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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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It definitely doesn't need Bale, at all, in fact they could do with not spending 50 mil on the lead as it's going to be a fucking expensive movie anyway. I personally thought Man of Steel was spot on though and I'd like to see a Bale Batman done that well as TDKR was a total bust and a depressing end to the franchise. I'm totally down for seeing it recast though, and if it's the start of a new Batman and/or Justice League movie series Bale won't commit to all that. I don't know who my ideal Batman would be but I'd like to see him not entirely in black rubber, it would be nice to have him looking more like the comic, the black rubber moulded muscles was only really implemented because Michael Keaton didn't have the build to be a superhero, 7 films later and they're still sticking with it, it would be cool to see something different.



Vin Diesel talks about his role in Guardians of the Galaxy


He sounds like a right cunt


"I'm an actor. I can do whatever the
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Check this out its a fan made movie about The Jokers origins etc, for a prob low budget film I think its great really enjoyed it and worth a watch


Got told about this on Facebook, going to try and get it watched this week. From the Facebook recommendation, I was also linked to these, which are both pretty great...



Both by the same fella, definitely worth checking out.

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Please let bales batman go!


They ended it with him retired, broken down and skint.


No way to move onto superman vs and later the justice league with a old bale!


Recast, my shout Michael Fassbender


while I wouldn't be against Fassbender getting the role, my money is on him being the next James Bond and doubt he would be able to sign on to do both



Dam, never thought of that....A good shout .


They should start again with batman, total reboot bale is to old and the dark knight is way to grounded to play with superman and justice league. The only question is how they play his new back story into a joint movie?


Im even more interested in how they make batman a threat in a world of superheros that have powers that can move the fucking sun! and run so fast they turn back time!


How do they do it in the comics?

Edited by quote the raven
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Innit, in the comics he's just always shown as being on Superman's level and it works. The other heroes for the most part respect him, and he carries himself like a leader with an aura of mystery. Also he's got gadgets and he's a total badass. There's a great comic series called Superman/Batman that ran from 2003 til the DC reboot in 2011 that deals with them as a team, it's one of my all time favourite comics and it goes quite in depth into their friendship, differences and similarities by being narrated by both characters at the same time.

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Plus he's not your goody goody hero type - he's uncompromising and willing to do whatever it takes. He's the World's Greatest Detective too. In the animated series, at least, it's been revealed he knows who all the other superheroes really are, and JL: Doomsday animated movie had the whole League incapacitated when Bats' own fail safes against his team were set off. So yeah, he's got their number.

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Innit, in the comics he's just always shown as being on Superman's level and it works. The other heroes for the most part respect him, and he carries himself like a leader with an aura of mystery. Also he's got gadgets and he's a total badass. There's a great comic series called Superman/Batman that ran from 2003 til the DC reboot in 2011 that deals with them as a team, it's one of my all time favourite comics and it goes quite in depth into their friendship, differences and similarities by being narrated by both characters at the same time.


That sounds tremendous. Is it out in TPB?


EDIT - found it it. Ordered the first 4 volumes in TPB for 30 quid.


Public Enemies


Absolute Power



Are they the series you mean?

Edited by DEF
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Innit, in the comics he's just always shown as being on Superman's level and it works. The other heroes for the most part respect him, and he carries himself like a leader with an aura of mystery. Also he's got gadgets and he's a total badass. There's a great comic series called Superman/Batman that ran from 2003 til the DC reboot in 2011 that deals with them as a team, it's one of my all time favourite comics and it goes quite in depth into their friendship, differences and similarities by being narrated by both characters at the same time.


That sounds tremendous. Is it out in TPB?


EDIT - found it it. Ordered the first 4 volumes in TPB for 30 quid.


Public Enemies


Absolute Power



Are they the series you mean?


They are the ones I was talking about, it's a great series.

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Ben Affleck is the new Batman




it's an interesting choice. I like it a lot though


WB statement


“We knew we needed an extraordinary actor to take on one of DC Comics’ most enduringly popular Super Heroes, and Ben Affleck certainly fits that bill, and then some. His outstanding career is a testament to his talent and we know he and Zack will bring new dimension to the duality of this character.”


“Ben provides an interesting counter-balance to Henry’s Superman," said director Synder. He has the acting chops to create a layered portrayal of a man who is older and wiser than Clark Kent and bears the scars of a seasoned crime fighter, but retain the charm that the world sees in billionaire Bruce Wayne. I can’t wait to work with him.”

Edited by iamtheman
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That... is kinda weird.


Strikes me as another Clooney situation where he seems perfect for Wayne but an odd fit for Batman. Still, benefit of the doubt and all that. Argo was great and he starred in and directed that, so fuck it, give him a shot like.


Also with him having played George Reeve in Hollywoodland, will that make him the first film actor to have donned both the red cape and the cowl?

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That... is kinda weird.


Strikes me as another Clooney situation where he seems perfect for Wayne but an odd fit for Batman. Still, benefit of the doubt and all that. Argo was great and he starred in and directed that, so fuck it, give him a shot like.


Also with him having played George Reeve in Hollywoodland, will that make him the first film actor to have donned both the red cape and the cowl?


The red cape, the cowl and Daredevil's costume too.

Variety have a poll on their asking if he's right for the part and nearly 80% have said No. I'm not sure myself but he's more suitable than alot of other potential choices

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