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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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New Sin City poster with Eva Green showing a bit of banger is causing a bit of a drama.

Eva Green Sin City Diddies


It's been good publicity regardless, I've seen this on the internet everywhere in the last couple of days, don't think I'd be saying that if it wasn't getting heat. It's a great shot.

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He would be a good Wolverine, he had the look. I don't think there us any chance of Jackman stepping aside from the till any time soon though.


I'm fairly sure it was confirmed that Channing Tatum would play Gambit, which is a surprising choice.

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He would be a good Wolverine, he had the look. I don't think there us any chance of Jackman stepping aside from the till any time soon though.


I'm fairly sure it was confirmed that Channing Tatum would play Gambit, which is a surprising choice.


Channing Tatum is going to play Gambit, he said ages ago it's the only Superhero he's interested in playing (apparently he turned down the chance to play Captain America) I think Gambit's shit and I like Tatum so I'd much rather see him play someone else but there you go.


Joe Manganiello auditioned for Superman, he's way too tall to play Wolverine too (but then again so is Hugh Jackman). Hugh Jackman has been Wolverine through so many films it's crazy, I can't think of another actor that's played the same part so many times (except maybe Robert Englund as Freddy).

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Josh Brolin would make a great Thanos but I can't get my head around someone turning down the chance to play Batman then playing Thanos. I hope they Put Darkseid in the Justice League movie, Thanos is just a weak imitation of him anyway so I'd love to see Darkseid hit the big screen before him.

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I'm going to see Days Of Future Past again on Sunday with a mate who hasn't seen it. Not to sound unoriginal but I thought it was utterly immense. On top of action and poignancy, I was especially pleased that the allegedly sexist replacement of Kitty Pryde as the main protagonist was counter-effected by the fact the entire premise of the "past" portion of the film is that Mystique is a total badass. Fabulous popcorn movie for X-Men fans, lump in my throat near the end.


I think Gambit's shit and I like Tatum so I'd much rather see him play someone else but there you go.


Gambit's ace, Bellend. I'd rather see Tatum play anyone else, in a film I'm not going to watch, but there you go.


I just hope they give Tatum's Gambit some good dialogue. I enjoyed him meeting Wolvy in the much-maligned Origins.


"Are you Remy LeBeau?"

"Do I owe you money?"


"Then Remy LeBeau, I am."


Looking forward to the Apocalypse film as if it features Xavier, Cyclops, Storm, Jean, Beast, Gambit and (one must assume) Wolverine, it's the closest ensemble to the team I think of as "The X-Men." I've never quite come to terms with Gambit not featuring in the first three, even though I enjoyed them all. I just felt he should have been there, having been raised on the blue team and/or the team in the cartoon. But I won't dwell on it, perilously close as it is to the "Bumblebee should be a VW beetle" crap that I hate.


Hugh Jackman has been Wolverine through so many films it's crazy, I can't think of another actor that's played the same part so many times (except maybe Robert Englund as Freddy).


Jackman has played Wolverine 7 times to date. Off the top of my head, Shatner/Doohan/Koenig played Kirk/Scotty/Chekov in 7 Star Trek films.


If you include credits scene cameos, Age of Ultron will mark Sam Jackson's 7th appearance as Nick Fury.

Edited by air_raid
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I think Gambit's shit and I like Tatum so I'd much rather see him play someone else but there you go.


Gambit's ace, Bellend.


Despite being the perfect age for them, when I was 12 in the early 90s all my friends were getting into 90s X-Men and Image comics but I'd already been reading my brother's massive 80s comic collection for years and it soured me on all the 90s stuff because to me the 80s stuff was so much better. To this day I still read 80s comics (especially DC) whenever I can but I hate the 90s era in comics. I still hate Jim Lee, all the 90s X-Men stuff (including Gambit), Superman with a mullet, Azrael as Batman, every Image comic, Todd McFarlane, Rob fucking Liefeld and nearly everything else I associate with the period (I do however like Madman and Sin City but they're really different).

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I've never quite come to terms with Gambit not featuring in the first three, even though I enjoyed them all. I just felt he should have been there, having been raised on the blue team and/or the team in the cartoon. But I won't dwell on it, perilously close as it is to the "Bumblebee should be a VW beetle" crap that I hate.


I don't see how. Bumblebee being a VW Beetle is ultimately a small point, that wouldn't make a difference to your viewing at all. The X-Men films not featuring one of the most popular, coolest and most charismatic characters with one of the most bad-ass powers in the Marvel universe is a pretty major deal that affects your viewing, no?

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I don't see how. Bumblebee being a VW Beetle is ultimately a small point, that wouldn't make a difference to your viewing at all. The X-Men films not featuring one of the most popular, coolest and most charismatic characters with one of the most bad-ass powers in the Marvel universe is a pretty major deal that affects your viewing, no?


It's just the principle. Me whining because my favourite X-Man from the version I loved not making the cut makes me every bit the mewling tosser that couldn't possibly enjoy a film because their favourite Autobot had a different alt mode than his toy/the cartoon, who I'm fairly vocal in criticizing. I'm sure there are plenty of hardcore older X-Men fans that would have been keener on Beast, Nightcrawler or Angel being major team members from the start, but really we should all just be united in appreciation that X-Men movies got made at all, and that (for the most part) they're pretty good.

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What did people think of Agents Of Shield then, now the first series is over?


I enjoyed it as far as it went, but it reeeally felt low budget because of its association with the big budget movies, plus the fact that essentially the only "star" from the films to appear was Samuel L Jackson, in 2 5 minute cameos.


It was more than justified by having Bill Paxton as the bad guy. The man's not aged in 20 years!

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First half of the series was pretty dull but once they come off the mid season break and tied the story into Thor 2 and Winter Soldier it was fantastic viewing and like you said Loki, Bill Paxton was a great villain. I just hope they keep Ward on the dark side for season 2 and have Tripp keep Ward's place in the team

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I really enjoy Shield, sure its not always great but its still enjoyable and flows nicely, the lack of big name cameos doesnt really bother me cos I dont expect them, maybe when future films are being shot and guys are in costume they could shoot a small part for the show just to show they are one big team.


Maybe have Iron Man save fitz and simmons for the bottom of the ocean or something simple enough that wouldnt effect the story to much.


Loving Arrow aswell, sometimes it feels like a mini move cos so much happens, Deathstroke is fantastic, hoping to see a Flash cameo in the next season

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