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CM Punk


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Superb. So, the drinkers/smokers/stoners among us think "you sanctimonious prick, sod off telling me how to live," and other straight edgers like yourself think "you're misrepresenting us."


Makes him a great heel, yes?


The fact he's getting nuclear heat doesn't hurt either.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I've always thought, but I don't like it when something real is used, or worse, embellished for heel heat. The idea behind Mohammed Hassan's character for example offended me that much that I actually stopped watching WWE for a fair few years, and anyone that's used Eddie Guerrero's death to get heel heat, I would like to capture their soul in a glass bottle and throw said bottle into an active volcano.


Seriously? What's the point in watching wrestling if you just get offended?

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It's not a good wrestling gimmick.


It's a brilliant gimmick, and your own words show why it is.


I'm straight edge and have always disliked the way he represents it.


Superb. So, the drinkers/smokers/stoners among us think "you sanctimonious prick, sod off telling me how to live," and other straight edgers like yourself think "you're misrepresenting us."


Makes him a great heel, yes?


The fact he's getting nuclear heat doesn't hurt either.

I'm straight edge myself and I agree he does it to get heat from both sides but they are some straight edgers out there like him who will preach to condemn others for drinking smoking doing drugs ect I personally don't give a damn what others do to themselves.

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Hardline CM punk would of been awesome! if only he was a vegan he could of busted out to firestorm!


just imagine this over the PA -


(totally wouldn't happen but would of been a great bit of fan booking here lol)


Find it weird how he didnt have an edge band do his music woulda of been cheaper hooking up with a band on a small label but some wouldn't wanna "sellout"

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I think he's great. I didn't get the fuss about him one bit when he first got the title, but that's because I don't watch the indies and he hadn't really had a chance to establish a character for himself in the WWE at that point (beyond the way the commentators sold the straight edge gimmick, which was always more notable for the way JBL brilliantly took the piss out of it).


Now though, I think he's the most natural mic worker they have in the company. He seems like a very intelligent, witty bloke who is one of the rare few who can get that humour across on TV, particularly during his run on commentary (Cena is another one who seems naturally witty, but because of his target audience his on-screen 'humour' always comes across as sub-My Family). I don't know if he's allowed more license to adlib than the rest of the talent, but his interviews are usually a lot more interesting and compelling than anything else on the show.


As far as this debate that seems to have arisen about whether he could be a 'figurehead', I'm dubious only because he doesn't seem to have the look or attitude that the WWE are looking to associate themselves with in the kiddy-friendly era. Like Orton, though, you just never know until they're given a consistent, sustained push in that role. John Cena had at least a year when he was pushed decisively as the #1 guy before he even began to look like justifying it, and I think they're terrified to show anyone else that level of patience these days.

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I think Punk is a highlight in WWE (along with Miz and Del Rio) and has been for a long time. His ring work is always good (imho) and his mic work is fantastic. Wasn't sure about his role as Nexus leader but I think it's reignited an angle which many had thought had gone out. Hopefully he'll be put in a programme with Cena post Mania.

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CM Punk's brilliant. Of course, the pervs were treating him as a god back when he was doing shitty little ROH promos arguing with people in hockey masks. But eventually, he did turn out to be very, very good. Checkmate, you're right, he's not at the hogan/stone cole (?) level, but then who is? Only The Rock and maybe John Cena.


Punk's hardly alone (even in WWE) in being overrated by the 'philes anyway. Jericho is and has been for years, Daniel Bryan the same. And it's not just overrating good wrestlers, it's sometimes pretending that terrible ones are brilliant. The tugtugs have been spitting their loads for years over the shitehawk likes of the Hart Dynasty and Paul "should be a world champion lolz push him Vince" Burchill based on nothing except who their relatives are or clips of doing flips in village hall matches with skinny midgets. They also overrate every cruiserweight ever, except Hornswoggle (who the sex pests underrate) and Shannon Moore.


It's silly to single out Punk, because he's actually caught on with a larger audience since all the "Punk is Jesus" nonsense started.



Edit: Magnum -- Punk does improvise his own promos, using the general gist of the written promo, and any lines from the script he really likes. He talked about it on Colt Cabana's podcast a few weeks back, I think. All of the main event wrestlers have that freedom, and probably the rest of the card too but the lower guys are often probably either incapable of ad-libbing or too worried about getting into trouble. Jericho and DX wrote their own stuff, and Barrett was saying in an interview this week that Cena is notorious for going off script, which kept Wade on his toes during their feud.


jackhennessy -- WWE bought that song to use for Randy Orton, at Orton's insistence (he hated the "Hey! Nothing you can say!" song) but only let Orton use it for about two weeks before deciding his other music was more fitting. Then Punk debuted a couple of months later with the song Orton had wanted.

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The tugtugs have been spitting their loads for years over the shitehawk likes of the Hart Dynasty and Paul "should be a world champion lolz push him Vince" Burchill



DH Smith looks likely for a release after Mania. He had an impossible job living up to his fathers reputation, but he has done nothing for me at all while in WWE apart from a very good Superstars match in which I think he was carried by Tyson Kidd. Kidd however I really think could be one for the future. Having seen him wrestle several times before he signed with WWE I always hoped he'd get a chance there but never thought he would. But I think he's technically excellent innovative and I don't think his size will work against him as much as it would have in the past. I'd like to see him in MITB this year as I think it could help him push on from where he is right now. Then I'd love to see a programme with Bryan for the US title.

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Never has a haircut done so much good for a man.


I agree actually. I don't know why but I think he looks more of a main eventer with the short hair.


I like Punk a lot. People moan about "internet fans" loving him because of ROH and that but I think most people like him because he has charisma. He's very good on the mic I think, sometimes the promos are a bit samey but even the Greats had a bit of that.

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Im a HUGE punk mark, to me hes the best thing in wwe (not that theres not other good stuff going on) hes great on the mic, has a unique look, and makes the most out of every minute he gets on tv.


Also Im straight edge but I dont mind the way he represents it on tv, people give me a hard time about my lifestyle than I give to them.

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"Internet fans." Yawn. What the fuck does that even mean?


You're wrestling fans talking about wrestling on the internet, that makes YOU internet fans.


If you fancy having a pop at "workrate pervert Shimmer paedos LOLZ" then do it, but this "internet fans" thing is retarded.


Bang on. Post of the week.


I think it

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CM Punk is amazing. In Jericho's book he mentions that when in WCW no matter how little screen time he had he would do everything he could to look good and get noticed. I think Punk is the same. Unlike the majority of wrestlers these days, he doesn't look like he's playing a character. He looks like he IS his character. That's why he gets the reactions he gets while nearly everyone else gets fuck all reaction from the crowd. Not only are his matches great, his promos and facial expressions are the best on the roster and he's great at the little things that turn a two dimensional wrestling character into a three dimensional superstar the fans will latch on to.

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There's more than a few people in this thread who have remarked upon being straight edge, so I'll take the opportunity to ask what exactly makes you straight edge?


Is it simply a case of not drinking and not taking drugs?



I think it has something to do with being a virgin as well.

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There's more than a few people in this thread who have remarked upon being straight edge, so I'll take the opportunity to ask what exactly makes you straight edge?


Is it simply a case of not drinking and not taking drugs?

Well not really, individuals tend have different interpretations but it's basically about self control, I mean some slate Punk for the caffeine thing. I'm straight edge but some of my other straight edge friends don't agree with me getting lashed, pilled up and snorting coke off a strippers nellies but fuck em, they can't tell me how to live my life by my straight edge rules.


sXe 4 Life.

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