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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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Does anyone know the status of Wyatt? Is he still injured or are they happy to continue with him in a non-wrestler role? I like the Family gimmick but I enjoyed Wyatt more on his own, cutting promos on the way to the ring before squashing fuckers in seconds. It'll be interesting to see what they do with him if they call him up, I doubt the WWE think the Universe have the the smarts to get a relatively complex gimmick like that.

I believe he wrestled on the latest tapings, though I can't remember where I read the damn spoilers sorry!


He did wrestle, he also wrestled at the Royal Rumble Fan Fest.

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That was the reason they sent him back to developmental in the first place, but it seems less of an issue with his current gimmick. It suits him. It's not like he's a blob anyway, he's in decent fat guy shape. I'd be annoyed if they still held him back because of that.

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I know it's a bit neckbeardy to bang on about WWE's attitude to physiques, but fuck me, if they don't think Wyatt looks like a guy who could fuck you up, I dunno what they're looking at. Hopefully they're over that now he's gone all awesome.

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Theres the point...for me wwe guys don't need to look jacked to the gills or shredded as fuck, just like if you met them that you wouldn't fuck with them. Like the kind of guy that would fuck you up just for looking at them wrong. He looked that way any time you saw him on tv

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While we're on the subject of fat bastards, Kassius Ohno is on this week's episode. Even my missus glanced up at the TV and noted how appalling he looks. I'm not sure why he struggles so much to get into shape. He's surrounded by lads with fantastic physiques, surely he would pick up some good training and nutritional advice from someone while he's in Florida?

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By this point, I'm convinced Ohno's just got a really awful metabolism. He's not an idiot, he's gotta know that he won't get far looking like that. I guess if he's really not trying, someone in charge at NXT is going to have noticed and he'll get bumped off if he doesn't turn it around. Until then, I really hope they put him in a singlet or something.

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While we're talking physiques, at the other end of the spectrum, Mason Ryan made a comeback on this week's show. He looks ridiculous- absolutely huge, oiled-up cartoon muscles everywhere. In the dark NXT arena, with the lights on him, he looked like a monster. He's still pretty crap, mind. Almost completely devoid of any character. He's using the Jackhammer now.

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While we're on the subject of fat bastards, Kassius Ohno is on this week's episode. Even my missus glanced up at the TV and noted how appalling he looks. I'm not sure why he struggles so much to get into shape. He's surrounded by lads with fantastic physiques, surely he would pick up some good training and nutritional advice from someone while he's in Florida?


It's a combination of his diet, immune system as satated above and the face he's never been on steroids or "legal alternatives." I'm sure I read that in an interview once when he answered a question on Claudio's physique and why he wrestles with a shirt on (yes it was that long ago).


I recorded NXT before Raw for the last couple of weeks and I can safely say in future I'll be watching it on mute. If I hear "For the win" one more time I'm going get tickets to an NXT taping, and when I get a clear chance to jump the rails I'll bang his head on the announce desk as many times as possible before I'm carted out of there. Oh and with each bang I'll shout "FOR THE WIN!" He was much worse this week. How many times in the main event alone did he say it? Why are they wasting Saxton as a ring announcer? I thought he was decent as a wrestler but his ECW/FCW annoucing was good enough that if they didn't want to use him in ring he should at least be commentating on a B show now.

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Ohno has said before in shoot interviews that he hates working out but is trying to go for a Barry Windham-esque physique as he probably can't do anything else.


It's unlucky for him that he wasn't picked for The Shield as their attire would cover up his skinny fatness.

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Quite impressed with McGillicutty in his match this week. How longs he been decent? He really needs a makeover though.


Regal's "Betty Swollox was my first" line was the highlight of the mostly dull Great Brits vs Ohno/Kruger match. I've only seen Oliver Grey a couple of times but he seems bland as fuck. Kruger is a funny bastard but I kind of wish they'd go further on wacky with his gimmick.


Really enjoyed the Big E/Ascension guy stand-off. 5 count babyface Langston is missed.


The interactions between the unacknowledged Rotunda brothers were sweet. If Bray Wyatt doesn't make it to the proper roster, full gimmick intact, it'd be a bit of a travesty really. The guy's magnetic.

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I came on here to whinge about Kassius Ohno, too. Not about his physique though, that's been rightfully covered enough already. The fact that as a performer he's a complete mess. He's trying to come across as this dangerous individual yet backstage he's all geek. I really want WWE to shave his beard off. Whether he had it first our not, you have Daniel Bryan with the big beard on the main roster and then in NXT you have the Wyatt Family. The beard is utterly pointless. I don't get the angle they're going with him. Kruger outshines him 100-1.

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A lot of beards in wrestling at the minute. Its getting to that point where they aren't making anyone stand out. Cody Rhodes has the right idea.


As far as Ohno, what can you really do with him on the main roster? He looks so out of place.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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