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Advice and a quick question.

Mr M A Chappell

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This is an open post to Mr Chappell


You say that we are against you but can i point out a few things.


1. You still will not tell us who your trainers are. You claim (which i have no reason to doubt) to have promoted events and festivals for crowds of up to 3000 people. I'm sure that a big part of drawing these people is to inform them of who is on the bill otherwise what incentive is there for people to go? Yet, regardless of comments on here, you are inviting people to train with you yet will not advertise whothe trainers (i.e the drawing artists are)


2. Your promtional ad for your training is frankly awful. Again for someone who has promoted events, you have put forward advertising which clearly hasnt been checked

Pinfall Training Ad


Hopefully that will have worked but if this is designed to get members to your school then can i suggest the following

Only have one "but" instead of two

Unless Mr Hardy is taking the training I would change "Matt based" to "Mat based"

Use punctuation as you ask a question but don't put a question mark "Have you ever....but never had the chance"


This is on your major advertising presence (facebook) yet it makes you look completely unprofessional. No mention of insurance either I note. If my child came home then i would be concerned about that.


3. Your website appears to be down either that or my pc just doesnt like it.


As a promoter you are fully aware that you only get one shot at a first impression, the minimum you should do is proof read your advertising.


All valid fair points. just checked site all running ok.


Poster was designed last minute and spelling mistakes seems to be a theme with my printer "Newton Press" and i did notice the matt based as we had good laugh at my mate matt about it. Training is not a school and i am promoting to a tight budget with the country music festival i had

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I seriously don't understand this idea of "wrestling training" they seem to offer, which (in the Ad) says "learn all aspects, from moves to character", yet at the same time claiming to "not be a wrestling school" ??


What is it you are offering ?


If it's a youth scheme why would it include people 30+ ?


Why would anyone waste time going to your "learning facility" knowing that they will only get taught a few things and will have to go elsewhere (and probably start all over again) if they pick any of it up, because you "are not a wrestling school" ?


If that's the case, why advertise that people will learn all aspects of wrestling? You've just said yourself that this isn't the case.



This whole thing looks as shady as fuck, mate. Surely you can see that. Maybe you expected a free ride on here, just post any old shit and start fleecing your locals when you teach them how to take back bumps from a fucking chokeslam.

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That Mark Anthony is from IWF or at least used to be and was called Mark Van Alpen back when I followed them years ago. He's absolutely dreadful and after asking around, this 12 years experience is a big load of bull. Him coming to his first training session 12 years ago does not mean he has 12 years experience. He wrestled for 1 or 2 years (always crap) then disappeared for 10 years to show his face randomly as Adam Christ's manager a few months ago. Had one match since he came back against Billy morrison in a World of Sport match - absolutely awful!!


This person should be paying multiple companies to train him, the fact you've trusted him to train people is ridiculous. There's many people around the North East much better qualified. I've been assured that Mark Anthony has never had any experience training people and in fact in the most recent training sessions he attended he was one of if not the worst trainee.


I wanted to defend PFE and the right to give being a promoter a go, but you've quite possibly done everything wrong! You're a moron that should've listened to people first before going ahead and making terrible judgement after terrible judgement.


Destined for failure and opened yourself up to MANY comments of "I told you so".

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This sounds like someone who's seen wrestling and assumed it'd be easy to do and has basically launched into it without really knowing what he's doing. Essentially, the sort of money mark that is the bread and butter of unscrupulous wrestlers.


I think some of the rhetoric directed against him here is a bit unfair though - after all, he does suffer from incontinence.

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I seriously don't understand this idea of "wrestling training" they seem to offer, which (in the Ad) says "learn all aspects, from moves to character", yet at the same time claiming to "not be a wrestling school" ??


What is it you are offering ?


If it's a youth scheme why would it include people 30+ ?


Why would anyone waste time going to your "learning facility" knowing that they will only get taught a few things and will have to go elsewhere (and probably start all over again) if they pick any of it up, because you "are not a wrestling school" ?


If that's the case, why advertise that people will learn all aspects of wrestling? You've just said yourself that this isn't the case.



This whole thing looks as shady as fuck, mate. Surely you can see that. Maybe you expected a free ride on here, just post any old shit and start fleecing your locals when you teach them how to take back bumps from a fucking chokeslam.

I'm not sure if you're genuinely asking these things or just trying to catch him out, but it's fairly obvious that the "it's not a proper wrestling school it's just a leisure activity for kids pmsl" stuff was just him talking wet to get suspicious UKFFers off his back. He's still flogging it as proper wrestling training to local youths who aren't going to know any better. It's exactly the same as dozens of other shitarse wrestling training sessions all over the country.

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I seriously don't understand this idea of "wrestling training" they seem to offer, which (in the Ad) says "learn all aspects, from moves to character", yet at the same time claiming to "not be a wrestling school" ??


What is it you are offering ?


If it's a youth scheme why would it include people 30+ ?


Why would anyone waste time going to your "learning facility" knowing that they will only get taught a few things and will have to go elsewhere (and probably start all over again) if they pick any of it up, because you "are not a wrestling school" ?


If that's the case, why advertise that people will learn all aspects of wrestling? You've just said yourself that this isn't the case.



This whole thing looks as shady as fuck, mate. Surely you can see that. Maybe you expected a free ride on here, just post any old shit and start fleecing your locals when you teach them how to take back bumps from a fucking chokeslam.

I'm not sure if you're genuinely asking these things or just trying to catch him out, but it's fairly obvious that the "it's not a proper wrestling school it's just a leisure activity for kids pmsl" stuff was just him talking wet to get suspicious UKFFers off his back. He's still flogging it as proper wrestling training to local youths who aren't going to know any better. It's exactly the same as dozens of other shitarse wrestling training sessions all over the country.



Yeah, the latter. He's so obviously full of shit.

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I am pretty sure the constant battles quote is aimed at me, let me run down what has happened so far


Danny approaches me for advice, I give it and advise him how much I spend on shows and recommend it is done properly or not at all


Danny asks for a bit more advice and I give it, again trying to ensure things are done properly and no short cuts are taken and that it isnt being done in lieu of his own development, ie putting a show on to wrestle instead of going to 3CW or Spitty's gym in Shields to improve to a level where people will book him


Danny asks for a bit more advice and I give it, again advising of caution and doing things properly, not cutting costs or important areas


Khemical posts on here asking about a show, this show, in his parent's area, I explain who it is and that I am concerned about who they are using, why they are running and the fact someone is training them who shouldnt be


I contact Danny to reiterate my points to him so I am doing everything open


Mark Anthony contacts me to advise he isnt the trainer and agrees he isnt qualified to train anyone. Mark is a good lad but he isnt qualified to train anyone, I think so, he thinks so. He says he is simply helping the trainers


I initiate a chat with Danny to ask how everything is going, I advise him he isnt postering or flyering enough and his numbers of each are way too low, I advise him what areas work for me, what I do to grab attention a little outside the box and other things, thats more advice


An article appears in the Northern Echo and a reputable local wrestler makes a lot of noise about the same concerns I have had since the first conversations with Danny, this progresses over a couple of day


I get accused of threatenting people - no clue where this came from - and I reply to Mike who apologises and asks for advice, I go through my concerns by email and offer him my advice if he can be open about what they are doing so I can advise accordingly


I log on to here and seeMark Anthony is the trainer after all and a quote is on their website says about constant battles with a local company or whatever it says and the opening post says something like nobody will give advice, pissed off and misunderstood doesnt come into it


my advice is still here if needed and for what its worth, if companies are gonna run then I am more than happy to encourage and guide them to do things the right way, it just seems at people only want to listen to things they are doing well and ignore things theyre not which seems like a lot


this is the most ranty post I have made, what a farce, come on fellas, wake up and see why so many people are critical

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