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Richie Freebird

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I'd expect the group to turn into goodies after the Lesnar match, and that suits the other three more than it does Harper. Then him turning on Wyatt for the summer. I don't know what happens with the two terrible ones then. Strowman's probably best used as a Khali type comedy character anyway, and Rowan can always go back to his Viking gimmick.


I think it'd suit Bray's act if they kept freshening it up. Let Harper go alone (I'd make him the top heel on the full-time roster) and sack Rowan and Strowman. Then freshen up Bray by having him acquire guys, when he's a heel, or going it alone if face.

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None of the members of the Wyatt Family will ever be better off outside of that gimmick, or in the same group as babyfaces. The current set up suits them all so perfectly and works with their respective strengths and limitations. It's just a real shame that in all this time they haven't ever written any good angles for Bray. The closest they have come to anything interesting was his attempts to corrupt Cena and Bryan, but outside of those feuds the whole group have been so directionless.

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None of the members of the Wyatt Family will ever be better off outside of that gimmick

Because of the booking? Harper looked great after the previous split and was a credible IC champ. Until they got bored of him very quickly. If I was a writer, I'd have had tremendous fun evolving that character. The possibilities were endless and you've always got a credible wrestler because of his size.


Sadly, a bunch of lazy cunts work on the WWE writing team.

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Surely its a simple case of Bray losing to Brock at Mania and the next night the family turning on him because they see their 'powerful' leader as weak, and that they're not willing to follow his cause anymore. That'd keep them heel surely? 


Then if they are willing to introduce Sister Abigail, have Bray go away for a month or two, have vignettes of him on a journey, then have him come back with her at his side as he avenges his attack and destroys what he created because it got too powerful.


Have the 3 big guys just go on a rampage for a few months with Harper as the lead. He's the one who had a title reign of the 4, so he could easily be seen as the leader. 

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What part of Bray getting turned on by his henchmen makes him a face? He's still the same character as he was the week before but without bodyguards. His character needs to turn face first, not be turned face because his heel allies turn on him.

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What part of Bray getting turned on by his henchmen makes him a face? He's still the same character as he was the week before but without bodyguards. His character needs to turn face first, not be turned face because his heel allies turn on him.


Because fans seem to cheer for Bray anyway, if its the post Mania crowd, if Bray stands there knowing he's been defeated by Cena, Taker and Brock in 3 Mania's in a row, it can be Harper saying along the lines of "you're obviously not the leader we need, you're not strong enough, why should we follow a God that can't overcome anything without us" (I have a huge hangover so I'm not putting effort into this)


But post Mania crowd, Bray getting cheers, having him fight Brock by himself the night before and take him to the limit, like he did with Taker and Cena, it's not even being a face, just an anti-face or an on the edge heel. People will cheer Bray's avenging angel gimmick, the buzzards will always light up, people will always pop for the kiss of death before Sister Abigail.

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In all of their run, the Wyatt Family have actually cut one proper babyface promo, which was when they said farewell to Full Sail. It was one of my favourite promos of the year. Bray spoke of going to the main roster and bringing down the machine. That's the most logical approach to a Wyatt face turn, the anti-establishment angle and a feud with The Authority. Bray could be their 99 Foley. What a shame it is then that it would just be fucking dogshit because WWE have already tried all of their top babyfaces in rehashes of this angle over and over for the past eighteen years.

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What part of Bray getting turned on by his henchmen makes him a face? He's still the same character as he was the week before but without bodyguards. His character needs to turn face first, not be turned face because his heel allies turn on him.


Because fans seem to cheer for Bray anyway, if its the post Mania crowd, if Bray stands there knowing he's been defeated by Cena, Taker and Brock in 3 Mania's in a row, it can be Harper saying along the lines of "you're obviously not the leader we need, you're not strong enough, why should we follow a God that can't overcome anything without us" (I have a huge hangover so I'm not putting effort into this)


But post Mania crowd, Bray getting cheers, having him fight Brock by himself the night before and take him to the limit, like he did with Taker and Cena, it's not even being a face, just an anti-face or an on the edge heel. People will cheer Bray's avenging angel gimmick, the buzzards will always light up, people will always pop for the kiss of death before Sister Abigail.


Totally ruins Bray to have him lose 3 manias in a row then have his men turn on him. Arch's anti-establishment angle would be much better to turn him, the Harper could turn back after a month to join the Authority.

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Luke Harper doing the Rollins turn wouldn't make that much sense. It's like Kevin Owens joining the Authority. An Authority boy should be far more presentable than Daniel Bryan, not less. He'd work better as an Authority goon -- but Harper would be best served striking out as his own guy rather than being a henchman again. Well, I say that. Him doing the Kane/Big Show role in the Authority would be a step up from what he does now, and without the creative effort, he'd just be back in 50/50 club as a single anyway.

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