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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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For now though he's a heel.

That doesn't matter. David Otunga's bread and butter is the anti-bullying school tours.


Darren Young's just saved himself from a sacking anytime soon, I bet.



I know it doesn't, but it should matter.


Ortunga is as relevant as just joe. If he is high fiveing kids down the youth club, I hope they don't re-introduce him as a heel to the main roster. If they do, I hope it's because he ended up being one of the bullies.


I know it's old hat now but for fuck sake, don't let your heels go pony trekking with victims. There's enough faces you need to get over.

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Brad Maddox is an AWESOME GM. Like, seriously Johnny Ace levels. He's shiny and new and smarmy and funny and has a great voice. He's also vulnerable. If we have to have a general manager I'd sooner him than boring old Vince/HHH/Steph making the wrestlers look like plebs to no comeuppance.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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It might be the usual IWC bullshit but don't Vince and Kevin Dunn both think Maddox looks dreamy and such? He reminds me of a mix of Mac from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia and Bischoff when he was just getting going as an on screen character in WCW.

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Brad Maddox is so shit as a GM, its shocking. The step up was just way to big for him. He went from decent minor character to all over the show. Shame really. He'll be like a used cum rag by the time this storyline is finished. He hasn't got the presence or the acting ability to be sharing screen time with the big boys each week.

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Met colt Cabanna on the royal mile today. I thought he was over 6ft, but I was taller than him. Got filmed by the bbc asking him about the podcast. Confirmed him and Austin are doing ech others shows.

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Courtesy of lordsofpain.net.....


Independent pro wrestling star Damien Darling recently spoke to the folks at #Asked about his past relationship with WWE Hall Of Famer Tammy "Sunny" Sytch. Darling addressed claims by Sytch of physical and sexual abuse, along with many other controversial topics. Check out the complete interview online at BlogTalkRadio.com. Below are highlights from the interview:


On her unhappiness and the front she put on for the public: "Just because you go on Facebook, or you go on Twitter and you pretend like you're so successful and happy, and you're a Hall of Famer or whatever, that's not reality. No disrespect to a WWE Hall of Fame ring, but a WWE Hall of Fame ring and a dollar will get you a bag of Doritos at a deli.


"She went to three different rehabs in our relationship. The first time she went to rehab for 30 days ... She came out of that rehab and had so much medication, which was over-prescribed for her. Before you know it, you're filming a show or you're filming a shoot interview and you're f**king three pills deep, and you're not yourself."


On why their relationship didn't work out: "I think maybe Tammy thought that she'd have some boyfriend that she could move in with, that would come home from work, and she'd be f**cking passed out drunk. That would wash her, and clean her up, and because she was who she was, would just manage to pull through. That's not me ... One day I came home and she was passed out, and there was an empty bottle of vodka on the floor. The first thing I did was pick up the phone and call WWE, and get one of the representatives that handle their rehab facility on the phone.


"They would have sent a cab right over, would have picked her up and took her right to rehab. WWE rehab is amazing. They will absolutely send a cab to your house, pick you up and find you the best rehab facility in the country."


On being accused of sexual abusing Sytch: "It was reported in the newspaper by her attorney, who made statements that she had broken ribs. When I first read that on a Monday morning - like the entire world did - the first thing I did was I went to the police department ... They pulled me aside and said 'listen, she was arrested on Friday, she was fine. She was here in custody on Saturday; she was fine. She saw her lawyer on Sunday, and a half hour later, they filled a criminal complaint against you for assault, and for sexual assault ... they had her x-rayed, and she had no injuries, and absolutely no signs of any sort of sexual assault. So I was never, ever charged or investigated for anything. Her accusations of me breaking her ribs are just what they are."


On some of the alleged lies she has told the media: "When she was released from prison - a normal person would maybe call your mom, or your family or your friends - the first thing Tammy did when she was released from prison was call TMZ. She called TMZ and said that she was writing an autobiography and that she was cured of cancer ... She accused me of giving her an STD, that was HPV, that turned into cervical cancer. HPV is an STD that could turn into cervical cancer. Only it takes seven to eight years for HVP to actually turn into cervical cancer. So that means that, eight years ago, when I was a freshman in high school - I was not the guy that was banging Tammy Sytch."


On the final straw in their relationship: "She was arrested six times It really wasn't until the last, final time that she was arrested in my apartment ... I came home, the same thing happened again, only this time it was so f**king violent, and so dangerous ... When you have a drunk woman attacking you with bottles, and knives and hammers and whatever else, there's not a whole lot that you can do. The last time we were together, it was very very dangerous. There was a moment - I'll be honest, I fell on my ass and broke down and cried. There was a moment where I just had a vision in my mind of newspaper articles of one of us being dead, because it was getting that bad. Like Chris Benoit and Nancy; something crazy. It was dangerous, and I had never been in a relationship like that before."

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It might be the usual IWC bullshit but don't Vince and Kevin Dunn both think Maddox looks dreamy and such? He reminds me of a mix of Mac from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia and Bischoff when he was just getting going as an on screen character in WCW.


I was thinking of him as a young Eric Bischoff the other week when he was on, and all I could think was 're-hire Eric Bischoff'

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Saw this news item doing the rounds on www.cagesideseats.com. Vince really doesn't rate Christian does he?


Here's the link as well.


Vince wanted Christian to have a blue dot on his face!


Vince McMahon has been called a creative genius but he's also quirky as all get out. This wacky idea he had for Christian is sure to crack you up.


The world of professional wrestling is a weird one, cartoonish in nature and wild and wacky thanks to the over the top characters that inhabit it. The CEO of WWE, the largest promotion within that world, is perhaps the most eccentric of the bunch.


He's quirky. He's goofy. He's been described as a creative genius but there's a thin line between that and outright insanity.


Take the following story, for instance, one that comes from former WWE lead writer Alex Greenfield during an episode of Pollock and Greenfield at FightNetwork.com (transcription via PW Insider):



"Right before I started, there was a big show, I think it might have been in Toronto. Christian was just so completely over, and everybody thought he was going to get a push at, I think it was the World Heavyweight Championship at that point. We were on the plane one time shortly after I started, and Vince was just like 'God damn, I just don't like his face. His face really bothers me.' I was like, 'He's ugly, Vince?' 'No, it's not that he's ugly, it's just, I don't know, it's ratty! You know what we should do? That Kennedy gimmick.' And we're all like, 'What?' Some see-on of the Kennedy fortune I guess got arrested for rape in the 1990s at some point. When the woman who was accusing him was on the stand, all of the networks put a blue dot over her face. Vince was like, 'God damn, you know what we should do? We should put a blue dot over his face whenever he comes out.' It was the flight to Sheffield, England, also the flight where the Spirit Squad idea was invented. This was a whole flight of bad ideas."


Yes, ladies and gentlemen, McMahon wanted Christian to appear on television with a blue dot over his face at all times just because it bothers him. That's the leader of WWE. That's the man who has final say in everything you see on your TV screen during Monday Night Raw, Main Event, and Friday Night SmackDown.

Edited by LSM
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That story is hilarious. I've never been offended by Christians face but his skinny matchstick arms really hit a nerve with me. I enjoy his matches but I find myself being distracted by his girly arms especially when he is doing his slow clap shtick. Also someone with his size upper body has no business using a spear. :angry:

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Question for the ages: is Sunny a terrible person because of her mental illness....or is she just a terrible person anyway who happens to have mental issues?


I'd like to say the former, but, truthfully, I never heard any stories about her being a nice person at all even back in the '90s before all her issues. The woman is quite amazingly arrogant and self-centered.

Edited by Smith
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