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The UKFF's 50 Favourite Films 2012 - The Results!

Devon Malcolm

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My wife hated it, and only got about 20 minutes in, to the point with all the skinned bodies. I still married her though.


Thank God the original design for the Predator fell through and they rethought and reshot it the way it has been done. At one point it was going to be Jean Claude Van Damme in a rubber chicken suit, basically.


Why have we never had a Predator 3? Predator 2 was absolutely blinding. In fact, seeing as arnie is coming back to films, they should do a Predator 3 where the Predators come back to hunt down the one prey they couldn't kill - Dutch.


With cameo performance by Danny Glover.


He's too old for that shit.


Picture the scene. In a dingy basement, the walls covered in camo netting and guns, a tv screen flickers. On it, a news report about skinned victims being hung from trees. A large, veined, muscely arm reaches out from a moth-eaten armchair and grabs a phone. On the other end of the line, a deep voice says




"They're back."


"*sigh* I'm too old for this shit"



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I did once in a moment I'm less proud of swing a fire extinguisher at a customer's face because he didn't rent what I told him to after he asked for a recommendation.


Hold the bus. You fucking did what?


And tell the truth this time.

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I did once in a moment I'm less proud of swing a fire extinguisher at a customer's face because he didn't rent what I told him to after he asked for a recommendation.


Hold the bus. You fucking did what?


And tell the truth this time.


Oh yeah, didn't you know, NEWM? And this other time he was reading out the names of explicit porn films over the phone when this mum and kid were waiting to be served as well.

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Landham nutcased his way out of the Libertarian ticket in his part of Kentucky, with his calls for an Arab genocide, to kill off all of the "ragheads".


Yes, he's too nuts for the Libertarians, whose leading light named his son after Ayn Rand, and thinks that there shouldn't be car safety laws in the US, as the American people know a safe car when they see one.

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I did once in a moment I'm less proud of swing a fire extinguisher at a customer's face because he didn't rent what I told him to after he asked for a recommendation.


Hold the bus. You fucking did what?


And tell the truth this time.


Oh yeah, didn't you know, NEWM? And this other time he was reading out the names of explicit porn films over the phone when this mum and kid were waiting to be served as well.

I wasn't even supposed to be online today, but that made me chuckle.

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What the fuck? I did that shit, honestly, why would I lie?


You guys must have pretty boring lives if "slightly over the top dude working in a video shop" is too far fetched for you to believe.


Seriously guys, you might as well not believe anything, it's not like I said I got sucked off by Marilyn Monroe, I worked in a video shop for 2 years and I had a couple of arguments with customers, I'm shocked you'd bother to question it.


Now if I say I have a reputation of being a bit over the top with a temper in real life I'll be accused of trying to sound like a hard lad on the internet which is something I never wanted, I can't win. I got in a fight at work once with my co-worker and ended up with my eye busted open and nearly being fired, believe that?

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What the fuck? I did that shit, honestly, why would I lie?



Do you know some one who has a cousin from Moscow, who is a metal singer?.. Sings a tune called'Bezerker'? :thumbsup:


I don't get it. Come on guys this is well annoying, it's literally impossible to prove that stuff happened (not that it's especially remarkable) I just spent like 5 pages going on about how much I love the first 2 Terminator films, is it that unrealistic that I'd tell a guy not to get number 3 first? I don't get it.

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I don't get it. Come on guys this is well annoying, it's literally impossible to prove that stuff happened (not that it's especially remarkable) I just spent like 5 pages going on about how much I love the first 2 Terminator films, is it that unrealistic that I'd tell a guy not to get number 3 first? I don't get it.


As long as you dont go next door discussing Death Star construction workers, I'm cool with it :thumbsup:

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I don't get it. Come on guys this is well annoying, it's literally impossible to prove that stuff happened (not that it's especially remarkable) I just spent like 5 pages going on about how much I love the first 2 Terminator films, is it that unrealistic that I'd tell a guy not to get number 3 first? I don't get it.


As long as you dont go next door discussing Death Star construction workers, I'm cool with it :thumbsup:


Whatever man, I don't get the reference.

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