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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Agreed, but yeah, that's what the "neverbeenkisseds" thing refers too, all the people getting overly jumpy about Bryan not getting every main event, and some of the more wanky actions of the NXT crowd. NXT is a great show, but a lot of the chants of the crowd make me cringe- "We're not worthy!" "This is wrestling!" and the worst offender- "marking out". The term "workrate" itself maybe isn't as prevalent, it was just the easiest way to describe it, the mentality is definitely there.


And I like Jon Stewart. It's rare and refreshing for a celebrity to come in and be an actual fan of the current product. Even guys like Mike Tyson, who are noted as wrestling fans, can more easily identify Hulkamania wrestlers than the modern guys.

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How come he's guest starring on Raw? Is it just shits and giggles, or is he promoting something, or are they paying him?

He's a big fan, has been front row with his kids at a couple of the Boston PPV's and Raw is at New Jersey - he lives locally.

It's probably a freebie, the guy makes near $30m-a-year.

You don't make $30m a year with a reputation of doing things for free.
Not totally true, Stewart isn't someone who puts money at the forefront of life. He spent a lot of his own money on his film because it was a passion project of his.


He is definitely getting paid, but it's likely to be an amount he doesn't really care about. There's no doubt he's doing this because he absolutely loves it and it's for his kid who will see him as a hero. I remember Bill Simmons essentially saying the same thing with him & Cousin Sal (both friends with Stewart) about how the wwe is something they can share with their children fully.


Anyway that's really neither here or there, but I just wanted to sort of say why I think Jon Stewart may well be the biggest attraction wwe could get.

He is a parent with a very liberal background (the guy is revered by many) and I could be wrong but that seems like the exact market wwe wants to attain.

If Jon Stewart's participation in Wrestlemania means parents of well means starting to watch wwe with their kids and everything, that's definitely worth any money they do throw at him.


I genuinely believe he is bigger than anyone they could bring back, because a Hogan, Rock or even an Austin, as they will only attract a certain type of person. Stewart will likely open the door to the most lucrative type of viewer, which every show is targeting.


Plus the guy is just awesome and completely happy to be self deprecating in the name of a bit. So I'm far more excited at the prospect of any involvement he has in Mania.


I love how they are doing it as well, keeping it as a fun bit which shows that wwe is just a big pantomime which parents and kids can enjoy together.

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Isn't this the kind of shenanigans that a Ziggler could have been involved with, rather than the guy they might be banking on as next top heel after Lesnar leaves? I think it sends the wrong message if the best they've got for Rollins is the semi-serious celebrity tie-in stuff. I mean, I knew they'd given up on ever going all the way with John Morrison when he was pissing around with Snooki at the big dance. I know as briefcase wanker holder Seth will be fine in the long term, but I just don't see why they'd want to cross him vs Orton, who have enough of a serious issue to be fighting, with the "celebrities, yay!" side of the show.


In fact, thinking about how stupid it would be to talk about Rollins trying to end Orton's career which started their issue.... and here's that bloke that takes the piss out of the news - LOL!1 - I've just convinced myself there can't possibly be any truth to this, and Rollins v Orton will go off as a straight singles match.

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What other heels do you put in that role? Possibly Big Show, maybe. Jon Stewart isn't Snooki either, he's hosted the Oscars twice and he's a big name, you're not going to have a Mania sign "point-off" between him and Curtis Axel. If you've got a decent name coming in for a turn, throwing an up and comer into the mix shouldn't be a disaster.


It would be rude if he didn't pick up a paycheck. I've been a fan for over 25 years and I'd want paid if I made an appearance just so nobody thought I was a schmuck.    

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What will get more people tuning in, Orton vs Rollins or Orton (w/ Jon Stewart) vs Rollins? Easy answer, and that is what counts for WWE as it is a business after all.


As said above, it's a world of difference to Snooki or Maria Menounos, he is one of the biggest names and most highly acclaimed people in the TV industry - Rollins (and Orton) will benefit from his association rather than any harm.


Plus, who even said it'll go to Mania? It's more than likely just a one time thing on Raw.

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What will get more people tuning in, Orton vs Rollins or Orton (w/ Jon Stewart) vs Rollins? Easy answer, and that is what counts for WWE as it is a business after all.


The people tuning in for "Jon Stewart involved in wrestling match" don't care what the actual wrestling match is, and I just don't want that to be Rollins' match.

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What will get more people tuning in, Orton vs Rollins or Orton (w/ Jon Stewart) vs Rollins? Easy answer, and that is what counts for WWE as it is a business after all.


The people tuning in for "Jon Stewart involved in wrestling match" don't care what the actual wrestling match is, and I just don't want that to be Rollins' match.


Something like this will probably get Rollins more mainstream exposure than anything he'll likely ever do inside WWE. It's a fantastic opportunity to rub shoulders with a proper TV star and get his face known to a much wider audience. For the WWE is a rare chance to have a relevant, non-tacky celebrity saying and doing positive things with WWE. Having a genuinely smart and funny guy happily let the world known that he's a fan is a great piece of PR for the company.


*I say all this as a massive Jon Steward fan - so I accept I'm heavily biased.

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Brock Lesnar is sitting with Dana White at UFC 184 in LA right now (wearing an interesting suit).

Indicative of him definitely being off or just a genius move to try and scare Vince into improving his offer?




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I laughed the moment the camera cut to Brock Lesnar on last night's UFC. Of course he was there. Guy is the absolute best at playing games during negotiations.


If I was to guess I still think he's going to stay with WWE and continue to be paid millions to work about fifteen days a year, but even so, what a genius he is at working both sides.

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