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Favourite Simpsons Quotes

Family Guy PMSL

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"Bart should learn about it like I learned about it."



"Zookeeper! Zookeeper! Those monkeys are killing each other!"

*whisper*"they're having sex"



"Son, a woman is a lot like a . . . a refrigerator! They're about six feet tall, 300 pounds. They make ice, and . . . um . . . Oh, wait a minute. Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, you'd step over your own mother just to get one! But you can't stop at one. You wanna drink another woman!


....So I says "yeah? You want that money? Come and find it. You make me wannazzzzzzzzzzzz"

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Now play Classical Gas!




Carl: All in favour of a strike?


Everyone: Aye!


Carl: And all opposed?


Man: Nay.


Homer: Who keeps saying that?


Man: (pointing at man next to him) It was him. Let's get him, fellas.




Don't worry, I brought my Rappin' Ronnie Reagan tape. It always makes the trip go faster.


Well, well, well, we-w-w-w-we, well, well, well...


You know something? He did say "well" a lot!

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Couple of my favourites from the same episode, how spooky, hadn't seen post above when I went looking...


Drill Sergent: All right, Simpson. I don't like you, and you don't like me.

Homer: I like you.

Drill Sergent: Um, all right. You like me, but I don't like you.

Homer: Maybe you would like me if you got to know me.

Drill Sergent: What are you, a comedian?

Homer: Well, I'm no Margaret Cho, but I do a pretty fair Columbo impression. Eh, one more thing-- One... I should get a glass of water.

Drill Sergent: Aaaarrrggghh..!



Captain Tenille: Tell me young man, what do you want out of life?

Homer: I want peas.

Captain Tenille: Oh, we all want peace, but it's always just out of reach. So, what's the best way to get peace?

Homer: With a knife.

Captain Tenille: Exactly! Not with the olive branch but the bayonet! Ah, Simpson, you're like the son I never had.

Homer: And you're like the father I never visit

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Homer begs at the First Bank of Springfield.


Homer: Er, I need another extension on my mortgage payments.

Manager: I understand that Mr. Simpson, but according to our computer,

your credit history is not good. It says here that you've been

predeclined for every major credit card. It also says that you

once grabbed a dog by the hind legs and pushed him around like

a vacuum cleaner.

Homer: That was in the third grade!

Manager: Yeah, well, it all goes on your permanent record. I'm sorry,

but if you don't come up with that money by tomorrow, the bank

is going to take your house.

Homer: Well, good luck finding it, because I'm going to take the

numbers off tonight!

Manager: Well, we'll look for the house with no numbers.

Homer: Then I'll take off the numbers on my neighbor's house.

Manager: So, well then we'll look for the house _next_ to the house with

no numbers.

Homer: [thinks for a bit] All right, you'll get your money.

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