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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Coleman's fucking barmy. His hip's knackered as well, he's just retired and agreed to have surgery. And he still wants to fight people.

Punk's done his leg in, as well, so Coleman would still give him a kicking. And I think its more a self preservation thing. A fake wrestler being put onscreen instead of a real fighter. Sort of the same attitude wrestlers have when part timers come back. Its the promoters who bring them back, but they seem to blame the individual.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Yeah makes sense, I can see why he'd feel slighted. I miss the days when the likes of Rock, Austin, Goldberg and Undertaker would show up at UFC events.


And I don't know what everyone was drinking that night but at that same event a fan took a swing at Chael Sonnen.

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Talking of arenas being demolished, a friend of mine uploaded this picture of the remains of the Impact Zone. I haven't seen it elsewhere here. It's mad seeing nothing but the stands and the ramp. Goodbye Impact Zone.



Edited by thesimonbegz
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Aye, definately. The side which didn't face the hard camera was barely shown on TV, looks like it wouldn't have fit much more than two or three rows of fans/tourists. I appreciate the fact that they left the ramp there for a bit, great photo opportunity!

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The Impact Zone was one of those "bucket list" places for wrestling fans that you really had to attend at least once. Revelling amongst the mutants was something you had to experience at least once. It was fun to watch wrestling live in here, even if they should have got rid of it ages ago. Also, they used to shoot {Pro} and Worldwide in there, didn't they? WCW have certainly done a few shows from there. The capacity was about 1000, so it was quite small, but it has so much history to it.


I'll really miss the Impact Zone. It's going to be quite strange going to Florida and not getting the chance to go watch Impact. :(

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Yeah visit the impact zone twice myself as well, once for the first impact on Spike in 05 and again in the summer of 2010. No matter where you sat you felt up close and being a teen for the first show seeing Russo & Jimmy hart wandering around was quite cool (and see the weapons stash behind the stands)

Edited by 2Xtreme_lives
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I did a PPV and subsequent TV tapings over a three day period a couple of years back. I remember thinking how small the venue was then, but it was cosy and intimate, a fun enough place to go watch wrestling (even if the main event of the PPV only went about 45 seconds (yeah, I went to that show). There were wrestlers all over the place too around the local area, I specifically remember seeing Tommy Dreamer and Robbie E in Walgreen, and then bumping in to Vince Russo in Starbucks. He really wasn't a fan of that Sting/Hardy match.

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Attending a show at the Impact Zone was an education in the power of TV production (how close were the commentators to the ring!) and how not to organise a queue.


When stood near the merch stand while waiting for my mate I felt all dirty and dark. How I pictured the ECW arena experience to be.

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then bumping in to Vince Russo in Starbucks. He really wasn't a fan of that Sting/Hardy match.


What was he like? For some reason I imagine him being dead sound to talk to if you were to bump into him.

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