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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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What worries me is that its pretty like that people that weren't even born when Cena won his first title will probably still be complaining about Michael Cole being on commentary when their on their 20's.

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I used to really like JBL on commentary during his first run, same with Stryker actually

I really wish people wouldn't do this. Matt Striker from WWE and NJPW World is NOT Matt Stryker from ROH's earlier days. I believe they did both participate in ROH but the commentator is not the same guy who won the Field of Honor in 2003.



"Matt Stryker" is always indicative of an idiot, but not as much as "Hornswaggle." The people who do that must think Jack Swagger's name is pronounced "Swogger."

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Was Billy Gunn (singles) in the wrong place at the wrong time or what?


I've just been watching some 98 Raw and watching him singles against JJ, but whilst still part of NAO.


He was/is 6'5, fast, strong, looks, charisma... The lot, but i personally couldn't get him as not part of NAO. Its a strange one as in my opinion, he was the total package really.


I'm not sure if the Mr Ass thing actually worked against him or what.


I can only assume going in to the Austin, Rock, Taker, Foley era was just too crowded for him.

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The Mr Ass thing was super midcardy. I remember he was supposed to be the next guy once he was out of the NAO but it just didn't happen. I'm not sure he was particularly good on promos either.

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r/SquaredCircle or whatever it's called is terrible.

Most of the material on here comes from there.


I should clarify, I'm talking about a lot of the discussion that takes place there,


I've come round to it a bit. You have to ignore some inane comments and the three million gifs that get posted and then it's useful for news and some discussion. There are some knowledgeable people amongst the mongs. Like most forums.

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Was Billy Gunn (singles) in the wrong place at the wrong time or what?


I've just been watching some 98 Raw and watching him singles against JJ, but whilst still part of NAO.


He was/is 6'5, fast, strong, looks, charisma... The lot, but i personally couldn't get him as not part of NAO. Its a strange one as in my opinion, he was the total package really.


I'm not sure if the Mr Ass thing actually worked against him or what.


I can only assume going in to the Austin, Rock, Taker, Foley era was just too crowded for him.


Given the nature of his successes and failures over the years, the conclusion I've come to is that he's simply a tag-team specialist - he really thrives as a half of one team, whether it's the athlete/muscle, or an equal partner. It's a shame he never had a "career partner", so to speak, like the Road Warriors did, but then, to be fair, career tag-teams don't seem to be all that common in the modern industry. But whether it was with Bart Gunn, Road Dogg or Chuck Palumbo, his tag teams for the most part haven't just had good matches, they've been pretty memorable too.

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