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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Amongst the sheer amount of guff and bollocks in there, he does make some valid points though regarding Seth. He is sloppy and seemingly a bit careless, and I don't think he's wrong about the lack of storytelling either. I don't think I've been particularly invested in a Seth match from an emotional perspective- it's usually 'oh let's see which spots he busts out'. He doesn't tell compelling stories in his matches. In this regard, Reigns is light years ahead of him.



Seth is awful. I've thought so since I tried to get back into ROH and found that lanky streak of piss was the main babyface. One of my least favourite wrestlers ever.


He has been comically miscast as a heel for the last two years, so I'm willing to wait and see if this face turn brings any improvement. His title reign last year is the worst they've ever booked in the sixteen years I've been watching week to week.

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I don't think this is about whether or not people think Seth Rollins is shit or not in the ring.


Smith has essentially just accused Rollins of something akin to criminal negligence. If this turns out to have no basis whatsoever I think Rollins cold easily sue him. I'm sure the trainees would have been made to sign all kinds of forms to confirm they don't have heart conditions etc.  

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Bruce doesn't even seem to know whether "kids off the street" at this school are expected to do the same cardio drills as Seth or not. For all he or any of us knows, the trainee may have had an existing condition and had just sat down to put on his boots.

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I don't think this is about whether or not people think Seth Rollins is shit or not in the ring..  


Well it is, considering Smith Hart just used the death as a vehicle to get his opinion of Rollins' ability across. As a side point mind you- it's clearly a point worth discussing.

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Bruce doesn't even seem to know whether "kids off the street" at this school are expected to do the same cardio drills as Seth or not. For all he or any of us knows, the trainee may have had an existing condition and had just sat down to put on his boots.

Exactly. Plenty of fit and healthy young people pretty much drop dead all of a sudden every year because of undiagnosed stuff. If anything, he should shut up until the coroners report is published rather than go off on a matter that's nothing to do with it.
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I thought Rico was still on that top turnbuckle, waiting for Jeff Hardy to push him off.

Hurry up Jeff! God dammit! Spent too long selling the Swanton off the balcony on Jamal/Umaga was it?


And yeah, they did do a Where Are They Now? Feature where he talked about his police job. He mentioned he did a match a couple of years before and said he grew back the lambchops especially for it.

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Rico got big fan cheers for the gay gimmick in the tag team with Haas in 04, pretty big deal I always thought. Shame he got in the business late, he was a good performer

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