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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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It is strange. Owen really didn't have a reputation for being reckless. It's doubly weird when you think Austin did exactly the same thing to Masa Chono about 5 years earlier. Stone Cold knew that move was a really bad idea, so I can easily believe he'd have been absolutely insistent with Owen not to do it.

Plus he'd already been diagnosed with severe neck vertebrae erosion and advised to retire by a doctor a couple of months before Summerslam as it was, I can't imagine he'd push his luck on such a throwaway move.

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Why was Owen doing that move anyway? I don't remember him ever doing it before, and it seems like even if it goes well you've still fucked off Undertaker.

I don't know how he didn't notice 8 inches of Austins head sticking out too far!

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Why was Owen doing that move anyway? I don't remember him ever doing it before, and it seems like even if it goes well you've still fucked off Undertaker.

He did pull it out every now and then. He definately did it in the Owen/Neidhart vs Bret/Bulldog tag match.

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Yeah, she has that Maryse thing of having a deadly combo of good looks and genuine charisma, which most of the women don't have. It's why Eve Maria does nowt for old Bollocks, while pretty she seems proper vapid.


Sasha Banks sort of looks like a lass I was pining for as a younger lad too.

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Banks isn't pretty. She's just utterly sexy and that charisma and "I'm out of your fucking league" character is a turn on. Most Divas are model pretty but not at all sexy. Plastic tits and a low cut top doesn't equal sexy.

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I'm very out of touch with pop culture, but Sasha Banks comes across very contemporary to me. By which, I mean she seems quite like the current female pop stars I know of, Rihanna and the like. She doesn't just feel like a wrestling gimmick cooked up by some wrestling div anywhere at any time. I find her quite unique in that, and that's part of what makes her so special. It's rare that anything in wrestling strikes me as particularly now. The Vaudevillains are kind of the opposite, but they could do it too with a hipster gimmick.

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I keep hearing people complaining about how Seth Rollins is being booked as champion. The main complaint is that he's being booked weakly by only barely keeping the title, a point that is only valid for face champions in my opinion. A relatively small heel being booked to constantly use underhanded tactics is perfectly logical. Is it just my Facebook feed that's seeing this negative reaction to his title run? Personally I think it's been excellently done.

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I keep hearing people complaining about how Seth Rollins is being booked as champion. The main complaint is that he's being booked weakly by only barely keeping the title, a point that is only valid for face champions in my opinion. A relatively small heel being booked to constantly use underhanded tactics is perfectly logical. Is it just my Facebook feed that's seeing this negative reaction to his title run? Personally I think it's been excellently done.


I'm having friends that I otherwise consider to be intelligent people argue that Seth should be able to win cleanly to show that he's actually good enough to be champion. Which is fine if you ignore the fact that he won the title via being a sneaky bastard, so retaining the title through being a sneaky bastard is logical and consistent. The reason you hate your main event heels is that they're good enough to win cleanly, but don't and cheat anyway. The type of match Rollins had with Cena on Sunday where he dominated for large portions and pulled out all manner of crazy shit, surely highlighted that's he's good enough to be in the spot. If your heel champion starts winning his matches clean, you run the risk of these idiots actually cheering for him (more so than Seth already gets cheered) which is the antithesis of what you want. Your heel should be a cockend that people want to see get beat and - YES! - even can argue that he's lucky to be there. That's the point. The only problem is if the matches cease to be entertaining along the way. Based on Sunday, personally, I don't think Seth has a problem there.

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Ziggler is very now, in that he looks like something some Vaporwave artist created. I don't think it's intentional.


Hang about! i'm not having that. Never did I imagine i'd be having a discussion on whether Dolph Ziggler has any Vaporwave credentials on a pro wrestling forum, but if Ziggler's anything at the minute he's a hair metal sleazeball. He's pure Sunset Strip hairspray, denim, garish color combos and aloof confidence. He's less Axl Rose, Nikki Sixx or David Lee Roth and more Dokken, Cinderella, Poison and Warrant. Plus he has Lana in that shite acid wash denim get up and mad extensions.


if Ziggler's entrance music was some short one bar loop of an old 80s disco song looped over and over, filtered and soaked in reverb and purposely played back at 1997 MPG Real Player quality and his Titantron consisted of 8 bit shots of shopping centres, some marble busts and a load of Japanese text with him driving a caddilac to the ring and he cut promos about old Macintosh computers, subvertising capitalism and embracing it's garish surface aesthetics you'd be onto something

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I've been on this rant before, but to me the error in booking with Seth's title run has nothing to do with the finishes. He's the quintessential heel champ, he should win dirty or scrape through by a cunt hair. Problem is the overall presentation, the inconsistency of the HHH and Kane stuff week to week, the fact he doesn't come off like any bigger a star on Raw than he did before WrestleMania. Most of the time he's dressed in his fucking t-shirt like a midcarder, not pimped out in great clothes looking like a Flair or a Rock, and since he's the handpicked face of a billion dollar company, him not dressing and looking like a megastar with elaborate entrances or banners with his face on hanging from the ceiling is a big miss.

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