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Richie Freebird

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This debate comes around annually. Unfortunately when someone becomes over-rated, as Owen did in some circles after his death, then they almost inevitably become under-rated in others as the counter argument becomes more and more exaggerated.


Owen had 8 excellent years in the WWF. He had excellent matches in singles and tags, as heel and baby, as a job guy, a mid-carder and a main eventer. He was part of several truly iconic moments. Throw in some excellent work in the UK and Japan and he beats the shit out of loads of guys already in.

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I've said it before, but I'm surprised Carlos Cabrera isn't in yet. He's been there a long time and I'd imagine it would please the Spanish audience. Hard for me to judge on his skills obviously, but he's been there a long time.

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He might have been retired around then anyway, he was just working the remainder of his contract wasn't he? Or did he ever sign a new deal after Montreal?


In Bret's book he said Owen was planning to become a fireman once his contract ran out I think.

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Every Hart brother planned on that, though. They have this weird obsession with cats and putting out fires. Like every planned retirement, Owen would have probably stuck around the business instead. Especially during that era. He was a tight arse who liked his money by all accounts. I doubt he'd have walked away from that contract. His deal was pretty sweet, just to keep him away from WCW. Not to mention everyone was making more than their downside.


Owen and the Bulldog would have probably reformed in 1999 looking at the landscape. It was Owen who got him his job back. I dont know how they'd have fared in 2000 with the Hardys and the Dudleys, though. "I'm not falling off no fookin' ladders. Not wee my back."

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Would Bulldog have even been back in '99 if Owen hadn't died though?


Plus for someone widely regarded as a charisma black hole, he was funny as fuck commentating at KOTR '96


Is he regarded as uncharismatic? I would've thought everyone considered him entertaining in that midcard comedy heel role. He didn't have the goods to do a solid half of a main event level feud, but for undercard pisstake stuff, he was top drawer.

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I wouldn't say Owen is overrated IMO. Should he have won the title, god no, but desperately trying to remain a wrestling fan in the new gen era, Owen was one of the reasons. A great whiny heel, no attempts to be cool at all, proper panto stuff. Awesome.

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Would Bulldog have even been back in '99 if Owen hadn't died though?

Yeah, WCW sacked him and Owen got him his job back in the WWF, as the story goes. But he got this big main event push, working with Austin, Rock and Triple H because they wanted him onside in any legal matters with the Harts. Bulldog would have been one of the many making the numbers up if he'd have returned as a favour if Owen was still alive. Instead they brought him in a "returning legend doing it for Owen's memory" and all that. Maybe Bulldog could have got back on form in a tag team where Owen did all the work. They were a really good tag team.


The thing about Owen Hart is, a lot of wrestlers have said he treated wrestling as a way to make a living and didnt really love it like every other Hart brother did. Owen grew up when he Dad was a knackered old man, so never got the kickings the others did. He was just a normal guy, not a damaged loony like the rest of his brothers. A lot of workers said if he wanted to go, he was better than Bret was. But Bret was so driven, he was more consistant and more willing to ask for opportunities at the main event. Where as Owen was on autopilot and wanted to just get through the boredom on the road. If you look at Dynamite, Benoit, Bret and those guys, they had the talent and were driven and probably worse people for it. Owen Hart was to opposite of those three. Seemed like a good bloke who didn't mind exposing the business just to get a giggle out of his mates.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I can't imagine WWE touching a guy like '99 Bulldog nowadays.  So fucked, both injuries and drug problems.  For all people's concerns over Angle's health, he pales into comparison with some of that generation. 

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I've said it before, but I'm surprised Carlos Cabrera isn't in yet. He's been there a long time and I'd imagine it would please the Spanish audience. Hard for me to judge on his skills obviously, but he's been there a long time.

On a similar note, I say every year that Jim Johnston needs to be inducted.

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