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The UKFF's 50 Favourite Films 2012 - The Results!

Devon Malcolm

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If I learnt one thing from this film, it's that after a while women start to enjoy the rape :(


Just missed out on my Top 10, but a seminal film nevertheless. Like you Gladders I think of Fonda as a bad man.

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I apologise for that 'beautiful nightmares' bit, it sounds bloody awful, doesn't it?


Anyway, hooray! I'm glad it got a half decent place and remember: "How can you trust a man who wears both a belt and suspenders? The man can't even trust his own pants."

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Like you Gladders I think of Fonda as a bad man.


Even his 12 Angry Men role couldn't stop him from being that in my eyes. Just an amazing performance.

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Total Recall (1990)




People wot put it in 1st place: 1


IMDB Rating: 7.4


What's it about?


Arnie wants to go to Mars. But he might already have been. Maybe. Sharon Stone looks on, being fapped over.


What do we say?


The second Paul Verhoeven sci-fi belter in the list, and the second one that is being redone. Apparently the upcoming version is supposed to be more faithful to the source Philip K Dick story - but that doesn't mean it will be any good or better than the original. Just ask Stephen King.


I didn't like Total Recall when I first saw it. I just found the constant merry-go-round of what and who Quaid was supposed to be to be a major distraction from the action that was going on. It took me four or five watches before I got it and then subsequently loved it, terrible special effects and all. Seriously, it has to be good to overcome them, they really are utterly horrendous.


The rest of the film, though, simply isn't. Arnie is quite excellent in what was, at that point, far and away his best acting performance. Not saying much, admittedly, but he gets it spot on. That he holds his own up against the constantly great Ronny Cox and Michael fucking Ironside is a huge credit to him. Sharon Stone puts in a star-making turn as his villainous wife, and offers even more than just THAT tennis outfit, while Rachel Ticotin should probably have done a bit more with her career after this.


Indeed, smp put it thus:-


"A brilliant supporting cast and Sharon Stone has never looked better."


Correct on both fronts. I'm quite sure that Verhoeven's best days are behind him and that he might never make anything really decent again, but Total Recall is far better than the silly sci-fi actioner it's often passed of as - and it's charted ahead of Robocop, after all.


Some good bits!


"Thanks, I'll wait for Melina."



Edited by Gladstone Small
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My favourite Arnie film. Its his best performance for me. Add to that wankfodder like Sharon Stone bang on form, girl with three tits, black bloke with a gammy hand, alien baby man, thousands of class oneliners from the big man and Dick Jones from Robocop pulling the strings and you have a cracking film. I only watched it a few months back, and it still holds up as far as enjoyment goes. First watched this when I was about 6, as scary as that sounds. Thanks video man.


Favourite line:


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It's not as good as Robocop *grumble* but it IS good. It's aged badly though, only The Running Man has aged more badly from Arnie's back catalogue. Still, and all it's Verhoeven and I rate him enormously. Like most of his films, it's the perfect mash of entertaining sex and violence, and an interesting underlying nuance to keep you from being able to dismiss it as JUST entertainment.


Cue endless debate about how much of the film is ACTUALLY his Total Recall holiday :p

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It's not as good as Robocop *grumble* but it IS good. It's aged badly though, only The Running Man has aged more badly from Arnie's back catalogue. Still, and all it's Verhoeven and I rate him enormously. Like most of his films, it's the perfect mash of entertaining sex and violence, and an interesting underlying nuance to keep you from being able to dismiss it as JUST entertainment.


Cue endless debate about how much of the film is ACTUALLY his Total Recall holiday :p


You made a powerful enemy this day.

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It's aged badly though...

Disagree with this QUITE STRONGLY. This was on TV a couple weeks ago and I watched it because I absolutely loved Total Recall. I was actually expecting it to be badly dated, and the visuals kind of are, but the storyline is still excellent. There's a great mix of action, comedy and a thought provoking storyline. I still love that at the end of this film there is the "Well...was it all a dream?".


Excellent, excellent movie.

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I agree, I don't think it's aged. I think it takes a great effort on behalf of a sci-fi film to have not aged over 20 years after its release, but Total Recall has managed that.


Plus it's got Michael Ironside in it. This cannot be stressed quite enough.

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I mean the visual effects. The story is fantastic.


Although, again, a lot of the futurism seems quite quaint now. If you compare that to Robocop (which I watched again on Saturday as Mrs Loki has never seen it), then Robocop's whole approach is much more likely now even than it was in the mid 80s. The idea of corporations running public services like the Police would have seemed utterly fantastic; now, not so much.


Also, the vfx in Robocop and, say, Blade Runner have stood the test of time well, whereas a lot of Total Recall looks ropey as fuck now.

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I dunno, Blade Runner certainly looks pretty 80's to me. In addition, also one of the best visual movies of all time, so a tough comparison. I think Alien has aged pretty badly in terms of visuals. I blame the fonts they used, make any computer screen look very dated.

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