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WWE Night Of Champions 2011 Discussion Thread


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It's a good strategy to create more questions than answers but this really created massive confusion more than anything else

People always point to confusion, when they should be saying intrigue. It was designed so people could watch Raw tomorrow. That show they have the night after every PPV. If your confused by it, watch Raw. Thats the message.


and could have been completely shit on by the live crowd.

It was never going to be shit on in a million years. This isnt Del Rio vs Sin Cara. This is two people the fans care about. Live crowds are not miserable fuckers like the people watching it for free on internet streams. Triple H got loud cheers when he made his comeback on Nash and then beat Punk. Its impossible for a crowd to shit on a finish which includes run-ins, gang attacks, sledgehammer shots, finishing moves, near falls and a surprise return.

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The PPV was ok for me.....


i felt the HHH/Punk match was typical of how HHH other recent No DQ matches have gone, and thats just setting up one spot after another... not having a good wrestling match then a couple of huge spots.... i know its bad to compare but for example the divas match had the one big superplex spot and actually worked within the match structure and made it a big moment rather than just another moment after the last one.


I not as much of a hater of Cena as other people on Wrestling Forums but i do think that its excessive hes had 3 separate title reigns since may!


HIAC is way too close to this PPV for it to even matter, its so dissapointing.

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not having a good wrestling match then a couple of huge spots...

What did you want them to do, out of interest? They hate each other with a passion. Should they settle their differences with chin locks and Indian Death Locks? Wrestling is a show. You wrestle to the style that the storyline demands. Its not a pissing contest where the wrestlers get their jollys by displaying how well they can chain wrestle when someones been slagging your wife off.

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i felt the HHH/Punk match was typical of how HHH other recent No DQ matches have gone, and thats just setting up one spot after another... not having a good wrestling match then a couple of huge spots.... i know its bad to compare but for example the divas match had the one big superplex spot and actually worked within the match structure and made it a big moment rather than just another moment after the last one.


Really? What's a good example of the big spots that didn't work within the match?

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i felt the HHH/Punk match was typical of how HHH other recent No DQ matches have gone, and thats just setting up one spot after another... not having a good wrestling match then a couple of huge spots.... i know its bad to compare but for example the divas match had the one big superplex spot and actually worked within the match structure and made it a big moment rather than just another moment after the last one.


Really? What's a good example of the big spots that didn't work within the match?


Its all personal opinion at the end of the day, and peoples expectations going into a match...... one example was punks elbow off the top rope to the announce table..... i look back and think about shawn michaels doing it or even Shane o'mac and them moments were huge spectacles within each respective matches and truly wtf moments.... i PERSONALLY felt with such a spot in this match it wasnt a spine tingling moment but just got lost in the whole mix. again its just my view and if you or other disgree i wont argue that fact :)

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one example was punks elbow off the top rope to the announce table


I did actually think about that one after I posted, but that could come down to Punk going to extremes to try and put HHH down. It IS a personal rivalry and and I think what was going on there was Punk putting his own body on the line to try and take Triple H out.

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Lots of very worked up people on the Internet today, desperate to criticise. I've even heard one criticism which suggested TV fans will be confused and jaded because Nash isn't working a full house show schedule. For me, this was crazy, chaotic and fun, designed solely to entertain the sort of people that might be a bit put off by the current main event angle.


It wasn't particularly cerebral, but it was great fun to watch in your pants with some pizza. I have not a single shitting clue what's going on, and I love it.

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Lots of very worked up people on the Internet today, desperate to criticise. I've even heard one criticism which suggested TV fans will be confused and jaded because Nash isn't working a full house show schedule. For me, this was crazy, chaotic and fun, designed solely to entertain the sort of people that might be a bit put off by the current main event angle.


It wasn't particularly cerebral, but it was great fun to watch in your pants with some pizza. I have not a single shitting clue what's going on, and I love it.



It felt like one of those Austin/McMahon/Taker/patterson/X-Pac turning up, what-the-fuck-is-going-on kinda deals. Brilliant!


It's weird, because TNA do those sorts of finishes all the time, but because it's almost every month (and the people involved are less important) it's a bit shit. When it involves big characters and interesting swerves - all good!


If the show had ended with the Cena match, I'd be calling it all kinds of dull, predictable shit, but but getting the Cena show out of the way earlier and putting a main event with real interest on last, they made this a PPV with a shit-hot finish.


Big credit to Menry for that post-match promo too. The match bored me, if I am honest, but he f'n stepped up his shit afterwards. Believable and badass.

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I feel nothing about his 50th title win, same as everytime Edge won it since 2008, but the amount of "THEY RUINED PUNK'S REIGN AT SUMMERSLAM FOR THIS?" posts on the Internet make it all worthwhile.


Why does what happens on the internet affect the quality of the show you just watched? Ask for more, not less. People watched the same show you did. Why is the internet determining whether you just enjoyed the shit sandwich you were fed or not?


It seems that TNA is ideal for you, following your retarded logic.


"Yaaayy! I just watched the same three hour show for the thousandth time - but I'm the smart one because it doesn't annoy me like it does others."


You are retarded.

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Best thing Mark Henry's ever done was that promo. I've never really cared for him and I'm rather indifferent to him winning the title, but that promo was outstanding. If he keeps up with that then he's got a fan in me.


To be honest I skipped most of the rest. The only match I was really interested was the main event which was brilliant. An absolute clusterfuck of an ending, but it made perfect sense.


I'll echo whoever said it earlier mind, I'll put my cock on the line that Del Rio will go on about how losing was his destiny tonight.

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Best thing Mark Henry's ever done was that promo. I've never really cared for him and I'm rather indifferent to him winning the title, but that promo was outstanding. If he keeps up with that then he's got a fan in me.


To be honest I skipped most of the rest. The only match I was really interested was the main event which was brilliant. An absolute clusterfuck of an ending, but it made perfect sense.


I'll echo whoever said it earlier mind, I'll put my cock on the line that Del Rio will go on about how losing was his destiny tonight.


In what way?

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