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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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From PWMalwarehazard...


By Mike Johnson on 2014-01-12 10:51:40


We received a number of emails overnight asking whether WWE Ryback had been released from the company.

The short answer to that is no, but why people began asking is a bit of a longer story.


Ryback regularly engages fans in Twitter in a way meant to upset them, since he's a heel. Last night was no exception, since he was bragging about giving Dolph Ziggler a concussion and thanking fans for "making me rich", claiming he sold 750,000 t-shirts in 2013.


As he continued writing on Twitter, Ryback noted that he was pulled over by a police car that thought his GPS was actually a cell phone. After some time, he noted that he was released.


When Ryback wrote released, he meant that in a way that the police car had let him go about his business, not that WWE had released him.


Shortly after people began responding to the release comment, Ryback wrote that his Twitter was hacked and then deleted all the Tweets on it.


So, it was a case of a heel being a heel and then fans misunderstanding what he was writing. He's still with the company.

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"I was hacked" is such a dumb thing to say. I never got it. The fans know it's bullshit, he knows it's bullshit and if WWE were the ones to ask him to delete his stuff, they know it's bullshit. So who's he trying to lie to?

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Ryan Reeves ‏@Ryback22 33m


Last night at my last show the crowd chanted Ryback and Ryback Rules clap clap clap over and over. I thank you it will forever be remembered


The Big Guy fucking RULES!

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We noted before that WWE recently resolved their issues with Roddy Piper because they want him to be a part of WrestleMania XXX weekend. WWE wants Piper and other WrestleMania I stars, mainly the main event participants, to headline the Hall of Fame ceremony that weekend.


The idea being pitched within WWE would see Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, Mr. T and Paul Orndorff to be inducted, making it the first time ever that a match itself is inducted into the Hall of Fame. It's possible that Jimmy Snuka and Bob Orton, who also participated in the WrestleMania I main event, could be inducted as well. Inducting a match into the Hall of Fame opens the door for similar inductions in the future.


Mr. T has reportedly turned down WWE in the past but word now is that officials recently reached out to him and are negotiating. If this plan goes through, obviously it would make Hogan, Piper, Orndorff, Orton and Snuka two-time Hall of Famers like Ric Flair.


Read more at http://www.lordsofpain.net/news/wwe/WWE_Pl...7fGx5XPHSkKq.99

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Thats a ridiculous agreement to expect anyone to sign. What if the show never got to air officially for 2 or 3 years? Im sure it was filmed over a year ago too, it was filmed before the original 'coming soon' ads for the Network aired and that seems ages ago.


EDIT: I was referring to the dispute between Piper and WWE about the Legends House show.

Edited by Van Dammer
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