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Bill Watts once let a man give him oral pleasure


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Ah, fair enough. But then why did he saw these things happened "as I reached the age of puberty" rather than "when I was 18" or whatever. Unless he reached puberty at 17?


It's still taking massive advantage of your age and position over impressionable youths, while working in the schools system. It's still fucked up and young Bill was still a victim.

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Jim Barnett was involved with something like this with a college basketball team. I think he was even pimping them out to other gay men. It caused a massive scandal.


It was the University of Kentucky football team. Rock Hudson was involved as well.



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So yeah, maybe not little kids exactly, but young teenagers. That's a fucking disgrace any way you look at it. If this was a certain Scottish wrestler who'd been found to be sexually touching the teens he "coached wrestling to" I can't imagine anyone having a laugh at the child's expense. The anger/disgust would be directed to the pervert doing the touching, not the victim.

But context is important. If Jordan falls over in front of some paparazzis on her way home from Tesco, people are going to laugh. If their nan falls over on the way home from Tesco, it might not be funny. The person involved makes all the difference. Yes abuse is bad etc etc, but it's funny because it's notorious wrestling bigot/bully Bill Watts.

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But context is important. If Jordan falls over in front of some paparazzis on her way home from Tesco, people are going to laugh. If their nan falls over on the way home from Tesco, it might not be funny. The person involved makes all the difference. Yes abuse is bad etc etc, but it's funny because it's notorious wrestling bigot/bully Bill Watts.



I understand the importance of context, but really, if anything, this story should explain some of Bill's anti-gay attitude, not make it even funnier or stupider. He obviously got screwed up by some pervert coach when he was young and impressionable.

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Ah, fair enough. But then why did he saw these things happened "as I reached the age of puberty" rather than "when I was 18" or whatever. Unless he reached puberty at 17?


It's still taking massive advantage of your age and position over impressionable youths, while working in the schools system. It's still fucked up and young Bill was still a victim.


What he actually says is...


as I reached that age of puberty, and hormonal rages, and sexual exploration


Read in context that doesn't given the impression of someone who has just turned thirteen. It gives the impression of someone who is going through the normal teenage rituals of going out with girls etc. That coupled with the fact that the guy in question was involved with recruiting athletes to big time college athletics makes me think that we are talking about guys in their late teens and early twenties.


For instance, when Jim Barnett was having relations with members of the University of Kentucky football team people could describe that as someone taking advantage of young boys. Especially when you have that American habit of referring to anyone under twenty-five as a kid. The truth is though that Barnett was involved with men in their late teens and early twenties. I expect the same was true of the man Watts had relations with.


I didn't post the whole of Bill's blog. It's long, almost four thousand words, and it's hard to read. It's ridiculously over punctuated and is a chore to sift through.


The tone of the whole thing though isn't that he was abused by a child molester. It's that homosexuality is a sin against God. That it is a choice, and that people become homosexual when they are recruited by older more experienced homosexuals. The central theme of the blog is that no one is born gay and that people who say that are offering an excuse.

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What he actually says is...


as I reached that age of puberty, and hormonal rages, and sexual exploration




Read in context that doesn't given the impression of someone who has just turned thirteen. It gives the impression of someone who is going through the normal teenage rituals of going out with girls etc. That coupled with the fact that the guy in question was involved with recruiting athletes to big time college athletics makes me think that we are talking about guys in their late teens and early twenties.


For instance, when Jim Barnett was having relations with members of the University of Kentucky football team people could describe that as someone taking advantage of young boys. Especially when you have that American habit of referring to anyone under twenty-five as a kid. The truth is though that Barnett was involved with men in their late teens and early twenties. I expect the same was true of the man Watts had relations with.


You might be completely right, but I still feel it's a messed up situation, and the sort of thing that can still screw someone up.


Taking that above quote, it's still uncertain what exact age he's talking about (as all those things can start happening from 12/13), but he does talk about the guy recruiting for universities. You can start that at 17, so it's entirely possible that they'd be recruiting sports standouts from the age of 16/17. Anyway, it's in the school system, so it's still illegal even if they were a bit older. Offering cash rewards (and presumable, favouritism in the Sports Teams) to those willing to be blown is pretty fucked up stuff!


I'm really, really not defending Bill being a racist/bigot bastard or anything, but I just don't find the fact that he got "groomed for sexual favours" when he was a young man all that funny.


Now, all the God stuff... yeah, I'm not defending any of that!

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I can't tell a fag to get the fuck out. I should have the right to not associate with a fag if I don't want to. I mean, why should I have to hire a fuckin' fag, if I don't like fags?


Who actually conducted the Bill Watts Torch Talk? Was it Wade Keller or Jason Powell? If it was Keller I could see it being a tad awkward what with Bill being a massive homophobe and Keller himself being gay.

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All the black people who worked for him loved Watts though. I remember Brickhouse Brown saying Watts came up to him and said "I havent got anything in common with any of you and if it was up to me you wouldnt be on the show, but you draw me money so I'm going to push you". Like a lot of people, he didnt like black people because he came from a certain era but developed into someone who wasnt racist.


He did a lot for black people in wrestling, whether he liked them or not. I doubt in 2011 he has the same attitude about black people that he had in 1980. He was always seen as more of a bully than a racist.

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All the black people loved Watts though. I remember Brickhouse Brown saying Watts came up to him and said "I havent got anything in common with any of you and if it was up to me you wouldnt be on the show, but you draw me money so I'm going to push you". Like a lot of people, he didnt like black people because he came from a certain era but developed into someone who wasnt racist.


He did a lot of black people in wrestling, whether he liked them or not. I doubt in 2011 he has the same attitude about black people that he had in 1980. He was always seen as more of a bully than a racist.

Didn't he give JYD his big break aswell? Coming from where he did in that era im sure he had abit of racism about him, doubt Vince would have ever hired him though if he was going round shouting niggers at every oppourtunity.

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