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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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I remember when C5 showed Goldberg's heel turn, and the bloke said at the end "Well, naughty old Goldberg" since then that phrase became part of my and my mate's wrestling vernacular, usually when we describe a pedestrian heel turn (also, the variant "nice old [newly turned babyface]")


At least the Worldwide continutity announcer actually watched the bloody thing (or at least their continuity writers did) the whole "Does TNA wrestling need to be this extreme? Course it does" is second behind only the old "We're coming to the UK" advert for making me want to punch my television.

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A Jeff Jarrett vs. Jerry Lawler match is being advertised for a Memphis Power Wrestling indy show next week. Quite a stacked card too with Karen Jarrett, Bill Dundee, Brian Christopher, Rikishi, Jimmy Valiant, Wolfie D, Koko B. Ware, Doug Gilbert, The Rock N Roll Express, Big Daddy V and Lance Russell also being advertised for the show.


I soo hope that match pops up online. Should be lots of fun.

Edited by pgi86
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Jesus. I thought Lawler would have packed in actually doing matches by now. At least doing singles. Has he had many matches since the heart attack?

Just a few tag matches. This is going to be his first singles match since the heart attack.

Edited by pgi86
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I imagine it'd be like the matches he had with Bill Dundee on the Saturdays before the heart attack. Loads of punches, stooging, posing, "Shall I?" and awesomeness. Like some kind of Mempho version of All Star.

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