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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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"Austin 3:16" didn't make Austin, he was in a dark match At summerslam two monthst later only beating yoko as yoko fell off the robes cause he was too fat. Austin was made by his feud with Bret, calling him out for survivor series, and that Bret took him seriously, and that they were competitive started Austin's rise.


That was sort of my point.


'3:16' didn't make him, but it monetised him somewhat. By the time they gave him the keys to the castle, they had some indication that he could keep the tills ticking over.


But, in mitigation, I said that that moment was once in a lifetime. Not everyone is going to get such a massive 'CLICK' moment before they've even been really given the ball.


But, with Roman, it feels like they're banking completely on his potential and the indicators, that are there, that he MAY make a shitload of money in the future. I was just questioning whether this is the first time they've really done that with someone they want to be the next man. Everyone else I can think of had at least a small history of making money before they got given the ball.

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Well they were both already megastars so there is a difference


Megastars who make money so WWE doesn't give a shit about their crowd reaction. As tigerrick says, Reigns will be judged by the company on the money he draws not the crowd reactions.

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Yeah but some lapsed fan who is the sort of person I'd imagine WWE are desperate to lure back and get them signed up for the network could see Reigns getting booed to fuck and think 'I wonder why they gave that knob the belt when the crowd hate him' if crowd reactions didn't matter much they wouldn't have edited his reactions as they have a couple of times this year


In fairness, that first part is fairly hypothetical but it's not exactly a great start for their new merch selling superstar, they could turn it round by having him and Lesnar do a double turn but that fucks Rollins over


None of this is particularly a knock on Reigns either but the fact is he isn't over as a main even star babyface, in fact he's the least interesting member of the Shield since they split up, as I said it's not a knock as that's 99% down to how they've booked him

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They do still have one option if they decide Reigns needs more time to develop into WWE WHC material - have Lesnar edge out Reigns in a competitive match, only for a frustrated Reigns to assist Rollins in cashing in Money in the Bank...

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They do still have one option if they decide Reigns needs more time to develop into WWE WHC material - have Lesnar edge out Reigns in a competitive match, only for a frustrated Reigns to assist Rollins in cashing in Money in the Bank...


That would make absolutely no sense at all.

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This time last year the "Wrestlemania 30 Trip Planning Thread" was on 60 pages.  2 years ago the "Wrestlemania 29 Trip Planning Thread" was also on 60 pages (which is an interesting coincidence).  Today the "Wrestlemania 31 Trip Planning Thread" is on 9 pages.   Are people on here just not bothering this year due to it being so much further away do we think, or are there other reasons?

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They've really fucked Orton's return haven't they? Something that should have been simple (even if predictable) has become complicated and in turn made Orton look like a right tit. So, after what Seth did to him, he was ok teaming up with him. I guess we all were waiting for Orton to clock Seth when he had him all to himself but no.. and it took Seth tagging himself in to piss Orton off and remind him why he doesn't like Seth? Convoluted crap.


K-I-S-S - Keep It Simple Stupid!

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They've really fucked Orton's return haven't they? Something that should have been simple (even if predictable) has become complicated and in turn made Orton look like a right tit. So, after what Seth did to him, he was ok teaming up with him. I guess we all were waiting for Orton to clock Seth when he had him all to himself but no.. and it took Seth tagging himself in to piss Orton off and remind him why he doesn't like Seth? Convoluted crap.


K-I-S-S - Keep It Simple Stupid!


It's a really mental thing. The first night was good, with Orton RKOing Noble but not getting Seth. What should have happened from there was The Authority making an enraged Orton jump through a ton of hoops, trying to get to Seth but just narrowing missing him until Wrestlemania.


Instead, we're supposed to believe either that Orton has forgiven him in the name of business, or that The Authority are dumb enough to believe that. I've got a strong suspicion that they might rip off the Daniel Bryan/Bray Wyatt thing- make a tag team cage match with Orton/Rollins vs Usos or whoever, and then Orton has Rollins alone in a cage to get revenge.

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They're frightened that a face Orton would push Reigns even further down the order, so he has to stay heel. Even if that makes zero sense. And it's done its job well. I was excited for Orton's return - now I don't care about him at all.

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