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The Average Wrestling Fan - Is The Stereotype Warranted?


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Nah, but I think thats what the majority of this forum looks like. Wrestling nerds are on par with any other people who are ridiculously into there geeky shit, ie. anime fans, metal heads, etc

I guess you aren't including yourself in that bracket then?

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I'd say your average casual fan is usually just a normal, working class guy who grew up watching WWE... still a bit of a kid at heart and doesn't take wrestling/life in general too seriously.


I fitted the nerdy/metal/overweight/internet fan stereotype when I was a teenager but I sort of grew out of it. I still like alternative rock and wrestling but it doesn't dictate my life and I don't go on about it all the time.

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5 pages in and not one person thinks they fit the stereotype on the countries biggest wrestling forum.


Nobody is admitting it.


A lot of people are in agreement on a similar stereotype appearance, and I predict some of the people disputing that may actually have one or more of those characteristics.


Not judging, just saying. :thumbsup:

I dont think i look like a wrestling fan stereotype? But at the age of 43, some of ringside shennanigans would no doubt give me the appearance of the saddest bloke in the entire world! (Especially to anyone who does not like wrestling). In my mind, iam just enjoying myself & never go against the show to be "smart". I try to be considerate of people around me, so no swearing also.


So i guess that"s me admitting certain "Characteristics"? :thumbsup:

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I would like to disagree with one notion i've seen in this thread and that's the 'wearing a wrestling tee to the pub makes you a knob' that a few have banded about. Uncharacteristically I see a lot more tolerance on here than I ever imagined, there's no prejudice or hazing of minorities that, frankly, I thought would have been a given on this forum (that's a stereotype I have/had of wrestling fans). I think we as a forum show pretty good decorum (sp?) and are as good a reflection of a 21st century wrestling fan as you're likely to see but strangely the one thing we seemingly don't tolerate is a wrestling fan in a wrestling tee? I'm proud to wear my dx tee in most circumstances. Whether i'm shopping with my girlfriend, walking to and from a mates, and oh no God forbid a pint at the pub. But I also wouldn't wear it when it's just not necessary, ie to a job interview, under a suit jacket (like the cool people who wear t-shirts with a suit) etc. I've had said tee for nearly 5 years now and it's as black as the day I bought it so that should help to show how often I wear it. I'm clean, well dressed, short modern hair, no acne and 27 years old, oh and it still fits fine. In moderation I see no problem in wearing one. Don't tarnish us all with the same brush.

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What's your point?


Well, I thought it was obvious.


I said it's bollocks that people wearing football shirts tend to be scum.


You've posted a picture of a monster in a football shirt.


One example of an ugly bird in a footie shirt, you've sure proved me wrong.


A bird? How can you be so sure? She looks a bit flat up top.


She looked like a scummy-mummy to me. Superficial of me I know. :(


I'll go with my first impression of monster.


I just think the idea that the majority of people in football shirts are scum is wrong. As always, it's a small minority of hooligans and chav cunts giving the majority a bad name.


Also, for some reason, I picture a stereotypical wrestling fan the same way that I picture Mike Castle. Not sure why.


Horrible people, their chants, inferior lives and general scumminess make football supporters a particularly odious lot. Especially those in unwashed for weeks shirts.

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Nah, but I think thats what the majority of this forum looks like. Wrestling nerds are on par with any other people who are ridiculously into there geeky shit, ie. anime fans, metal heads, etc

Post a pic of yourself then sexi boi.

point me in the direction of a picture thread and I might, Im not sexy, Im just not a quasi-modo looking greaseball


Nah, but I think thats what the majority of this forum looks like. Wrestling nerds are on par with any other people who are ridiculously into there geeky shit, ie. anime fans, metal heads, etc

I guess you aren't including yourself in that bracket then?

It would be rather hypocritical of me to slag off a group I belong too, wouldn't it?

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Horrible people, their chants, inferior lives and general scumminess make football supporters a particularly odious lot. Especially those in unwashed for weeks shirts.


Are you sure you're not a football fan?

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Horrible people, their chants, inferior lives and general scumminess make football supporters a particularly odious lot. Especially those in unwashed for weeks shirts.


trying hard for a reaction? football is the most popular sport on the planet, undisputed, which brings the best & the worst of people together, & everything in between. But of course it's much easier to point out those that spoil it for everyone else.



unlucky, try again

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Nah, but I think thats what the majority of this forum looks like. Wrestling nerds are on par with any other people who are ridiculously into there geeky shit, ie. anime fans, metal heads, etc

I guess you aren't including yourself in that bracket then?

It would be rather hypocritical of me to slag off a group I belong too, wouldn't it?

Your posting on a wrestling forum, so like it or not, you're part of the group that you are trying to mock.

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I am fat and beardy and I wear wrestling t-shirts, though not black ones (except the Santino Cobra one, which was in a sale). I do deviate from the stereotype though. I'm a genius, I have a girlfriend, and I don't hate proper wrestling. I don't always stink, either, and I never mask it with Lynx. I use a cheap women's deodorant, like Dove.

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I am fat and beardy and I wear wrestling t-shirts, though not black ones (except the Santino Cobra one, which was in a sale). I do deviate from the stereotype though. I'm a genius, I have a girlfriend, and I don't hate proper wrestling. I don't always stink, either, and I never mask it with Lynx. I use a cheap women's deodorant, like Dove.

Didn't you also win the on-topic poster of the year award? Surely that has to qualify you as a bit cooler than most on here?

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I am fat and beardy and I wear wrestling t-shirts, though not black ones (except the Santino Cobra one, which was in a sale). I do deviate from the stereotype though. I'm a genius, I have a girlfriend, and I don't hate proper wrestling. I don't always stink, either, and I never mask it with Lynx. I use a cheap women's deodorant, like Dove.


If you're such a genius how come you suck.

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