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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Especially when MLS which no-one even watches got a large increased.


You would be surpirsed how big football/soccer has got in the states.


Not really.




Less than 400,000 viewers on NBC is pretty fucking shocking, to be honest.

Edited by PowerButchi
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It gets worse for WWE, as their stock dropped a massive 43%. Now Forbes and the like are reporting what a shitty month it's been for WWE. That Forbes article states that McMahon lost $357M during all this, poor bugger.


I was going to ask if anybody knew how much their share price had plummeted so thanks. I'm guessing that's the sharpest decline since WWE first floated. I hope they manage to get it sorted, if anything they've done deserves to succeed, it's the Network.

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It gets worse for WWE, as their stock dropped a massive 43%. Now Forbes and the like are reporting what a shitty month it's been for WWE. That Forbes article states that McMahon lost $357M during all this, poor bugger.


Well, not really, his 'estimated worth' has dropped but it snot like a dime has disappeared out of his bank account.


Its no doubt a massive blow though, it was poor to announce their expectations before negotiations started but its also not unusual in the business world and particularly where televisions rights are involved.


Its worth pointing out that whilst the drop is absolutely huge, the WWE stock is also a bit of an unknown in the trading world. For a start theres very little stock available and secondly its a product that not many investors really know.

Edited by Van Dammer
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Also worth nothing that although it's a massive drop, it's only really down to around the same point it was late last year before the TV rights hype began. It's a case of a strong gradual growth for a few months based on an expectation, with that growth disappearing overnight when the expectation proved false.

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wwe.com seems to have taken a hit too as it is down for me.


Any one else experience this?



Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in DrupalDefaultEntityController->load() (line 178 of /u01/www/wwecom7a/html/includes/entity.inc).

Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in DrupalDefaultEntityController->cacheGet() (line 354 of /u01/www/wwecom7a/html/includes/entity.inc).

Notice: Undefined index: und in network_epg_nav_render() (line 54 of /u01/www/wwecom7a/html/sites/all/modules/wwe/wwe_widgets/widgets/network/network_epg_nav/network_epg_nav.inc).

Notice: Undefined index: node in theme_curated_river_item() (line 73 of /u01/www/wwecom7a/html/sites/all/modules/wwe/wwe_content/wwe_content.theme.inc).

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$type in _node_extract_type() (line 371 of /u01/www/wwecom7a/html/modules/node/node.module).

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$nid in node_build_content() (line 1358 of /u01/www/wwecom7a/html/modules/node/node.module).

EntityMalformedException: Missing bundle property on entity of type node. in entity_extract_ids() (line 7562 of /u01/www/wwecom7a/html/includes/common.inc).


The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.

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It gets worse for WWE, as their stock dropped a massive 43%. Now Forbes and the like are reporting what a shitty month it's been for WWE. That Forbes article states that McMahon lost $357M during all this, poor bugger.


Well, not really, his 'estimated worth' has dropped but it snot like a dime has disappeared out of his bank account.

Well, yeah. I didn't say otherwise.


The big story here is that they were so off on their supposed projections. Over $100M under is massive.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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I thought Wrestlezone and YouTube were the places to go to read moronic wrestling fan opinions. Seems like the followers of Business Insider on facebook are equally as retarded. "That's what happens when you make the Undertaker lose at Wrestlemania" is the best comment so far I think, regarding "Vince McMahon loses a 3rd of his fortune in one day". And no, I don't think the guy was joking. If he was, it's OK, there's hundreds of other idiotic comments.

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Punk announced at a cubs game today that he and Aj are marrying next month.


It wont last. It will be like Brand and Perry or me and any bird. Me, Punker and Ol' Russ are shaggers for life and we cant change. Its our curse.


In other totally unrelated news...how fucking weird is it seeing Drake Younger as a referee for NXT? Every pic I see of it on twitter blows my mind. Weirdest transition ever.

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