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Major League Baseball Discussion Thread


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Orioles and Mariners have been a pleasure to watch this season. Orioles are good fun with a great atmosphere but the Mariners are starting to show a little bit more character than usual. It's been an odd season for us so far though as it feels like every team we've played so far signed one of our players during the off-season.
The game against Atlanta today was ace. Opened with Jarred Kelenic explaining how he's grown as a person since he played for us and did an interview crying his eyes out because he accidentally broke his foot kicking a bin and ended with us walking them off in the bottom of the 9th. You love to see it.

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I’ve been on a bit of a hot streak betting on American sports this last week or so. I’ve no knowledge on the teams but with there only being two outcomes to any game it’s a bit easier to play the odds. As it is I’ve picked up a passing interest in baseball. I  like that there’s a tactical aspect of it that’s quite easy to understand and that it’s rounders (literally) on steroids  I don’t think I could be arsed sitting through a whole game with all those fucking breaks though.

I quite like that there’s sports that I can enjoy without having an affiliation to any one side but when the thrill of chasing dozens of pounds wears off I’ll probably need a bit more to keep me interested. So who’s a good team with a storied history of success whose fans think they deserve to win everything but rarely do that I can get behind? Who are the Liverpool of Baseball if I were to try and get behind a team? I know there’s a natural link with the Red Sox but who else?

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Cardinals fans can be a bit entitled, as can Angels (although with them in the shadow of their neighbours they’re more like Everton). Houston fans always moan about stuff was never their fault when they cheat and they moan about the umpires so there’s that. 

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17 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

Cardinals fans can be a bit entitled

Very true, if "just be in the conversation for hot propsects", "invest in a half-decent bullpen" and "don't throw your squad under the bus every chance you get" is a luxury.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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The finish to that Orioles/White Sox game is the most frustrating thing I’ve ever seen and I say that as someone supporting the Orioles. 
The umps this season seem to be out of control, it’s crazy how much power they have with no repercussions. 
Very excited for them hopefully next season to bring in the replay system they’re using in the minors to give these power hungry idiots some accountability and publicly show them up for bad decisions during games.

I shouldn’t know the names of so many umpires because they’re bad at their jobs. Angel Hernandez, Laz Diaz, Junior Valentine, CB Bucknor, Hunter Wendlestedt. A joke.

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To be fair, and I say this as a White Sox fan, the problem there wasn’t with the umps but the rule itself. If you’re a base runner and touch a fielder, intentionally or not during an infield fly, it’s an out. But as someone who follows the Ump hate account on social media, it does seem a lot busier this year!

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The thing is with that play though is the contact was completely minor and unintentional, Henderson ran into him if anything and it wasn’t running base to base in a straight line.

Secondably, if it’s an in field fly rule then Henderson didn’t need to catch the ball at all so there is no play to interfere with, he could have let it drop to the ground and it would still be an out. Henderson ran to catch a ball he didn’t need to, slightly nudged another player who had no reason to think there was an active play and the umps took it on themselves to end the game. 

I thought after watching that ump the other night eject someone but not know who so tell the manager to just pick someone at random that the plays couldn’t get any more stubborn and pathetic this year but here we are.

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2 minutes ago, FLips said:

The thing is with that play though is the contact was completely minor and unintentional

Doesn’t matter how much contact there is though, or if there is any intention. The ump could’ve used discretion and let it go but it’s the rule itself that’s the problem. Even the Sox manager said so after the game. 

I initially thought it was a real clever play intended to exploit a daft rule to get an extra out. A 1000 IQ move, as the kids would say. 

I can’t remember who it was now but my favourite ejection was for smiling at the ump. Strike 3 was called on a bad pitch and he smiled at the ump as he walked back to the dugout and got tossed! Another belter was the ump telling a coach to shut up and if he makes another comment he’s out, then someone in the crowd yelled something and the coach was thrown out. 

You’re bang on about the accountability, or lack of, for them. Personally I think it adds to the game a bit but the replay system would be a big help. The MLB seem keen on speeding games up so I wonder if that would be a stumbling block and how they’d factor that in. 

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Yeah that was the Yankees with the guy in the crowd and they tossed Boone, who for once actually didn’t deserve it.

Apparently they have a really good union which is why there’s no punishments for any of them being shit at the job. Angel Hernandez did once try the racial discrimination card but they legally came to the conclusion he was just awful at his job.

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3 minutes ago, FLips said:

Yeah that was the Yankees with the guy in the crowd and they tossed Boone, who for once actually didn’t deserve it.

Ah yeah, that makes it even funnier!!

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As someone who likes baseball but doesn't know all the rules inside and out, that was hilariously shit.

How you can intentionally "block" someone while having no clue where they are, I'll never know. 


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4 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

As someone who likes baseball but doesn't know all the rules inside and out

Congratulations on getting the umpire job, mate!

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