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Class and Shit t-shirts


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Interesting thread. In terms of awfulness, I reckon it goes -


Affliction t-shirts / Biffy Clyro (TIE)

Dennis Pennis

wrestling t-shirts



I rarely wear graphic t-shirts anyway but I guess some reslo ones can be cool. Either way, the people arguing on the last page are both essentially social lepers.

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WTF is going on in here? I swear UKFF attracts the most odd balls on the internet.


Only on here would my manhood be called into question because I dont like wearing shite wrestling shirts outside.


What kind of scrubber are you? you know I have awhole set of clothes that are just for wearing inside, does that make me less of a man? or maybe I just like to have stuff to wear when I'm inside.


Do you go outside in the same t-shirts you sleep in or something? wait dont answer that.


I wear my Edge and nWo shirt outside all the time, if a shirt looks like crap then I wont wear it, whether its a wrestling shirt or not, Im guessing everyone else here is the same.


Also people might just be collecters, maybe they are a massive fan of the nWo, DX, Y2J etc and just want all their gear.


Sorry but whether its on the net or irl you sound like a tit saying that stuff, and I wouldnt be ashamed to say that to your face.



Shite wrestling shirts? In other words you admit to buying shirts that are shite? Now there's a good laugh. A whole new set of clothes just for wearing inside lmao. I think i'll go buy myself a nice new jumper for when the weather inside gets a bit chilly lol. And don't stop at me, feel free to say it to anyone outside in real life. Go and tell them you buy new clothes JUST for wearing at home and see what kind of looks you get lol. But thanks anyway buddy, you've given me a good laugh this afternoon. I appreciate it.


And as far as the person above goes about being a social leper. I'm a grown man. I'm not some 17 year old, still waiting on his first kiss, some fat ass that sits in at weekends watching wrestling. I'm not a boy i'm a man and all i was saying was if i buy a wrestling shirt at least i have the confidence to wear it. Therefore i do have bigger balls, my manhood is bigger because i can do something that 95% of smarks don't have the balls to do, their too shy and scared to wear their wrestling shirts outside. Too shy and scared to do anything. And mummy and daddy pays the sky bill too i bet lol. So wildsybianrider, unless your a grown man like me, don't say nothing because i don't like arguing with little teenage boys. When you grow up to be a man like me then we can talk, when your making love to women every week like i do then talk to me, when you have money in your pocket, when you live life to the full like i do....then we can talk. Until that day son, hush hush hush, no more talking, no more name calling. Just concentrate on your own life.

Edited by crazyshady
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Shite wrestling shirts? In other words you admit to buying shirts that are shite? Now there's a good laugh. A whole new set of clothes just for wearing inside lmao. I think i'll go buy myself a nice new jumper for when the weather inside gets a bit chilly lol. And don't stop at me, feel free to say it to anyone outside in real life. Go and tell them you buy new clothes JUST for wearing at home and see what kind of looks you get lol. But thanks anyway buddy, you've given me a good laugh this afternoon. I appreciate it.


Lots of brands have whole ranges of clothes aimed at the 'stuff you'd wear indoor' market. Stop being such a nonce.


And, considering your initial rant seemed to be based on people 'having confidence' and 'being themselves' you've gone to great lengths to be condescending to geeks, uncool's and virgins. That's hypocritical.


Oh, and can I just say; you're posting on an internet wrestling forum so yes, you are both a geek and uncool. We all are.

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Shite wrestling shirts? In other words you admit to buying shirts that are shite? Now there's a good laugh. A whole new set of clothes just for wearing inside lmao. I think i'll go buy myself a nice new jumper for when the weather inside gets a bit chilly lol. And don't stop at me, feel free to say it to anyone outside in real life. Go and tell them you buy new clothes JUST for wearing at home and see what kind of looks you get lol. But thanks anyway buddy, you've given me a good laugh this afternoon. I appreciate it.


Um, hang on. Do you sit around the house in a suit or a

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Shite wrestling shirts? In other words you admit to buying shirts that are shite? Now there's a good laugh. A whole new set of clothes just for wearing inside lmao. I think i'll go buy myself a nice new jumper for when the weather inside gets a bit chilly lol. And don't stop at me, feel free to say it to anyone outside in real life. Go and tell them you buy new clothes JUST for wearing at home and see what kind of looks you get lol. But thanks anyway buddy, you've given me a good laugh this afternoon. I appreciate it.


Um, hang on. Do you sit around the house in a suit or a

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Oh, and can I just say; you're posting on an internet wrestling forum so yes, you are both a geek and uncool. We all are.


Fuck up you Jeremy, it's 2011 the Internet isn't still some underground sensation for geeks, ditto wrestling it's not a pre-requisite of liking it that you have to be a geek. Don't lump us all in with mongs like you and your wanky student sig.

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Jeremy just owned! Isn't that what the nerds say online. Are you Jeremy Beadle? Watch out Beadle's about doo doo doo! *dances*.


Seriously you are going to pull a '*dances*' after the 'I'M A MAN'S MAN. I BANG WOMEN EVERY NIGHT. I AIN'T NO VIRGIN FOOL. I HAVE BIGGER BALLS. A BIGGER MANHOOD. I AIN'T A GEEK.' routine. Really? *dances*?!?!?!?!


Also, to steal a crazyshady concept, if you were to go outside now and ask the regular people on the street to think of the first adjective that comes to mind for someone that posts on an internet wrestling forum about how much of a man he was, how he wasn't a geek and about how he *dances*, what answer do you think you'd get...? Seriously.

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