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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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There's the trailer for a documentary about Roger Corman's Fantastic Four, it's an interesting story, hopefully now there's a documentary about it and they've had the chance to talk about it and get their story out in the open it makes them feel less cheated.

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I'm also the last person on the planet to see the Avengers film. HOWEVER I've also badly missed out on all the Marvel films of the last five years, but Avengers intrigues me because it's a Whedon project. I understand it works better if you've seen the preceding Marvel exploits so I'd like to see it that way. Could someone list for me the best order to watch them in? Assume I've seen none of them, that's pretty safe.

So now the last person on Earth has seen Avengers. How bloody enjoyable was that? It has Whedon's fingerprints all over the script, with pith and vinegar sprinkled liberally.


Hulk stole the show though.

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I've still not watched most of it. I don't know how far I got, I remember Captain America being happy with himself because he understood a reference. That was the highlight of what I saw. I don't think I got as far as Banner becoming Hulk. Perhaps I'd have tolerated it more if I'd seen Iron Man first.

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Is this the Thing from the new Fantastic Four film? It was posted then 20th century fox asked for it to be taken down, so who knows, I thought he was going to be 100% CGI so I don't know where this floating bust comes into it if it is legit.





Human Torch:


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Making superhero films looks dead boring, doesn't it? Ā All day in a green room looking at pingpong balls and hanging from wires.


When I was last at Shepperton I saw Batista coming out of makeup. Ā He looked bored. Ā True story.

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The creator of the Tick confirms that the live action TV show from 2001 is being revived for Amazon's streaming TV service. This is awesome news, the Tick is one of my favourites ever and hopefully this will bring him to the more receptive post superhero movies audience of today. And the best part of it is Patrick Warburton is returning in the title role. I think Warburton as the Tick is the single best piece of casting in comic adaptation history and I'm so glad he's coming back.

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Making superhero films looks dead boring, doesn't it? Ā All day in a green room looking at pingpong balls and hanging from wires.


When I was last at Shepperton I saw Batista coming out of makeup. Ā He looked bored. Ā True story.

I was thinking the exact same thing when I looked at those pictures.. It must all be so tedious. Credit to the guys who make it look like they're having fun in these big action CGI films these days.


Doom looks pretty cool; much better than the last (terrible) iteration.

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Making superhero films looks dead boring, doesn't it? Ā All day in a green room looking at pingpong balls and hanging from wires.


When I was last at Shepperton I saw Batista coming out of makeup. Ā He looked bored. Ā True story.

I was thinking the exact same thing when I looked at those pictures.. It must all be so tedious. Credit to the guys who make it look like they're having fun in these big action CGI films these days.


Doom looks pretty cool; much better than the last (terrible) iteration.



It's awful, Ian McKellan was apparently in tears or something on the set of one of the Hobbit films because he was so freaked out by the new style of movie making and everything being put in afterwards in post. Ewan MacGregor has spoken out about it as well saying filming the Star Wars prequels wasn't fun and there were times it was just him and Haydn Christiansen in a completely green room. Apparently Joaquin Phoenix hasn't committed to playing Doctor Strange yet either because he's just not sure if he can make that kind of film (article here).

It certainly doesn't look as fun as back in the day when everything would be filmed on incredible sets with matte paintings and physical props.

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The forced perspective stuff in the first Lord Of The Rings film has unsurprisingly aged much better than the CGI they relied upon more in the second and third ones. Ā That bit in Moria looks like a capture of Baldurs Gate from the 90s.

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Yeah, I remember that McKellen story. They couldn't do the same forced perspective tricks on the Hobbit films because of this 3D, HFR stuff they do on them, so whenever Gandalf was in a scene with the dwarves and/or Bilbo, McKellen was acting on a completely different set, by himself, with sticks featuring each dwarf's face stuck on so he knew which stick was which. Understandable how he'd be upset by that, it must be fairly demoralising to try and play a character like that under those circumstances, especially when he'd done LOTR.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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It's official, The Rock is playing Black Adam

I'm glad he chose that role over Captain Marvel/Shazam, he had the choice of either apparently. Captain Marvel will be hard to cast. It's a silly comic so I hope they go the Guardians of the galaxy route and embrace the craziness, it is about a boy that turns into a superhero who's friends with a talking tiger and whose enemies include a mind reading maggot after all.

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What is Shazam? Ā Never head of it.


He's a superhero who's been around for 75 years, he's a lot like Superman in ability and appearance but he's a teenage boy who turns into a fully grown man with super powers when he says the magic word Shazam. The superhero he turns into used to be called Captain Marvel but due to Marvel comics they couldn't put his name on the cover so the comic was always called Shazam (which they changed the character's name to recently to stop the confusion.) Black Adam is one of his main enemies, he's like an Ancient Egyptian evil equivalent of Captain Marvel with the same powers.

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The character pre dates DC and Marvel and DC. DC actually sued because he was a copy of Superman, then ended up bringing him back under the DC banner. Marvel them sued them because by then they had their own Captain Marvel and DC renamed him Shazam. There's also Marvelman who everyone thinks they own and is still in dispute. To sum up comicbook writers aren't very creative when it comes to names.

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