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The UKFF Retro Gaming Thread


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Merciful hour, I remember Joey Cosgrove from round the corner had that for his Amstrad!

Poor fucker got an Amstrad while the rest of us for a C64 for Christmas as his ma and da must have just seen a white keyboard with buttons and thought "That'll do", but he went on about that game and Barbarian for ages.

Didn't it look like a Spectrum game though - graphics wise - or am I thinking of something else?

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Bloody hell, Killer Instinct alone was about £60 when released wasn't it?  I'd also pay 20 quid just for Blast Corps.  That is some bargain right there.


Edit for crap quoting (I was on about the Rare Replay thing).

Edited by handspants
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You could walk into a corner shop and get a bunch of games for a tenner, most of them would be dogshit but still.


There's a great documentary about that era called From Bedrooms to Billions, saw it a few weeks back. It was a bit sad seeing Jeff Minter look like Balls Mahoney but the guy's still making brilliant games.

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Merciful hour, I remember Joey Cosgrove from round the corner had that for his Amstrad!

Poor fucker got an Amstrad while the rest of us for a C64 for Christmas as his ma and da must have just seen a white keyboard with buttons and thought "That'll do", but he went on about that game and Barbarian for ages.

Didn't it look like a Spectrum game though - graphics wise - or am I thinking of something else?


Yeah it did.  I was lucky enough to have both an Amstrad and a C64 in our house. But his game and Dailey Thompson's Track and Field were awesome.

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You could walk into a corner shop and get a bunch of games for a tenner, most of them would be dogshit but still.


There's a great documentary about that era called From Bedrooms to Billions, saw it a few weeks back. It was a bit sad seeing Jeff Minter look like Balls Mahoney but the guy's still making brilliant games.

Awesome. I was just thinking there needs to be a good C64 doc. I'm renting that to watch tonight. Cheers.


I've been fighting the urge to start bulk buying C64 games from eBay just because I love the art.

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Hours of my youth spent playing this, the later levels included a whorehouse where the the beatdowns continued to various leather clad hoes. If i remember you could knell over a fallen foe and repeatedly punch them in the face until a puddle of blood came out.



Good clean family fun

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