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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Tweets late last night from wrestling journalists who are usually pretty reliable:



Tomorrow changes a lot of lives and careers in pro wrestling



If the BIG NEWS is what I think it is, it's legitimate game changing, huge news that completely changes the wrestling biz's immediate future

Meltzer is playing it down a bit, suggesting people are getting over-excited.

The wording doesn't seem to suggest whether this potential news story changes the business for the better or for worse.


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Last time everyone was being this cryptic on Twitter, it was just Evolve working with WWE.


So irritating people desperately trying to show they're in the know but not spilling the beans - I too wonder if it might be something to do with the new Network tiers and the indies.

Edited by Benno
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Looks like it may be something to do with Flo Sports starting a streaming network of indy groups. At least that's what perennial in the know Twitter man Rovert says.

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The entirely uncensored x-rated real Vader pic. NSFW obvs.






Jesus Christ :laugh:


Fuck Seth Rollins posting pictures of his cross fit sculpted body and cock, this is what the world needs, people like Vader and Jim Duggan and Anvil posting nude selfies, make Wrestling fun again.

I'm an idiot for not hyping that as a picture of "Vader's helmet".

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I hear Keller is a bit of a clickbait merchant thought, isn't he? I'm sure it'll be all over Lords Of Pain-fully poorly transcribed articles from other dirtsheets.

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Looks like it may be something to do with Flo Sports starting a streaming network of indy groups. At least that's what perennial in the know Twitter man Rovert says.


Don't a lot of these indy groups already stream their content online for a price? I'm sure the likes of PWG, ICW & a few other English feds have all their shows out there


Is Flo Sports a big thing? if not I'm not sure how this is big news

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