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The bloke playing Matanza us under 6 foot and 200 lbs but I have faith LU know what they're doing.

Whaaaaat? That's insane. There's no way they can build him up like this for him to be shorter than Mil  :cry: I really hope you're right and LU know how to book this.

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The bloke playing Matanza us under 6 foot and 200 lbs but I have faith LU know what they're doing.

Whaaaaat? That's insane. There's no way they can build him up like this for him to be shorter than Mil  :cry: I really hope you're right and LU know how to book this.


To be fair, according to Wikipedia, Mil is only 6ft 1, which again according to Wikipedia, is shorter than Heath Slater (6ft 2)


Depends how they portray Matanza as to how much of a beast he comes across.  Seemed to have an interesting look about him

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Homenaje a Dos Leyenda 2016, Lizmark & Salvador Lutteroth



So we miss Soberano getting injured in the opener.


Had fun throughout the show, don't think i'd label anything MOTYC worthy but plenty to like. Rush/Maximo seemed a little rushed and it was sad seeing Porky stumbling about at ringside (needs to retire NOW), the Japan vs Mexico match had plenty of highlights with Mistico busting out that erm thing he used to do when he was Dragon Lee...


THIS gbDO9Xb.gif


Volador/Casas was the best match of the night. the sunset flip/powerbomb to the floor bump scared the shit out of me. the oldest guy in the company shouldn't be doing this




The GIF doesn't really do justice to how brutal that bump is. Tirantes messing up the finish was a low point of the night


Cubsfan posted more GIF's http://www.thecubsfan.com/cmll/2016/03/19/cmll-homenaje-a-dos-leyendas-ippv-2016-03-18/


Reyes de Reyes on wednesday. Steve Pain, Goya Kong & Carta Brava Jr have left AAA. Rumour Goya's absence is due to being pregnant.


R.I.P/Q.E.P.D Hijo Del Perro Aguayo, 1 year today




“I gave my life, my effort, and everything I had to lucha libre, and lucha libre took away what was most important to me, my son.” Perro Aguayo Sr

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Volador/Casas was the best match of the night. the sunset flip/powerbomb to the floor bump scared the shit out of me. the oldest guy in the company shouldn't be doing this





He shouldn't be doing it, but that's modern lucha and Volador can't do anything else but a pile of spots. He doesn't have a clue. And for some reason Negro had his match. 


Actually, the lack of selling in the whole show was pretty awful. It's just the odd pander (which often happened anyway in lucha) and do as many moves as possible, and do as many 'epic' near falls as possible too.


Porky looked so bad...and then he came back for a match! :o


I thought he show was alright, hampered by the more and more choreographed nature of lucha.


Yes, one year on from Perro's death. Sucks. Strangely I watch the UR fight Mysterio/Angle match where he did three 619's in perhaps some weird Shawn Michaels doing Crippler Crossface tribute??!!


And the quote from Perro Snr. so sad. 


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Just started on season 1 of LU, about 4 episodes in so far.


Some matches are a bit "meh" but I presume its just laying the ground work for the story's. Loving Chavo in this though, his heel turn and that chair shot on Sexy Start, OOF, I actually went "Oh bloody hell" over that hah. 


Despite the respect I have for him, not digging Blue Demon jr at all, he looks a bit crap to be honest. I do love the stuff where a angle may go down, and the owner just walks out of his office which is essentially ringside. Also really liking Vampiro on commentary, seems very genuine and down to earth, plus keeps Striker in check pretty much every episode. Digging the crazy movie style promos as well, very cool.


I'll deffo continue watching this stuff, as the Phoenix/Drago/Pentagon Jr match was siiiiick. Does anybody else find the opening matches are "meh" at best, then the mains are mind blowing?

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Read somewhere Matanza being compared to Strowman, have a word, this is how you introduce a monster in my opinion, just going nuts in a boiler suit chucking folk about. Strowman looks like an overgrown baby with his moon face and is not in the slightest intimidating, yet he is probably 6 or 7 inches taller.

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