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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Wrestling legend Scott Hall was arrested Friday after allegedly choking out his girlfriend in a drunken fit of rage -- this according to the arrest report, obtained by TMZ.


According to the report, cops were called to Scott's Florida home over a domestic disturbance in progress around 5pm. When they arrived, Scott's GF Lisa Howell informed police he had attacked her.


According to Lisa, Scott had been drinking for days and the two had gotten into some kind of argument. Lisa says she got into her car, and in a blind rage, Scott grabbed her by the throat and tried to pull her out of the driver's seat.


According to the report, police confronted Scott -- who appeared heavily intoxicated with an "unknown white secretion flowing from both sides of his mouth" -- but he denied ever getting violent.


Police observed several signs of physical injury on Lisa -- including red marks around her neck -- so they placed Scott under arrest for domestic battery.


Scott -- billed at 6'7" and 287 pounds -- required TWO sets of handcuffs.


But his problems didn't end there -- according to the report, Scott was so drunk ... the jail refused to book him ... so the arresting officer had to drag him to a nearby hospital to get medical clearance.


The physicians gave their thumbs up and Scott was brought back to the correctional facility, where he was finally booked on the domestic violence charge.


Lisa has refused to press charges. So far, it's unclear if the case will move forward.


Source: TMZ

Edited by Sir Steve Redgrave
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Rob Terry's twitter account has been hacked sending out private messages and tweets with links to phishing sites. Got one last night.

"Hey some person is making nasty rumours about you..."link

Amazing some people have tweeted back demanding to know what the rumours are.

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according to the report, Scott was so drunk the jail refused to book him




'Kin eck Tommy!!! Copyright Tommy mate (everyone should learn from my mistakes :))

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Speaking of which, where the fuck is Ian? He's gone AWOL again.


He might be busy or something. Hopefully he got a job as a Baker so he and Butch can form a tag team.


Candlestick Maker would clearly be the 3rd man of the faction then :thumbsup:

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As a stable that'd work fine. But when the butcher and baker left the poor guy would be left with about the worst gimmick you could possibly have. He makes candlesticks. Besides hitting people with candlesticks what could you really do with that?


He could be a psycho who sadistically encase people in wax in an effort to make human candles.

His gimmick match could be a 'hot wax pit' match, kinda like that 'Arkansas hog pen' match but with wax instead of pig shit.

Hey, there's been worse gimmicks.....

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As a stable that'd work fine. But when the butcher and baker left the poor guy would be left with about the worst gimmick you could possibly have. He makes candlesticks. Besides hitting people with candlesticks what could you really do with that?


Butcher and Baker left for WCW to be repackaged as Meat and Bread. In masks. At least Candlestick Maker could get recycled as a member of the Right To Censor.

Edited by Loki
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