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Richie Freebird

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Not massive fans of theirs, but a small hard hitting team in a tag division would have been decent, but then I've been dreaming of a correctly used tag division since the Hardys, Dudleys and E&C.


But that's all they would have been good for, and seeing as there's hardly any interest in tag team wrestling then two more small workers that can wrestle aren't needed.


I agree with HHH, I'd much prefer they conentrate on discovering a few guys for Roman Reigns to be feuding with in a good few years time.

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I've been dreaming of a correctly used tag division since the Hardys, Dudleys and E&C.

Teddy, 2013 was a fantastic year for the tag division in WWE! Surely an example of the division correctly used. Tag teams have been dying out in WWE for a decade, last year saw a renaissance in my opinion.

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I've been dreaming of a correctly used tag division since the Hardys, Dudleys and E&C.

Teddy, 2013 was a fantastic year for the tag division in WWE! Surely an example of the division correctly used. Tag teams have been dying out in WWE for a decade, last year saw a renaissance in my opinion.



There has been an improvement in the tag division but hardly anywhere near the glory years.


When I started watching WWF there was The Legion of Doom , Hart Foundation , Bushwakers , Demolition etc

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I don't care what the Observer statement says, Davey Richards is shite. I've seen more than enough of his matches to know for sure. They've already got a short guy who goes loads of kicks and dives and he's also one of the best wrestlers in the whole world who is over and sells loads of t-shirts. What the fuck do they need Davey Richards for? NXT is full of better workers than Richards...Bo Dallas for example. He doesn't do all the flips and head drops Davey Richards does but he has a character, knows how to play it and people will pay money to see him get his head kicked in.

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I don't care what the Observer statement says, Davey Richards is shite. I've seen more than enough of his matches to know for sure. They've already got a short guy who goes loads of kicks and dives and he's also one of the best wrestlers in the whole world who is over and sells loads of t-shirts. What the fuck do they need Davey Richards for? NXT is full of better workers than Richards...Bo Dallas for example. He doesn't do all the flips and head drops Davey Richards does but he has a character, knows how to play it and people will pay money to see him get his head kicked in.


I'm not really defending Davey Richards here, i think he's alright but nothing else. But who's to say given the right character, Davey Richards couldn't do the same? Even if he rarely shows it he does have charisma (as seen on commentary for PWG events).


I don't think WWE have missed the boat with Richards but i'd like to have seen what he could of done on NXT at least. If he goes TNA i don't think he would change his routine at all.


Edit: Also everyone seems to have forget about Eddie Edwards. Who is actually not that small, 6ft, so i don't see that being the reason they weren't signed.

Edited by Twatters
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I've been dreaming of a correctly used tag division since the Hardys, Dudleys and E&C.

Teddy, 2013 was a fantastic year for the tag division in WWE! Surely an example of the division correctly used. Tag teams have been dying out in WWE for a decade, last year saw a renaissance in my opinion.

There have been some good tag team matches granted, but the division means fuck all, and until there is a solid basis of 4-5 established tag teams that are actually tag teams and not two singles crammed together, and they get the opportunity to feud over the belts then the division will never see a renaissance.


A wasted opportunity too.

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Here's one:

The feeling this week is that when Roman Reigns does his babyface turn and split from the Shield, likely in February, that he'll be replaced with a new guy in the group. The name Mason Ryan has been thrown around as a possibility.


Chris Hero said in his shoot interview that Mason Ryan has been off TV for so long because they want you to forget his first run. They are still pretty high on him.


Someone compared Ryan joining the Shield like Crush joining Demolition which amused me.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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As long as he pretends he's Japanese when it fails. Followed by being a black supremacist and then a hells angel after a stint in Durham prison.. I'd be happy.


He could 'look' the part but has always looked dreadful in the ring... Who knows, a clown/prosthetic arm attack may do him the world of good

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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There have been some good tag team matches granted, but the division means fuck all, and until there is a solid basis of 4-5 established tag teams that are actually tag teams and not two singles crammed together, and they get the opportunity to feud over the belts then the division will never see a renaissance.


A wasted opportunity too.

I think you have that solid foundation. The Shield, Wyatt Family, Usos, Primetime Players and Los Matadores are surely what you'd call 'actual' tag teams. They look like tag teams, wrestle like tag teams and are presented as such. Even the more thrown together teams are presented quite well as teams, such as Tonnes of Funk and Real Americans. The Rhodes brothers have their own identifiable looks but the fact they are brothers gives them a decent tag team dynamic. And there's also 3MB for the jobs and comic relief.


I'm not suggesting this is late 80s WWF & NWA reincarnated, but it's certainly something you could call a division now and is probably the best presented since at least the TLC era- in my opinion anyway.

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You know how we've all be longing for the day when D-Von Dudley, Headbanger Thrasher, Dave Benson Phillips & Gene Snitsky would grace the silver screen together?


Coming soon......


RhumbleRama - The Motion Picture




"When an unemployed actor disappoints his son, he puts on a wrestling show to redeem himself in his son's eyes. The show goes viral exposing Jeff to the realities of pro wrestling, teaching him that being a hero can mean just standing up."


Lets hope the hero is standing up in the gunge tank.

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There have been some good tag team matches granted, but the division means fuck all, and until there is a solid basis of 4-5 established tag teams that are actually tag teams and not two singles crammed together, and they get the opportunity to feud over the belts then the division will never see a renaissance.


A wasted opportunity too.

I think you have that solid foundation. The Shield, Wyatt Family, Usos, Primetime Players and Los Matadores are surely what you'd call 'actual' tag teams. They look like tag teams, wrestle like tag teams and are presented as such. Even the more thrown together teams are presented quite well as teams, such as Tonnes of Funk and Real Americans. The Rhodes brothers have their own identifiable looks but the fact they are brothers gives them a decent tag team dynamic. And there's also 3MB for the jobs and comic relief.


I'm not suggesting this is late 80s WWF & NWA reincarnated, but it's certainly something you could call a division now and is probably the best presented since at least the TLC era- in my opinion anyway.


I'm with you. Personally I think the WWE tag team division is bloody awesome at the moment. I'm trying to think of a time since I started watching WWE (1996) when we had this many decent tag teams at any one time.


- Real Americans.

- The Usos.

- The Rhodes Bros.

- The Wyatts.

- The Shield.

- El Metadores.

- 3MB.

- Tons of Fuck (well recently split).

- Xavier Woods / R Truth.

- Ryback / Curtis Axel


It's a solid division! Kudos to WWE for building it up.

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I'm not saying this is all about Davey. If they turned him down due to lacking charisma and his bad rep then that is fine. The problem is they turned him down due to size and they don't want anuboduy that they think is too small, which means other wtrestlers with talent, charisma and better attitudes will not get a shot.

Based on what? If they thought they were too small, why did they even give them a tryout?


People like Regal pushed fir them and they were briefly appeased.

If only you realised how absurd you sound here. Your first post was bad enough, but the excuses and 'ah but...' responses to examples pointing out how nonsensical your point was, are just something else.


On top of everything else, you must be either incredibly naive, or worse, to come to the conclusion that the WWE are now employing some sort of absolute, rigid policy of ignoring everyone under a certain height/weight regardless. It's obviously not going to be as black & white as that, but you've just jumped in after taking it as gospel that it's a simple issue of size, with no other factors at play. In the real world, things don't tend to work like that.


Indeed, the subsequent, more detailed rumours hinting at why those two guys weren't signed seem entirely sensible and reasonable. Basically, they already have more than enough small, serious, workrate type guys, and those two haven't shown any other attributes that would make them stand out from the pack and put them above loads of other developmental guys in the pecking order. It's clearly understandable, as I can tell from a handful of matches that these guys, at least the Richards one, doesn't exactly have star potential - and it's nothing to do with his size.

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Film - Foxcatcher


"The story of Olympic Wrestling Champion Mark Schultz and how paranoid schizophrenic John duPont killed his brother, Olympic Champion Dave Schultz."


Now... Yes, I saw the name David Schultz and became excited. I had no idea there was another 'wrestler' called David Schultz burn in June in the 50's.




Turns out there was, and Michael Scott isn't keen

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