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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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I hope that any of the wrestlers with sense will avoid working for him.




Also looking forward to see if any people who know his rep on here see big names and run for tickets.


Surely nobody, nobody, nobody on here is foolish enough to part with ANY cash up front for anything to do with Gauntley. I mean, come on.

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Not only is the same link two posts up, but he posted it 9 minutes after the clip happens. Idiot.


Just a mistake. Any need for the idiot part? you fucking cunt.


Not if you weren't such an idiot.


Envy is a horrible thing.

Use the hate thread next time. See you both a week.

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Somebody asked me a while ago if there was any possibility of AAA going to America based one something Konnan said so I thought I'd share the news from luchablog, Konnan and Roldan have been fired (in storyline) and there's speculation there that since this has come out of nowhere it might be related to them two starting up a promotion in America, separate from AAA but, of course, connected. Thought it might be of interest to some people.

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Is there actually money in that? Konnan has little value in the US anymore and all the names he'd be using is the same ones everyone else uses (Teddy Hart, X-Pac, Harry Smith etc). Will there be significant backing to make them a player? Or will it just be an indy feeder?

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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No idea really. A lucha show drew quite well recently in LA (well, better than a lot indys) but that was a loaded card, and even then they probably lost cash. That's the question, whether AAA guys like LA Park and Perro Agauyo Jr will draw (and maybe Dr Wagner Jr, I don't really understand what's going on there) in certain parts of the States, and they would but only in certain parts. They'd have to keep costs down I'd have thought. And yeah, even then, I don't fancy their chances without a backer. There's probably good odds of them doing a couple of shows, realising its a stupid idea and then giving up.

Edited by Vamp
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I was under the impression that, because of the large Hispanic communities in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas and Florida, lucha was pretty big? Surely lucha shows should do quite well?

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It was an unintentionally funny line as it was in the context of a doddery old man being unable to program the video and getting WWF/Duggan instead of Downton Abbey, presumably having mistakenly set the timer for 1993.


That's better than I imagined. Don't watch soaps so glad someone explained the reference on here.


I got a text message from one of my ex-girlfriend's on Saturday night that read "Who the heck is hacksaw jim Dugan?" Wasn't expecting that.


Love unexpected wrestling references like that.

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I was under the impression that, because of the large Hispanic communities in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas and Florida, lucha was pretty big? Surely lucha shows should do quite well?


Don't you think if that were the case there'd be a thriving scene there already?

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I think they'll draw with big lucha names but they've got problems with Wagner Jr for a start, who supposedly doesn't work there anymore. Park's expensive. But beyond the novelty factor I just don't think it'll go too well. I suppose it partly depends how determined they are to make it work.There's lucha spot shows that show up in these cities, probably run by money marks but to actually run a frequent product out there is something different.

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I was under the impression that, because of the large Hispanic communities in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas and Florida, lucha was pretty big? Surely lucha shows should do quite well?


Don't you think if that were the case there'd be a thriving scene there already?


I was thinking there were probably other factors at work, such as border control, plus, maybe, established respect for WWE's boundaries or something. That there was no thriving scene because the shows couldn't be put on, rather than that they wouldn't be popular.

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