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Booking challenge: Make Daniel Bryan credible again.

Fatty Facesitter

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I'm not sure what's happened to him since winning SD's money in the bank, but he just seems to have plummeted down the card and in terms of credibility. The MITB briefcase is surely meant to have the opposite effect? Maybe it's to do with him being in Booker T's fave five.


Anyway, little booking challenge for you; You have from after this sunday's Hell in a Cell PPV to Wrestlemania to make him credible again. He does NOT have to be lined up for a title shot or defence at Wrestlemania for this, he doesn't even have to cash in the briefcase. He doesn't even have to do it successfully.


How would YOU book him to prominence again? Will you do it with or without the briefcase?


Let your imaginations go wild. Bring in whoever you want into his story arc if you want to call it that, contracted to WWE or otherwise. There's no real structure guidelines of sorts, but there's no need for 1,000 essays here. Quality of quantity and all that.


Even better, for the idea I like the most, you'll get a little present. Only a tin of quality street or something, I'm tight like that, but it'll give y'all a little extra incentive and it'll be something to put in your Christmas stockings a few months early.



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Paul Heyman pitched the idea of him tapping the whole TNA roster out and beating Abyss in 2 seconds to become TNA Champion or something like that. It was ludicrous in places, and served more to tug on web guy cocks, but I think the idea is good enough on principle.


He starts by taking out somebody like Christian at the PPV this Sunday, with the Labelle Lock. A top level heel type anyway. He taps somebody out every week, including being the sole survivor for his team at Survivor Series, and only gets eliminated from the Rumble because he refuses to break the hold on.......Alberto Del Rio when The Big Show picks them both up and hauls them over the top.


This all carries on, and he lines up against the completely unbeatable World Champion Mark Henry at Wrestlemania. Still nobody can get close to Henry after all these months, but a couple of weeks before Mania after a load of run-ins or something after a tag match, Henry is finally fallable, tapping to Bryan. The next week, Henry throws him all over the shop and almost breaks his arm to try and counter that, but in the go-home show, Bryan makes a decent heel tap despite his own pain to at least show he can pull it off.


Not overly convoluted, but I like winning streaks and unstoppable submission holds, so this suits me.

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Paul Heyman pitched the idea of him tapping the whole TNA roster out and beating Abyss in 2 seconds to become TNA Champion or something like that. It was ludicrous in places, and served more to tug on web guy cocks, but I think the idea is good enough on principle.


He starts by taking out somebody like Christian at the PPV this Sunday, with the Labelle Lock. A top level heel type anyway. He taps somebody out every week, including being the sole survivor for his team at Survivor Series, and only gets eliminated from the Rumble because he refuses to break the hold on.......Alberto Del Rio when The Big Show picks them both up and hauls them over the top.


This all carries on, and he lines up against the completely unbeatable World Champion Mark Henry at Wrestlemania. Still nobody can get close to Henry after all these months, but a couple of weeks before Mania after a load of run-ins or something after a tag match, Henry is finally fallable, tapping to Bryan. The next week, Henry throws him all over the shop and almost breaks his arm to try and counter that, but in the go-home show, Bryan makes a decent heel tap despite his own pain to at least show he can pull it off.


Not overly convoluted, but I like winning streaks and unstoppable submission holds, so this suits me.


I was thinking much the same thing except turn him heel and have him play a Chris Benoitesque scientific sadist. Don't just have him tap people out, have him get DQ'd for failing to break holds and injuring jobbers.

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For now I'd keep making him look mediocre. Simultaneously I'd have Mark Henry look like monster destroying the whole roster. This continues until December. I'd then have someone like Wade Barrett challenge him to a match for his briefcase and have him lose. Then he can do a promo thanking the fans for their support, but he has let them down. He aims to change that from then on. Real underdog stuff. I'd then have him enter the royal rumble at number 1. Have him keep being almost eliminated, written off, even have the announcers laugh at the prospect, but throughout the match he keeps hanging on valiantly. I'd then have him in the ring last with a big heel (whoever is the no heel who is not Henry by that stage), who came in at number 30, fresh as a daisy against a limp almost exhausted Bryan. Then have him, seemingly by fluke eliminate the heel, winning the rumble.


Then he fueds with the heel who he eliminated at elimination chamber, and they tap to the labelle lock. Then have Henry destroy him. Build the rivalry, with Henry talking about him being a pushover, routinely destroying him in the build up, even have him coming in injured to mania. However, throughout this he doesn't give up, he keep coming back fighting week after week. Then have him beat Henry in a proper David vs Goliath type match at Mania, and give him the world title.

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From the booking of part MITB winners up till cash-in day I suspect the WWE see the briefcase as validation enough until they decide to go for the gold.


I think the best way to make Bryan credible again would be a win streak. But I think they should have John Laurinitus tell Bryan he's not proven himself worthy of the briefcase (and a place on the Wrestlemania card) after a poor run and as a result he says he's going to strip him off the briefcase if he loses another match. His match that night would be against the World Champion, Mark Henry. Bryan would win, and then go on a winning streak before the champion in the lead up to Wrestlemania costs him a match through DQ by "helping him". The authority figure would say his hands are tied, he'd lose the briefcase and his place on the Wrestlemania card. Bryan would collapse in a devastated heap. Triple H could then intervene, saying his hands were tied on the MITB decision, but he could still add Daniel Bryan to the Wrestlemania World title match. But he wouldn't want to undermine Laurinitus, so he'll give him the opportunity to decide whether or not Daniel Bryan would get his 'Mania title match. Laurinitus would come out, say "I decide...NO", Triple H would tell him he misunderstands and then tells him he's going to decide Bryan's Wrestlemania fate by facing him at the big show in a singles match. All Laurinitus needs to do is beat Bryan, and he won't get his title match.


Bryan could make Johnny Ace tap out fairly quickly, go on to face the champion in what would now be a Triple Threat match, and the outcome from there wouldn't matter so much, he's got his 'Mania moment.

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Bryan could make Johnny Ace tap out fairly quickly, go on to face the champion in what would now be a Triple Threat match, and the outcome from there wouldn't matter so much, he's got his 'Mania moment.

Yes it would. It would show Daniel Bryan can beat a none wrestler like Johnny Ace, but not do much with the regular roster. How is that regaining his credibility?


I think Daniel Bryan is a class wrestler, but thats about it. It might have been a good idea for him to win the case a few months ago, but at the minute Bryan isnt on TV, because the slots on the roster are so valuable. At this minute he shouldnt be anywhere near the uppercard. Triple H, Orton, Henry, Punk, Del Rio, Cena, Rock, Nash, Miz, Sheamus, Johnny Ace and Truth are your players at the minute. Then you have the likes of Christian, Rhodes, Ziggler, Swagger, The two Sin Caras, Ryder, Air Boom and that ilk. And Foley, Undertaker and Vince as well when they come back. I cant see a place for him at the minute. WWE need something to spark a bit of interest, but Daniel Bryan isnt it.


He could always go back to ROH and feud with Kevin Kelly.

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Beat Michael Cole in a match and the fans will be eating out the palm of his hands for a while. In all seriousness, i think there needs to be some sort of thing as mentioned where he loses the briefcase, hell, Mr. Kennedy won it and then lost it to Edge, surly, Christian could beat D. Bryan and try to claim, 1 up on Edge or something along the lines of he is getting his "1 more match". Back to Bryan a heel turn would be good but there are too many heels at the minute in the spotlight, and especially as we have got Sin Cara Vs Sin Cara the only way people can care about him is if he wins matches cleanly, even a feud for the IC title would do it for me.

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Have him show everyone pornographic evidence of having slept with Stepanie. Done. Next challenge?


The MITB briefcase is surely meant to have the opposite effect?


Not really. Quite the opposite when you think about it. The briefcase, in theory, makes it slightly easier to help build up someone's momentum in a shorter period of time. He's got that crux so they probably feel they can use him pretty much anyway they want until the time is right. Well, not anyway obviously, but they can be a little more flexible on how they book him.

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I'd have him frustrated by losing against the Sin Caras who have become mates and a Conquistadors style tag team. I'd have him getting angrier and angrier and a heel and saying that he's got a "Surprise for everyone at the December PPV". Everyone assumes it's MITB being cashed in. Bryan gets a new aggressive mean streak attacking Big Show back stage on smackdown with a baton so he can tap him out easily on that night's show and other such things until the PPV.


The December PPV is here and Sheamus has just defeated Mark Henry in a hard match and is nearly dead, and Bryan comes down to cash in. Only just as the ref is about to ring the bell this music hits the PA...
















Sid comes out in jeans and a leather vest thing and Bryan jumps up and down pumping his arms. Sid, not the briefcase is the surprise. Sid hits a chokeslam and powerbomb on Sheamus and Bryan is champ. Bryan defends the title with Sid as his dominating bodyguard getting the wins for Bryan as we roll towards the rumble. The week before the Rumble, Sid is forced to enter the Rumble match by HHH to Bryan's visible anger, but Sid is pokerfaced.


It's the Rumble. Sid is thrashing everyone in the Rumble after entering at number 1. Only Sid and Mason Ryan are left at the end and Daniel Bryan runs down and begs with Sid to climb over the top rope, even offering him money. Mason Ryan is distracted by this and goes after Bryan and Sid throws him over. Sid and Ryan hug.


Over the next two months Sid does the fist bump to the fans on the way to the ring and gets giant pops as the ratings are hitting 5.0. Bryan is trying to get David Otunga to find a loophole so he won't have to face Sid, but HHH proclaims that he has spoken. Bryan will face Sid in the Main Event at Wrestlemania, UNLESS Bryan's mate CM Punk can beat Sid. Sid beats CM Punk in 9 seconds, and HHH fires Punk to the crowd singing the Goodbye Song.


Wrestlemania comes and Daniel Bryan puts in a sterling effort, getting the LeBell lock on after 25 seconds. Sid stands up while in the hold and drops Bryan with a sidewalk slam. Chokeslam, Powerbomb, and Sid is the NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!




Balloons fall from the sky as every member of the roster, heel and face, comes down to applaud the new champion with tears in their eyes. Bret Hart also comes down with tears in his eyes and tells Sid he's the best wrestler that ever lived. Bryan can't take it and runs into the ring to attack Sid, when Gunnar Eudy drops Bryan with a big boot followed by a Chokeslam and Powerbomb. Father and Son hug in the ring with fireworks going off and the crowd celebrating with gay abandon as we fade to black.

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Thats an amazing idea. Buzz Kill and Scott Hall can come down to the ring to lift him on their shoulders as well. Sid then gets a spin-off fishing show on cable channel UK Conquest.


they aren't stupid and I'm guessing at WM he cashes in and wins

That would be stupid, after jobbing him out all year.

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Although Bryan hasn't been on a win streak, hes hardly been "jobbed out" week in and week out. Would I like him to win more matches? Sure. But CM Punk lost several matches whilst holding the briefcase, and went on to win the world belt in a reasonable first reign (even if the way he lost it was dodgy).


In some ways it could be argued that having Bryan go on a monster win streak would damage him in the long run. After all, if he goes on to win the belt, who will he end up fueding with? Who will prove to be a tough enough challenge if he has tapped out a large percentage of the roster.


Personally I think they just need to give him some fueds with some of the midcard and have him win long competitive matches with a variety of submission moves. That way you don't run out of top line opponents and you build up Bryan as a reasonable threat to whomever the champ is at Mania (hopefully Orton).

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