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Advice and a quick question.

Mr M A Chappell

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After recieving loads of stick and abuse im happy to say the show will go on.


Now the advice and question is this.


Why is the UK industry so anti new company?


Not only ourselfs but other companys have not recieved advice, support, friendly tips or anything of the sort.


Is the UK wrestling scene so threatened by new companys that you have to try to stop them before they start?


Just a suggestion dont abuse people and threaten people. Try guiding them and helping them that way they will go in the right direction.


I know there is gonna be several bad posts after this but please if you understand or support what im saying. say so.


M A Chappell

Since when is it the job of fans of British wrestling and the UKFF to give you advice on how to run a wrestling show?


When I started, I shadowed Orig Williams for nearly three years, doing every little shitty job needed just to get an insight and a bit of knowledgable advice off him. Only then, when I thought I was ready, and with the permission of Orig, did I start promoting.


How about having a bit of respect for the business and trying to do it the right way!


To be fair Ravenhill, the guy did come on and ask for advice, there are a fair few promoters that come on UKFF as well as some very knowledgeable fans. Perhaps the way he went about it was not spot on but he asked for views and (quite rightly considering the views and responses he gave) some gave him grief whereas others may have tried to steer him in the right direction.


If he didnt know how to get in touch with other promoters then UKFF is not a bad starting point for someone and from there relationships can grow and lessons can be learnt.


not a dig at you but how about instead of saying have some respect and try to do it the right way, why not offer your support and invite him down to see your promotion and talk to you where you could help him or give him some pointers. You learnt from a master in Orig, perhaps Chappell can learn from you and others such as Ricky or Mark or any of the other promoters on here that run established, professional outfits


The more we have professional companies in the UK instead of shitarse promotions the better it is for all involved.


Yes his approach on here is negative, ive tried to be a "critical friend" to him and hopefully he will take what ive suggested on board but at the end of the day if he asks for support and we (as the UKFF) give him crap (which admittedly he deserved) then what do you expect?

at the end of the day if he asks for support and we (as the UKFF) give him crap (which admittedly he deserved) then what do you expect?


In the initial seven page thread, people just asked questions. That's all. And all those people got was abuse and non answers. THAT'S why he got, and deserved, the crap he got.

To be fair Ravenhill, the guy did come on and ask for advice, there are a fair few promoters that come on UKFF as well as some very knowledgeable fans. Perhaps the way he went about it was not spot on but he asked for views and (quite rightly considering the views and responses he gave) some gave him grief whereas others may have tried to steer him in the right direction.


If he didnt know how to get in touch with other promoters then UKFF is not a bad starting point for someone and from there relationships can grow and lessons can be learnt.


not a dig at you but how about instead of saying have some respect and try to do it the right way, why not offer your support and invite him down to see your promotion and talk to you where you could help him or give him some pointers. You learnt from a master in Orig, perhaps Chappell can learn from you and others such as Ricky or Mark or any of the other promoters on here that run established, professional outfits


The more we have professional companies in the UK instead of shitarse promotions the better it is for all involved.


Yes his approach on here is negative, ive tried to be a "critical friend" to him and hopefully he will take what ive suggested on board but at the end of the day if he asks for support and we (as the UKFF) give him crap (which admittedly he deserved) then what do you expect?


I'm not saying that in general you're wrong, I myself in the past have asked advice on this forum, it makes sense, its like market research. However on this occasion I think the 'promoter' in question is your typical shitarse promoter who can't be given advice and will stink up towns for other good legit wrestling promoters. The fact he speaks to people on a public forum the way he does proves that.


I'm all for helping and giving advice, there's countless start ups on this forum who've PM'd me asking advice on promoting, insurance etc and i've happily helped them out, I think thats the way it should be. I've worked alongside Orig, Sanjay and more recently Brian Dixon, all of whom, whether popular or not, are top promoters. I believe that more promoters should try and work together, especially in these tough times.


I'm personally just fed up with guys starting up shows in areas other people run (Not saying this Chapell guy is doing that), it's happening more and more to myself. For example, some shitarse is running a show in Port Talbot, a town i've run for six years, and there's two guys working that show who in turn are also going to run a show in that town a few months later!! It's absolutely ridiculous! And it's only getting worse all over the country.


Sometimes I wish that this BWC malarky was actually real, in the sense that it should be set up to try and stop shows like this, rather than be set up to make money from selling arm bands and stroking egos.

  • Paid Members

The asking advice thing on here is bollocks. No one would go on a forum asking for advice to start a company in another field, and Chappell clearly isn't going to take any genuine advice on board unless it's, "Wow. I love wrestling! Way to go, mate!" pmsl.

seems we have sabatours in the mist trying to stop our show.. IT WILL GO ON please do not be convinced of anything otherewise we are allready selling tickets


Taken from the Pinfall FB page, glad to see your acknowledging the feedback everyone is giving you.


Its so ridiculously unprofessional to put on an official page that like that people are trying to ruin something you are currently trying to sell to people. Would I really want to go to a restaurant if they put on their website that people have been trying to get them done by the Food Standards Authority? Some people are thick and should never be allowed to run a 'business'.

The asking advice thing on here is bollocks. No one would go on a forum asking for advice to start a company in another field, and Chappell clearly isn't going to take any genuine advice on board unless it's, "Wow. I love wrestling! Way to go, mate!" pmsl.



He did keep asking you to go down and see him face to face and see the facilities they have but it seems like you only want to talk from behind the keyboard. Not that I or anyone else is judging you, it's your decision to stay at home.

  • Paid Members
He did keep asking you to go down and see him face to face and see the facilities they have but it seems like you only want to talk from behind the keyboard. Not that I or anyone else is judging you, it's your decision to stay at home.

I'm not going to take a 60-mile round trip to see a crash mat.


We know who the trainers are, we know their facilities and training methods from photos. See it in person isn't going to change that; that's the beauty of the Internet.


Before further allegations are chucked my way I would like to say I have too much going on with my own show to even do any sabotage even if I wanted to, not my style at all and if anyone else is doing so it has nowt to do with me. Even after my ranty reply I have continued to offer advice


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