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It would be excellent if when you zip over to another character, he's right in the middle of something rather sordid or embarrassing. I.e if you switch over to Trevor, he's pissed in the pub and you have to try and get him home. Or over to Franklin who's right in the middle of a discreet rendezvous with a prostitute.

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It would be excellent if when you zip over to another character, he's right in the middle of something rather sordid or embarrassing. I.e if you switch over to Trevor, he's pissed in the pub and you have to try and get him home. Or over to Franklin who's right in the middle of a discreet rendezvous with a prostitute.


Yeah that could be a nice novelty, but I think it would get old quick when you just want to get on with the game.

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So will those 3 be playable characters?


Supposedly the camera zips back into a Google Earth-style shot and then zaps over to where the other chosen character is located.


That reminds me of the map function they had for Driver Los Angeles.


Sounds brilliant so far. I'm looking forward to seeing what the actual gameplay looks like as afterall that is the most important part of the game. I don't want it to be too unrealistic like Saints Row but I don't want it to be too realistic like GTA IV was.

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I think the idea on missions with all three guys is that you control whichever one is doing the most interesting thing at any time. Hopefully that'll be an end to the dreaded "Hey, I'll drive" or "No, you go, I've got to do this one by myself".

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  • Paid Members
It would be excellent if when you zip over to another character, he's right in the middle of something rather sordid or embarrassing. I.e if you switch over to Trevor, he's pissed in the pub and you have to try and get him home. Or over to Franklin who's right in the middle of a discreet rendezvous with a prostitute.


That would be fun, but if that happens it's more likely to be where you leave a character in firm control of a gunfight, switch out for 2 minutes to take care of another part of the same mission and come back to find him pinned down by six waves and only 30 rounds left in his clip :crazy:

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Big preview article from computerandvideogames.com


Reading that there's some exciting sounding stuff in there and all the little details and extra things you can do i can wait. just over four months away now


Quick summary



- You can buy property; houses, garages, helipads, marinas, airfields and even businesses can all be purchased for extra revenue sources.

- You can pick up hitchikers, do stunt jumps and flying challenges, take part in yoga, golf, tennis, bike races and triathlons.

- iFruit, the game's new phone, can be used to snap pictures and upload them to Rockstar's Social Club or your own social media page

- The phone also has apps. In addition to the camera there is internet, contacts, social media, a calendar, and a replay missions app. There are three more Rockstar hasn't yet revealed.

- Liquor store and ATM robberies are possible.

- Side missions will be making a return. One would involve Michael in Vinewood Boulevard racing a starlet away from the paparazzi.

- Citizens will react to what you do, and if they see you robbing someone they could alert the police, film you, or even try to take you down themselves.

- Hunting animals

- A weapon wheel with 12 slots similar to that from Red Dead Redemption, but wasn't shown long enough to analyze it



- Player customization - tattoos, haircuts, clothing

- Vehicle customization - paintjobs, wheels, window tints, grills, spoilers, license plates, along with robust performance upgrades to suspension, engine, brakes, and more that make meaningful changes to the way vehicles feel and handle

- Weapon customization - Silencers, scopes, extended mags, laser sights, flashlights and more


Police Encounters

- The classic wanted system will be making a return - with five stars instead of the usual six.

- They make the police encounters sound better, too. In this new game, we can still try to escape the circular zone that flashes on the mini-map when cops come after our malcontent protagonist(s). But, this time, we'll be able to try to hide inside that alarm radius, if we'd like. The cops will use a line-of-sight system, so they won't just magically know where you are. If they have a helicopter in the sky, they'll be able to see plenty. And you'll see them use hand signals to communicate what they're doing.


Skill Categories

- Each character is rated in a series of skill categories: Stamina, Shooting, Strength, Stealth, Flying, Driving, Mechanic, Lung Capacity and Special.

- Each character has a 'Special': Franklin is an adrenalin junkie and can slow down time while driving; Trevor has a frenzy mode, where he does double damage, takes half damage, and has a unique melee attack; Michael has his own version of bullet time

- Specials are governed by a meter, it drains after use and recharges slowly

- Other skill categories are shared and can be improved by completing missions, side missions, activities and more

- Trevor will always be the best pilot, Franklin will always be the best driver, and Michael will always be the best shooter, but each can improve their proficiency a little

- One of the skill categories is stealth, suggesting players will be able to take different approaches to missions



- Similar to previous GTAs, the map isn't landlocked (surrounded by water).

- The map is 3.5 times the size of Red Dead Redemption in terms of playable area above ground. Five times if you count underwater area.

- The geographical scope is huge and spans mountains, rivers, lakes, military bases, farmland, desert, dense urban environments and more.

- An underwater ecosystem exits, "the sea is teaming with fish and sharks." The sharks won't be afraid to attack, either.

- A deer and a wildcat were spotted in the mountains.

- Treasures can be found underwater, but NPCs will be looking for them too

- Shipwrecks, sharks, hidden treasures and more could be found underwater

- The entire world is populated with fitting wildlife and inhabitants unique to specific areas



- "Mini heists" are used to teach the player about preparation. Players must secure vehicles, outfits, masks, the getaway vehicle.

- These build up to a bigger heist where the execution must be flawless. They'll require the right crew (which you can recruit) and players will have to decide on the cheap option, which results in less skilled people, or paying more for skilled crew members that will take a larger cut of the money.

- These additional characters will be able to specialize in different areas such as wheelman, gunman, technician, and so on.

- Hiring the same crew members across several heists (assuming they survive) will allow their skills to improve

- There will be visual and audio alerts from your other characters so you're not completely caught off guard in case things get hairy.

- You can attack targets by stealth or brute force. This will affect the content of the heist.

- A huge payout to split between the crew

- After-action report that tallies your total cash haul, each surviving member's cut, and any profit you managed to earn


Refinements to combat

- Fluidly run and gun from the hip while still maintaining complete control of the reticule

- 'Combat jog' that allows you to move at high speeds with your weapon out, but not raised.

- Camera pulled back when zoomed in over the shoulder to open up players' field of vision

- Combat roll to move strategically from cover and evade incoming fire

- Reticule switches from white to red to identity an enemy

- Tiny 'X' flashes over the reticule when targeted enemy is killed

- Variable targeting options including free aim, soft lock, and hard lock (similar to Max Payne 3)

- Smoother transitions when moving in and out of cover



- Though modern day Los Santos is very different from the golden era of street gangs featured in GTA: San Andreas, Rockstar has confirmed that the Ballas are still going strong.

- When you ride into gang territory, they don't automatically attack you like they used to. The thugs mind their own business unless you antagonize them by drawing a weapon. Their extreme distaste for authority, however, is much more apparent. Whenever the police roll into their neighborhood, the Ballas will open fire on the boys in blue. This can be used to your advantage when you're trying to lose the heat in a chase. Drive into gang territory and they will immediately attack the police, giving you a window to escape.



- The character selection wheel is split into four triangles: Franklin, Trevor, Michael, and your multiplayer character

- Some boats will include gear such as wetsuit, flippers and tanks for diving

- GTAV rewards exploration, there's no signposting underwater, so you'll have to find the treasure the hard way

- Dives won't offer massive payoffs, but will "help grease the wheels"

- Pressing Down on the d-pad will drop the play in and out of multiplayer.

- There are subtle differences in the way each character moves to reflect their personalities; Michael is slower and deliberate.

- Rockstar says there will be five times as many pedestrians in GTAV as there were in Grand Theft Auto IV

- There's a "crazy level of detail": Tourist buses can be boarded for a tour of celebrity homes, film posters are plastered on the walls, men in comedy costumes try to corner you outside the Cathay Theatre, including the Superman-like Impotent Rage and Master Chief riff, Space Ranger.

- You can switch between Franklin, Trevor and Michael during a cutscene, manually, or automatically when the AI takes control for you

- Each character has a job to do, how much you switch yourself in or let the computer do, is entirely up to you

- If you die the game reloads to the last checkpoint, even if two other characters are alive

- Although it's up to the player when they switch, dialogue will suggest ideal moments. For example, when Michael and Franklin are being overwhelmed by snipers, Michael might ask for Trevor's help.

- There is a wider field of vision, and players can run-and-gun

- There are some restrictions to character switching, such as how you can't abandon a character while you have a Wanted Level. Lose the heat first! The character selection meter will let you know when you can swap out.

- Michael's obsession with classic films translates into in-game set pieces based on real world movies. In the demo the three characters mount a heist very similar to the one from Heat.

- You can regenerate up to 50 percent of your health. The rest will need to be made up with med packs. Rockstar is also implementing various kinds of body armor that offer different levels of protection.

- The transition between the three protagonists is smooth; the camera zooms out to a Google Earth view, the screen fills with static, the camera moves across the city and zooms back into your chosen character

- The closer characters are, the quicker the transition. During missions where they're all together it's instantaneous

- Money is not pooled, each character has their own amount


Fun Facts

- Franklin alone has more textures than the entire ped population of GTA: San Andreas

- Largest selection of vehicles in any GTA game

- Largest selection of weapons in any GTA game


Many new screenshots with it




Edited by iamtheman
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