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Raw 05/03/2012 - Pre/Post Discussion


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I'm not saying that he needs to roll out his old catchphrases that probably haven't aged too well, but he could have easily rolled back the years and ripped Cena down to shit. Like he used to do against everyone that he faced. He just needs to shut the fuck up about "trending" and stop milking the idiot audience for some kind of chant every twenty seconds.


He used to do silly-voice impersonations of people and call them popcorn farts or

. As well as the Twitter and Hollywood Dwayne stuff, he's still hitting all the points he used to years ago. He's tried all that same "rip Cena down to shit" that he did years ago with other wrestlers. It's just not as entertaining or damning to hear him call someone Kung Pao Bitch or Transvestite Wonder Woman when it's thirteen years later and you're an adult. If we were fourteen and this was 1999, we'd still be rolling in the aisles over him saying his opponent has ladyparts.


God man change the fucking record. This is the same crap you stunk up last weeks Raw discussion with. Well I'm a week older now so I cant possibly tolerate it on any similar conceivable level as I did before. Using your logic obviously.

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Rock says the sum of fuck all in reply to Cena and comes off looking shit for the second week in a row. Cena's been on great form and they really need to do something to sort The Rock out over these next few weeks.

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Cena 2 - Rock 0


Not the greatest Raw but still fun, having HBK in the HIAC seems a bad idea that might water down the whole fued but let's see how it plays in the next few weeks. Santino as US champ is pretty cool, he's over like mad right now.

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I cant make sense of HBK bbeing shoehorned into the feud, it's just not needed, unless the WWE are struggling that back with things they need to overbook it to oblivion. It's just so unecessary


Again, highlight of Raw was the Tag Team Match, which was pretty good barring a nasty looking Jericho Bulldog botch (Not sure if planned, looked awful)


Santino winning was also great, the Team Teddy Long/ Team Laurenitiis match is going to last about 5 seconds isnt it? :(


As for the Rock, better this week overall. Much more concise, but still blown away by Cena, despite the Rock having Pre Records and a live skit to do stuff, it's just flat. That again, The Rock was eliciting some boo's and Cena was getting some cheers, is symptomatic of The Rock living up to the hype, and that has to be a worry, this close to Mania

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Cena 2 - Rock 0


Not the greatest Raw but still fun, having HBK in the HIAC seems a bad idea that might water down the whole fued but let's see how it plays in the next few weeks. Santino as US champ is pretty cool, he's over like mad right now.


Havn't seen the show yet, but my heart sank when I read that Santino won.


To me, they've done a great job with the US title. Ziggler held it and dominated, leading up to the feel good title change that was Zack Ryder. They then (storyline wise) screwed Ryder and I was really hoping we'd get a Ryder vs Ziggler / Swagger fued in his attempts to reclaim it down the line and actually have a decent reign with it.


This feels like they've just demoted the US title. Maybe I'm in the minority here but Im dissapointed.


Sometimes I just feel like they come up with a great storyline (build up Ziggler as a unstoppable US champ, build up Ryder as the underdog, have Ryder win it) and then have NO IDEA where to go next. Now what? Lets dump it on Swagger.... oooh.... now Santino.


To me, if a guy like Santino (a comical jobber) can win the belt (*snaps fingers*) like that... it takes something away from Ryder's "against the odds to get a title shot" storyline.


Okay... winge over.


P.s. And yes... Michaels in the cell distracts from the match in my opinion. HHH wants to prove to Taker that he really is better than him, Taker wants to erase last years poor showing... but now that you have a Michaels as a ref, both men instantly have a excuse for losing to the other. Meh.

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Anyone else think Cena's "if I dont win I lose everything" line was very similar to Austin's "I need to beat you more than anything in the world" line?




Gah, I thought this too. Why am I such a nerd sometimes?


Anyway, decent Raw. Thought the pre-records were excellent, was great to see The Rock back for a change. The face-to-face went nowhere for me this week, I'm with opcwpscwpcops, it's about time they had some sort of scrap. At the moment, the build up is starting to remind me of the sort of stuff they came up with in that episode of South Park. That's all well and good, and I understand it considering the talent involved and the match, but it's time now for some wrestling storylines too.


Shawn in the match is a funny one. I'm all for it, because (as I'll continue to harp on with), I didn't think HHH and Taker had that great a match last year, so chucking all the gimmicks at it should improve it. Shawn's the best in the world for the drama too, which will be a big part in the match. The three of them in there will desperately want to outdo crowd reactions for Cena/Rock, so I look forward to what they will come up with.


Rest was a good Wrestlemania period show. Good direction with most programmes but not too much commitment considering there's still a few weeks to go. Sad that poor old Miz was left on his arse that quick again. Santino winning the belt was a great moment too.


Big Johnny's Smackdown next, brilliant.

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I fell asleep before the show-closing Cena/Rock bit, but it was a pretty dull show up to that point.


Santino's US title win was nice.


The HHH/Michaels thing was very underwhelming.


The tag match was cracking, but both of those feuds are severely underdeveloped and throwing them in a tag match didn't make me care any more about them.


Rock's history lessons were shite, certainly more "vintage" Rock than the Twitterfest last week but still shite. Cena's speech in the empty arena was so boring that everyone in the chatroom concentrated more on crazyshady being a mong.


Hypocrite: http://www.wweshop.com/item/the-rock-gnome/search/50-07871

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I really enjoyed that, Shawn Michaels was over like anything with the crowd but they seemed to lose interest (I myself did not, I thought the segment was very good). The Rock's 1st History Lesson segment where he was ripping into all of Cena's gear was hilarious, the second was alright, but the third just lost me and I was sick of him. Cena has him again, even the live crowd turned on The Rock. John was very good on the mic and was also very natural and likable, and when Rock got in his face you could tell there is legit beef between the pair. In a slight second of insanity I thought one of the pair where going to knock the other on their arse.


I can't stand Santino, he just strikes me as being wrestling's Mr. Bean or something. But the crowd were going ape shit for his win, so I have to give it to him for that. They really seem to be building the GM feud up well. Cody Rhodes Vs. The Big Show is another one that is being built well for a mid card match, and I loved Big Show squashing The Miz. Kane Vs. R Truth was a decent little match for some more development with the Randy Orton match as well. So it shows they are doing very well with this Mania's build, it's just the two World Title matches that aren't doing anything for me.

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Mmmm, bit hit and miss this week.


Opening segment just hammered home how quiet the crowd is. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing in all honesty. The content was reasonably interesting but it just took a hell of a long time to get there and with the crowd being so quiet, it felt very strange. Shawn as the referee is fine by me and the bit of tension they've created makes sense otherwise it'd seem like the deck is stacked against Taker.


First Rock promo was very, very good. Was only thinking yesterday how it's ages since they've done a really good skit away from the arena. Enjoyed that a lot. The follow-up ones were far more bland.


Santino win was good and popped the crowd but seemed like a real WM moment missed.


Tag match was probably fine but I fast forwarded it. Then I can pretend this shit is fresh come WrestleMania.


That Cena promo in the empty arena went too long. Again, the content was fine and it probably looked a great idea on paper but the execution was wrong. It was too polished, it was looking for the big quote too often and it went too long. Shame.


Closing segment I liked. Cena got all the good stuff again and came out looking stronger but The Rock at least was somewhere near his level this week. They are being clever keeping the physicality in reserve for the moment. There's still too long to go to start that. These two are a strong promo given the material so they can carry this another week or two.


Really gutted that when The Rock's music hit at the end it was The Rock and not a midget version. They missed a trick there.

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