for a year or two, there. I actually liked Taz's match breakdown style and daft humor. The two had a believable, inviting banter that wasn't stale. Then some time early 2004 I remember reading in the sheets that Vince wanted Taz to disagree with Cole more and the whole thing went to shit.

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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So with the brand split rumoured to be coming back, what's everyone's thoughts? I'd be happy to see it back personally. As long as the still only the one Heavyweight champ though.

thoughts are that everyone moaned that it needed to end, so they ended it. Now they're moaning that needs to come back, which looks like it might, and then they'll say it needs to be knocked on the head again and we'll keep going round in circles



In fairness, they allowed it to be watered down so much that it became a total waste of time. I was in favour of it for longer than most, I think, but by the end everybody was on both shows anyway. It was typical of the short termism WWE's had in recent years. A hard split could've been used to keep talent separate and build up *new* dream matches, instead of relying ones from twenty years ago.


I could see this one failing completely, to be honest. Smackdown! is barely on the radar anymore, and they don't have the star power to keep Raw's ratings up, much less spare enough to rebuild another show. It could be a great way to get more content for the Network but unless they take the long term view, and actually stick to it,,then it just won't last.

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The big positive about a split for me would be that guys like Ryback, Cesaro, Harper etc... Could be given a chance in the main event of Smackdown at least. Let them actually see if they will float or sink and stop all the fans getting on their backs to give them a chance.

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Completely wacky idea but maybe re-brand Smackdown as WCW Thursday Nitro. Make it look completely different to RAW. It would at least create a bit of a buzz for that 2 hours each week. Have the Big 4 as multi brand PPVs and bring back Starcade and Halloween Havoc as WCW specific specials. Something needs to be done to Smackdown thats for sure.

Edited by TheLowdown1987
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So I can't be the only one that gets disproportionately annoyed at that weird "one fall" thing everyone parrots during the introductions at literally all of the Brit Wres shows these last couple of years.


Can anyone explain what it is? Is it a joke? What is the joke? How did it start? Why do people do it. Keep seeing announcers everywhere playing up to it now too. Does my nut in. (I told you my annoyance was disproportionate).


Started in ICW, then quickly spread to Preston, and TIDAL, and RevPro, and then pretty much everywhere else.  That's why, 2 or 3 years later, everyone was doing it at all the NXT shows around the country.

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Completely wacky idea but maybe re-brand Smackdown as WCW Thursday Nitro. Make it look completely different to RAW. It would at least create a bit of a buzz for that 2 hours each week. Have the Big 4 as multi brand PPVs and bring back Starcade and Halloween Havoc as WCW specific specials. Something needs to be done to Smackdown thats for sure.

I've been in a coma. What year is it??

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Completely wacky idea but maybe re-brand Smackdown as WCW Thursday Nitro. Make it look completely different to RAW. It would at least create a bit of a buzz for that 2 hours each week. Have the Big 4 as multi brand PPVs and bring back Starcade and Halloween Havoc as WCW specific specials. Something needs to be done to Smackdown thats for sure.

I've been in a coma. What year is it??



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