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Richie Freebird

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The first match that was properly promoted as someone challenging The Streak was the first Michaels match, wasn't it?


He'd fought Batista and Edge in the preceding two years (IIRC), and the streak had been a factor in both, but they were primarily title matches. The Michaels matches were about Mr WrestleMania trying to do what no one else had succeeded in doing, and the fact that the first match was so stellar is what really made The Streak. If Michaels had won that match The Streak would still have been a big deal but there wouldn't have been the jaws-on-the-floor reaction that we all had last year.

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It's Wrestlemania, it always sells out.

It nevers sells out. Almost every attendance for WrestleMania is a massive lie.


There's no way they'll break the pretend WrestleMania III attendance for this, but they'll probably announce they have. As Vince said "these numbers are for entertainment and promotional purposes."


WrestleMania 17 sold out, and if the AstroDome actually held 100,000 it would have done that. The interest was so vast for that Austin vs Rock match, they'd have hammered the record attendance (and wouldnt have had to lie). Getting 100,000 people to pay to see wrestling in this era is just so unthinkable to me.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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There's minor Raw spoilers in that link (if you consider knowing who's fighting who in the main event of Raw a spoiler).

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The first match that was properly promoted as someone challenging The Streak was the first Michaels match, wasn't it?


He'd fought Batista and Edge in the preceding two years (IIRC), and the streak had been a factor in both, but they were primarily title matches. The Michaels matches were about Mr WrestleMania trying to do what no one else had succeeded in doing, and the fact that the first match was so stellar is what really made The Streak. If Michaels had won that match The Streak would still have been a big deal but there wouldn't have been the jaws-on-the-floor reaction that we all had last year.

Nah Orton was the first person to really go for breaking the streak, forget who it was (thinking Billy Graham) who told him to go for doing something no one else had done, so the whole build up was legend killer vs the streak, plus they brought Jake Roberts out for the first time in years to do a segment with Orton about it

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Yeah, I know Undertaker and the announcers had previously referenced his record, but it wasn't until 2005 where someone took it upon themselves to actually try and beat it. Triple H was the solid favourite in 2001. You listen to any news related thing from March 2001 and nobody even considered Undertaker beating Triple H. HHH was getting ready for a babyface run and had beat Austin clean. It was a match most expected him to win. The Ric Flair feud was built around the idea of Undertaker losing. And Undertaker was supposed to be in a shitty tag match at 19. The Kane match was all built around the old Undertaker coming back as well. It wasn't until 2005 where the storyline was built around the result of the match. I always consider 2005 when the streak storyline started.

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There's minor Raw spoilers in that link (if you consider knowing who's fighting who in the main event of Raw a spoiler).

Sorry fella

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I'd be well up for that. A brief run as a tag team destroying bingo wings Konnor and the Cruiserweight of Doom Viktor would be good, with Bully going on a singles heel run after. There's a slight imbalance in favour of faces at the moment near the top, he'd be ideal. Plenty of new matches and feuds to be had, too.

Edited by PunkStep
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Sounds good. I hope they don't bring the tables out every week, the Dudleyz were unwatchable for a few years in their WWE run because no one gave a fuck about their matches and just chanted "We want tables" endlessly. Plus some time working the Dudleyz on the road for a few months would do guys like Reigns a world of good.

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On the AT&T Stadium front, Meltzer said last night that if they use the standard configuration (and then add floor seats and block one end off for the stage) the actual capacity for wrestling would be about 70,000. The maximum they can fit in for wrestling (which would take advantage of a huge standing section along with the fact that some rows of seats can be moved closer together to fit in new seats) would be 95,000. 

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We're well beyond the point of Roman Reigns working with the Dudleys, that would've been a good idea two years ago when he was teaming with Rollins. Now, he needs experience working main event singles matches against tenured guys and geniuses, like Cena had when he was coming up. When Cena was rubbish, he was still getting to work against Angle, Jericho, Triple H, Michaels and Edge and after a couple of years, he was brilliant. The roster doesn't even have those kind of guys to work against now. There's Big Show and Kane, who are usually crap. Bray Wyatt's not got the experience and he's inconsistent. Rusev's incredible at lots of things but I'm not sure he's the one to teach new top guys, he's only been on TV under a year himself. Reigns' best bet is probably working against Rollins on live events.



True to us haggard bastards but I'm not sure it is to the whole audience. If they go with Bray Wyatt pulling off Undertaker's trick pyros, claiming he's the new phenom of WWE, maybe even doing the full entrance in a black coat only to reveal himself - I think that will have the people in arenas chomping at the bit to have him come back and kick Wyatt's arse.


Yeah, Bray Wyatt is an Undertaker feud that doesn't need the streak. It's definitely not a last match on the show though, but then Undertaker can't perform to that level now anyway. It's a shame that they never had the year to do Cena vs Streak when Taker was up to it. They could have put it on the card last year, but it probably would've been crap and then you have to find something else for Lesnar and Wyatt.

Edited by King Pitcos
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On the AT&T Stadium front, Meltzer said last night that if they use the standard configuration (and then add floor seats and block one end off for the stage) the actual capacity for wrestling would be about 70,000. The maximum they can fit in for wrestling (which would take advantage of a huge standing section along with the fact that some rows of seats can be moved closer together to fit in new seats) would be 95,000. 


I suppose that most fans will be too accustomed to this set-up for the WWE to go back now, but surely that's a huge revenue blow to lose so many seats for no real reason other than aesthetics.

If you look at the Wrestlemania 3 set-up, the only reason they managed to pack 78,000 in was because of the standard (well, apart from the golf carts) entrance way. SPWM1114001R.jpg

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