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Biggest Wrestling Related Disappointment


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What have you hyped yourself up for but been left let down in the end?I think mine must be in 1993 when we first got Sky.I'd been following WWF Wrestling for around two years or so by catching it every now and then on our cousin's Sky system and the occasional video borrowed by friends etc, but May 1993 was the day when we were finally allowed to get Sky at home.It was such an exciting time but I remember getting a bit annoyed over the next few weeks and months as pretty much the entire roster's star power seemed to disappear overnight. Where did Hulk Hogan go? Ted DiBiase? Heck, even midcarders like Tito Santana and Hacksaw Jim Duggan were gone. Mr Perfect had buggered off soon after and Randy Savage was stuck in the commentary box.Who the fuck were Men on a Mission? I'd have happily stuck with Money Inc or the Natural Disasters any day.The difference in the roster strength between the 1993 and 1994 Royal Rumbles is immense.

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Two that stand out for me is hart vs mcmahon and lesnar vs goldberg.

Instantly came to my mind as soon as I read this thread.With Hart VS McMahon I really expected nothing more than what it was. Sin Cara has to be one of the biggest disappointments of the year, eh?
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The WCW "Invasion" angle of WWE in 2001. Couldn't have been booked any worse if they'd have tried.

It was destined to end up the way it did though. I know people always say how dreadful it was booked, but aside from keeping the two entities as separate companies, it was always inevitable that it would end up as a burial job.
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Honestly, my biggest disappointment ever will always be Hitman losing the title to Yokozuna. No letdown I have experienced as a smark can possibly be compared to the pain, misery and frustration of seeing, at the age of ten, my hero lose his title through nefarious means to a man I considered nothing more than a fat twat who sat on you in lieu of any actual wrestling talent.Slaying the unbeatable beast was supposed to be Bret's greatest achievement yet, and he was brought down by some salt. I couldn't understand it. Worst of all, he was demeaned further by his conquerer being subsequently squashed by that glory hound Hogan, who ten year old air raid had written off as a has been.Darkness, only darkness. Only learning how to masturbate a few weeks later stopped me from plunging into full-blown juvenile depression.

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It was destined to end up the way it did though. I know people always say how dreadful it was booked, but aside from keeping the two entities as separate companies, it was always inevitable that it would end up as a burial job.

I agree that WCW was always going to end up buried in some way or another but the whole thing was just terribly done. Granted, a lot of WCW's top stars didn't come in as part of the angle as they had big contracts with Time Warner that they wanted to see out (or maybe they just didn't want to be associated with the losers of the Monday Night War anymore) but so many things were done wrong. One of the biggest WCW names to come in at the time was DDP and since when was he a stalker? Mid carders doing run ins during matches that most of the crowd didn't know about (as a lot of fans had long since lost interest in WCW) didn't really make much sense either. No Goldberg, no Nash, no Hall, no Flair, no Sting, no Luger, no Hogan, no Steiners and Bagwell got sacked after his first televised WWE match. If there had been more big names and the group had been booked as a threat, I'm sure the angle couldn't made more money than it did and could have gone on a lot longer. The alliance with ECW improved things a bit but overall, I think quite a few opportunities were wasted during those few months.
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If we're also looking at biggest disappointments when you were a kid, one that stands out is when Taker beat Hogan at Survivor Series 91. And I was a Warrior fan, so Hogan wasn't my favourite, but I still wanted Ric Flair's blood after that. Had I watched Rumble 91 when it happened (for some reason I missed that PPV), then Sgt Slaughter beating Warrior would've reduced me to an inconsolable state.

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