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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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As good as they are, or aren't in some people's opinions, neither of them are stars. I just can't imagine the writing team, with all the pressure of mania, being arsed to come up with a storyline for a match with two jobber boys that 99% of the audience don't care about.

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Goldust must be a cert for a Hall of Fame spot in 2016 too. More deserving than 90% of the people already in there too. Absolute legend that deserves a send off good enough to reflect his contributions to the company over the last two centuries.

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Yakashi, you're right, but... They put Wade Barrett vs Miz on the WrestleMania pre-show a couple of years ago, Goldust vs Stardust could fit that spot. The last time there was a proper midcarder singles match on Mania (both full-time wrestlers without any WWE/World titles to their name) was Rey Mysterio vs Matt Hardy at WrestleMania 19, I think.

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