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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I thought Ricardo would have been the key to the face turn, with Del Rio developing an affection for him and standing up for him against heels. I know that was how they presented it on the TLC PPV when ADR made the save but it should be an ongoing thing, at least as they establish him as a face. Maybe have ADR cut a promo about how his parents were killed by a mugger as a child, and Ricardo has been looking after him. Also, ADR is Batman.

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I dont think its fair to judge Alberto Del Rio after only a few comedic appearances during pre-WrestleMania season. He was dead on his arse as a heel after they murdered him with all those defeats. It would be so easy to get Del Rio over as a face if they wanted to as well. He's from a famous wrestling family, he's got a legit background in amateur wrestling and mixed martial arts, he's a good looking bloke and he's a decent actor in angles and segments. Dont have him sharing screen time with Tommy Dreamer, The Miz and the Brooklyn Brawler and he'll be awesome. A Del Rio and Cesaro feud could do wonders for both of them. Del Rio is in need of something new and Cesaro needs to face a star name instead of the likes of Tyson Kid and Ron Killings. There's a lot of heels he could rub shoulders with. Punk, Orton (when he turns) and Big Show with the roles reversed and him coming out on the winning end would be good for him.


The Miz's babyface turn has been a hilarious misfire, though. Just an insanely booked character. He's more punchable as a face than he ever was as a heel.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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It reminds me of when Punk first turned face last summer, and he was just as smarmy and cocky as he was when he was heel. The Miz is essentially still a heel, who just happens to be fighting others heels and the commentators are getting behind him. Terrible turn.


Agree on Del Rio. I've always liked him and felt he has pretty much all the tools to be a key guy in WWE, he was fed shit, lazy writing during his last 1 year + so this face turn could be interesting. If they decide to really get behind it rather than just let it play out as they currently are.

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All this Sin Cara bullshit is fucked now as well, since Alberto is their priority as their top Hispanic star. They might actually get rid of Sin Cara eventually now their focus is on making ADR the next big Mexican thing. They aren't under any pressure to keep shoving Sin Cara's daft head on screen everytime he fucks up. Alberto is the son of Dos Caras. What else do you need for your top Mexican?

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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The Miz may be the worst thing in wrestling, at the minute. I've always had the opinion that a Miz babyface run wouldn't work, but never did I expect it to be this bad. The Miz seems completely clueless, out there.

Agreed. I find myself mentally shouting "Hoo-Rah" every time one of bis "funny lines" is met with nothing but silence and his own stupid grin. He's a feckless and annoying face. I do wonder if I'm being too harsh though, as I tend to think most current face characters are shit. Sheamus mentioning Father Ted a few weeks running is his best work as a face so far, so there might be hope for some of them.
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When was the last time WWE pulled off a cracking face or heel turn? I might be missing a glaringly obvious example out here, but in recent years all turns seem to have been shit. Guys just lose momentum in whatever role they are in, then all of a sudden they are wrestling heels instead of faces and fans are expected to start to give a fuck about them. It's like no thought has gone into it at all. In Del Rio's case, it feels like they've had him wrestle every face on the roster, then looked up and down the list of names and thought 'oh fuck, he'll have to start wrestling some of these heels next'.

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I took issue with Punk's face turn, but then it's well known that I'm not his biggest fan. If you count the famous 'better when Vince is dead' promo as his face turn, then yeah I guess it was a good moment, but for me it didn't sit well having a top heel turn face by verbally destroying the company's top face and hero to all the kids that watch the show.Daniel Bryan's heel turn was good, but the fans ultimately rejected it and turned him face again. I don't mind that so much, as it's a natural response to fan reaction. I'm not crediting WWE with much there though, it's the man himself that got his character so over.Truth's heel turn was good, I'll give you that, his subsequent face turn was exactly an example of what I was talking about though.Which Big Show turn are we talking about? He's flip flopped so much and none of his turns made for must-see moments that I can recall.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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I was referring to either of Punks heel turns actually. I'm not a fan of the face turn either, I liked the promo but I didn't like how he was suddenly face. Big Shows last turn was predictable as hell but he's been great in the role when you'd think by now he'd never be accepted as a heel. Bryan's turn was great, no other way about it. Yeah, he's entertaining as hell and the fans want to cheer him again. Doesn't discredit his turn at all in much the same way Rocks in 98 wouldn't.There's also Batista, but I suppose that was bloody ages ago now. Oh and Christian. They're definitely rubbish at significant face turns though. Del Rio and Miz turning should be big moments, to really amplify the turn. Same with Dolph if he does turn.

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Bryan is probably the best example. He started out the year as a loathed preachy vegan (with implied wife beater gimmick), now he's doing Make-a-wish stuff. WWE have done well by Bryan, once they realised what they had.


I do sometimes wonder though, how much of Bryan's success in the last year is down to WWE or Bryan himself and his talent/efforts?

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