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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Scans Bryan's height as 5'10"? He needs to go back to Skynet for a tune up.


I'm sure all the stats on wwe.com are accurate and they definitely don't add 2/3 inches to everybodies heights.

Wrestling stats are all 100% true


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Five years ago, if you told me Arnold Schwarzenegger would film a trailer involving Bryan Danielson, Brittani Knight, Prince Devitt and Jon Moxley, I would think "TAKE ME TO 2015 NOW".


Definitely getting this one. I can't wait until The Terminator jobs to some bum like Ryder on Universe Mode.

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Scans Bryan's height as 5'10"? He needs to go back to Skynet for a tune up.





I'm sure all the stats on wwe.com are accurate and they definitely don't add 2/3 inches to everybodies heights.


So an advert for a video game featuring a killer robot from the future, and Daniel Bryan’s fictionalised height is what you have an issue with…?

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Scans Bryan's height as 5'10"? He needs to go back to Skynet for a tune up.





I'm sure all the stats on wwe.com are accurate and they definitely don't add 2/3 inches to everybodies heights.


So an advert for a video game featuring a killer robot from the future, and Daniel Bryan’s fictionalised height is what you have an issue with…?



I don't have an issue. I was clearly making a light joke about how they've pumped up Bryan's height. 

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Why would they boost Bryan's height? I can obviously understand upping the physical stats of your big men, but isn't Bryan's gimmick in WWE that he's not the stereotypical size? Might as well say Mysterio is 6 foot tall, doesn't make sense to me.

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For the Dragon Gate Fans out there:



In some shocking and unprecedented news, the Open the Dream Gate title belt was lost in the late hours of 07/21. The title belts are stored in duralumin cases for safe keeping when not in use. They were loaded onto the ring truck after the conclusion of Kobe World. The truck then traveled to the Sanctuary office building. At about 2 AM, the truck departed for the dojo, which is about 10 kilometers from the office building. While stopped at a traffic light about 2km from the office, the driver of another car informed the truck drivers that the back doors were open. The duralumin cases for the Dream & Brave Gate title belts were found to be missing. Management was contacted and a frantic search of the road ensued. The Brave Gate was found by a nearby telephone pole, safe and sound inside the case. However, the Dream Gate case was found in the garbage next to a nearby apartment building. The belt was not inside. Dream Gate champion Masato Yoshino was contacted by telephone, prompting him to get out of bed and conduct his own search of the area. After his tear-filled search proved fruitless, a report was filed with the local police. There are security cameras around the apartment building that could be helpful, and police are in the process of trying to obtain the recordings. 


The title belt is valued at around 2,000,000 yen, or approximately $20,000 USD. Plans are for a Dream Gate title defense on 08/16 in Ota-ku, so an order has been placed with the America based belt manufacturer for a replacement. There are concerns that the title will not arrive in time. Yoshino is taking this news very hard, and apologized profusely to fans for his upcoming belt-less appearances. He hopes fans will cheer him as loudly as they usually do, despite this indignance. 
President Takashi Okamura has placed finding the missing belt as the #1 priority right now.



Picture of the belt: 


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The belt was not inside. Dream Gate champion Masato Yoshino was contacted by telephone, prompting him to get out of bed and conduct his own search of the area. After his tear-filled search proved fruitless, a report was filed with the local police.

Is it bad that I laughed at this bit?

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The belt was not inside. Dream Gate champion Masato Yoshino was contacted by telephone, prompting him to get out of bed and conduct his own search of the area. After his tear-filled search proved fruitless, a report was filed with the local police.

Is it bad that I laughed at this bit?

No, but it made me think it was an article from The Onion.

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Mind blown a bit. Do champions not travel round with their title belts then?

Its down to the company themselves I think. Some allow the talents to keep the belts, whilst others dont. I recall WWE have more than one version of a title (They have the regular belts, then they have super shiny ones for HD TV, is that right?) which they allow the talent to keep hold of the reglar belts for appearances/etc, but WWE keep the super HD ones or something like that.

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